Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Want More Website Traffic?


This no-cost traffic resource is fantastic at generating
new visitors to your site. It has produced great results
in my marketing efforts and is a solid consistent program.
Go here to add your site:

It works!

Helping others Succeed,

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john, Traffic Sale – Huge Discounts!


Hey john,

Traffic Sale – Huge Discounts!
Get Low Cost Advertising for Your Website!

SPECIAL - 25,000 Mainstream Visitors for $35.00
SPECIAL - 50,000 Mainstream Visitors for $55.00

Also Specials On: US Targeted, Business Opportunity & English Language

Expired/Domain Redirected Campaigns from $35.
Fully Targeted by Geo & Website Category!

No better way to spend your limited advertising Budget...

Here is what we will do for you:

Send High Quality Traffic to your website.
Choose from Premium REDIRECTED DOMAIN TRAFFIC! - Fully Targeted!
Or Untargeted worldwide domain traffic with our without pops on your site.

Also choose Full Page Pop-Up/Unders, not banner impressions or emails!
Give you a login for Real Time Stats on all of your campaigns!.
Guarantee Delivery - You will get the number of visitors you purchased within 60 days, or less! Most traffic types deliver easily within 30 days.

Premium Expired Domain Redirected Traffic is Full Campaign Unique!
Targeted by Country and Website Category.
Choose from over 150 website categories
Stats allows Pause, Split, Change url, & more.

Popunders are a Low Cost Option:
Lowest Priced Raw Bulk traffic you will find!
Mainstream Worldwide or Geo Targeted and Website Category targeted
Some Categories Allow Popups!

AUDIO is OK on Your Website in this category:
Low cost Bulk traffic which accepts automatic audio on your site!
Also see our PREMIUM US TARGETED UNUQUE Audio is Ok Traffic
Some Allow Popups!

NOTE: See our terms. We do not run campaigns with:
Landing pages with Audio/Noise unless ordered in that category.
Popups/Unders are allowed Only in those categories.
No viral or download prompts

Get Started with as little as $11.00 for 5000 visitors5,000 Visitors ,5,000 Visitors 000 Visitors

Try us today you will be glad you did!

Click here to earn credits

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____BLASTEROLOGY!___BLASTER!__eBOOK!__$15 Reseller!


____BLASTEROLOGY!___BLASTER!__eBOOK!__$15 Reseller!

__|_/--[(())]==> Want the latest news on
H-O-T Blasters? Just visit....

Hello john

Thanks for reading. Patricia Elaine Perry here,
Internet marketer and blogger.

I advertise BLASTEROLOGY! every day.
It's a H0T product and extremely popular for users
and resellers, whose reseller sites are created
INSTANTLY and hosted F.R.E.E.!

In a hurry? Get BLASTEROLOGY! right n.ow!

I have been an owner and a reseller of
opt_in mailers, a.k.a. blasters since 2003.
Over the years, I have owned and used blasters
with great success and helped my fellow marketers
and customers.

Beginning in 1999, GCI, LLC pioneered, premiered
and developed the technology of permission-based
opt_in mailing from high speed servers. GCI, LLC
has empowered us in our marketing, enabling us
to reach TENS of MILLI0NS in CAN-SPAM-compliance!

====>Learn more about Blasters and how they work.

While this is fantastic, I have come to know from
experience that people sometimes get frustrated with
blasters and think they don't work.

Why? Because they are not using them properly.
I know because I have spent many hours over the years
helping people learn how to use blasters.

That's why I'm so pleased to let you know about
BLASTEROLOGY! The Science of Ad-Blasting for Profit!

Working in collaboration with the developers at
GCI, LLC, Michael Murdock, a.k.a. DocMurdock, created
BLASTEROLOGY! to address this need...helping people
learn HOW to use blasters effectively.

Who is Michael Murdock? To quote from his bio:

"....30 years experience in Technology including
6 years with Pixar Animation Studios as Lead Support Tech
for Macintosh, PC & Unix product lines from 1991 - 1997.
Credited in Toy Story as "macintosh systems engineer".
5 years with Sun Microsystems as Western Regional
Program Manager for StarCat/StarKitty Server
Installations, and a top notch Systems Support
Engineer and Expert Computer Systems Troubleshooter
in Macintosh, PC, and UNIX system Installations...."

Read more on DocMurdock Dot Com.

Michael Murdock knows a thing or two about
technology that WORKS! Maybe we don't know
StarCat/Starkitty from Hello Kitty, but we
know "Toy Story" was a GREAT Movie!

But it's not just a matter of technology that WORKS,
We have to know HOW to use it! That's the uniqueness

With BLASTEROLOGY! Michael Murdock gives us a
blaster that we can use to send UNLIMITED ads
to 35 MILLI0N opt_in prospects!

Now he goes a step further and gives us the
BLASTEROLOGY! eBook that instructs us, with
precision and clarity, just exactly HOW to use
blasters! That's bringing Ad-Blasting down to a science!

Look at what awaits you....

=>Send UNLIMITED ads to 35 MILLI0N Leads
=>F.ree access to 60 More Blasters
=>Huge Bonus Section with Downloads and Software
=>BLASTEROLOGY! eBook with Step-by-Step Marketing Instructions
=>Frequent updates on the newest Blasters
=>More new and exciting products when they happen
=>Satisfaction guaranteed or your m.oney back

N.ow here's more great news!


Your reseller Web Site is hosted on the BLASTEROLOGY!
domain and dedicated server for F.REE! No extra c.ost!
Sign up and your Web site is generated instantly!
You'll get 75% Instant C.ommissions...$15 per s.ale!

I am raking up LOTS of S.ALES...and so can you!
Those $15.00 payments add up FAST!

Get BLASTEROLOGY! today and start 2008
with Suc.cessful BLASTING and BIG P.ROFITS!


For the newest blaster updates, I invite you to subscribe
to my f.ree biweekly ezine, "The Journey Unfolding."
Get 7 F.R.E.E. Web 2.0 eBooks and 100 F.R.E.E. blasters
just for subscribing!

Whatever you are promoting, I wish you
much suc.cess!

Thanks again for reading! Have a great day!

Best wishes,

Patricia Elaine Perry
American Dream Enterprises, LLC
4210 Wimbledon Dr SW #3
Grandville, MI 49418-2855 USA
1-616-538-2391 [Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm EST (GMT-5)]

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Power To Get Wealth Marth 5th 08


Paul S. Jones - Power To Get Wealth
A Christian Approach to eMarketing
E-Marketing Affiliate
New Reciprocal LINKS Page: is a free reciprocal links submitter that's been added to the Power To Get Wealth web-site as A Fruitful Vine
II. There are two links pages on the site however this one links directly to the site. Those with a web-site might want to check them
out. It's free
and a great way to generate traffic to your site.
BRAND NEW!!! Sign-up during pre-launch. TokSee is the next generation iCommunication Marketing. This is a ground floor opportunity combining the power
of facebook + skype +my Launching in 2 weeks. Single line positioning. I've been getting plenty of hits but no sign ups; Sign ups are
free during pre-launch. Secure your position NOW.

Build your Mailing list with CONSTANT CONTACT. You get a 60 day free trial membership and rates are as low $15.00 per month. This is a perfect tool
for those with a newsletter and
an active mailing list in place; Also you'll want to check them out if you have a "Brick and Mortar" business. Local reps give regular training in
cities across the country.
Take CONSTANT CONTACT tour here. >


SKYTROOP 88's Favorite URLs are in day 2 of their week long Virtural Cruise to over 2800 safelist. But we didn't stop there. We will post his
winning URLs on the BigFivePlus page which has already been submitted to over 90+ search engines. This means that SKYTROOP 88 will be receiving
residual traffic
for months to come.

If you'd like in on this action simply sign up here. > *****************************************************
iPostAds is a safelist submitter with 2714 and 3100077 members. It's the primary charge in my safelist rotator that saves time with huge benefits.
Monthly rates are quite reasonable.
Check out the Power To Get Wealth web-site. New features are being developed each day.

1. Power To Get Wealth - A Christian Approach to eMarketing ...This is the main page of the site that features an overview of the site and a
declaration of personal faith.

2. Rivers of Living Waters Blog...Daily weekday devotionals and meditations. Feel free to post a comment or share a word.

3. STRAIGHT SHOOTER...Honest and FRANK product and program analysis and evaluation by the STRAIGHT SHOOTER. You're welcome to submit a program for
evaluation in my guestbook or simply submit recommendations about products that you've been pleased with or had difficulties with as well.

4. Big Five PLUS Safelist...There's a NEW LEADER atop the Big Five Rankings. And a new member of the Big-Five. These programs made it because of the
features that they offer for free members. Some I have upgraded in; others are pending or I simply purchase extra credits as needed.

Mentors and Gurus - Reviews of top mentors and gurus and their opportunities. This will be kicking into gear soon. There most definitely is plenty
of material available.

The Fruitful Vine - interactive reciprocal link sheet. There's actually two link's pages. There's one for members and the other is the
reciprocal link.

"What's That In Your Hand" - Monthly Tech blog on
soon to be incorporated into the domain.

And a social communitiy/marketing type opportunity.
Follow My Progress with

Those who are regular readers know that I have promoted Reality-Networkers almost exclusively since re-entering the Internet Marketing scene back on
Jan. 22nd. Initially I've been pretty zealous in my support for the program. There have been positives. I've learned a great deal about team
building and passive income structure. It was through my dealings with RN that I've developed the current safelist rotator that has become the
staple of my marketing efforts.

Reality-Networkers has delivered on everything that they originally promised except for one thing NO COMMISSION.

You can chart my progress with them at the STRAIGHT SHOOTER LINK. One thing people have to remember is that EVERYONE has a story to tell.
Paul S. Jones
Power To Get Wealth
A Christian Approach To eMarketing

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((_))_((@//((___YOU TUBE MAILER 2008___H0T SELLER!!!


((_))_((@//((___YOU TUBE MAILER 2008___H0T SELLER!!!

__|_/--[(())]==> Want the latest news on
H-O-T Blasters? Just visit....

Hello john

Thanks for reading. Patricia Elaine Perry here,
Internet marketer and blogger.

I've got FANTASTIC NEWS to share!

YouTubeMailer was the best selling blaster of
all time with more than $600,000 in pure for resellers. Sadly, both the reseller
program and the YouTubeMailer itself were
brought to an end only because of s.pammers.


UTube2 For 2008 - YTM2....BRAND NEW...
Totally refurbished with H0T NEW L.EADS....

YOU asked for YTM and GCI, LLC has listened!

You can get UTube2 For 2008 - YTM2
and send U-N-L-I-M-I-T-E-D A.DS to
36 MILLI0N fresh NEW L.EADS!

Were you promoting the original YouTubeMailer and
lost your reseller Web Site and wondered what happened?
N.ow you know...unscrupulous resellers s.pammed and
got the whole program shut down.

But GCI, LLC is invincible on YOUR behalf and
has come up with the perfect solution!

You'll promote UTube2 For 2008 - YTM2 with your
own Web site and your own DOMAIN NAME!
Installed and hosted for you!

This insures that no s.pammers can ever shut
down the entire program again! If they s.pam they
will only shut down their OWN Web site...not YOURS!

Yes, this is the perfect solution for resellers.
The friendly customer service staff at GCI, LLC
will have your site up and running within 24 hours.
They provide exceptional support 24/7/365.
I know from experience as I have worked
with them for almost five years.

Get UTube2 For 2008 - YTM2 right n.ow!

Since 1999, GCI, LLC has been providing you
the freshest hottest l.eads and the Web based,
one c.lick interface to reach them!

===> Learn more about blasters and how they work.

Get a basic membership for only $10 one time cost!
You'll always have the option to upgrade for
a mere $20 to become a reseller and collect
instant $10 PayPal com.missions!

Hurry and get First Mover's Advantage!
I'm making LOTS of DAILY S.ALES....
and so can YOU!
Purchase UTube2 For 2008 - YTM2 today!
Get massive Web TRAFFIC and MAJOR C-A-$-H!

Purchase with confidence! I always send a welcome email
to make sure you have received your access URL. You'll
get it within 12 hours -- usually much sooner. C.heck your
b.ulk or s.pam folder if you don't find it in your inbox.
Please allow for time zone differences; I am in Eastern
Standard Time (GMT - 5). And I am always happy
to answer any questions you might have.


You'll find more HIGH POWER BLASTERS
and Reseller C-A-$-H on my H-O-T Blasters Web site.
They are all SUPER H0T marketing tools and great sellers!

For the newest blaster updates, I invite you to subscribe
to my f.ree biweekly ezine, "The Journey Unfolding."
Get 7 F.R.E.E. Web 2.0 eBooks and 100 F.R.E.E. blasters
just for subscribing!

Whatever you are promoting, I wish you
great suc.cess!

Thanks again for reading! Have a great day!

Best wishes,

Patricia Elaine Perry
American Dream Enterprises, LLC
4210 Wimbledon Dr SW #3
Grandville, MI 49418-2855 USA
1-616-538-2391 [Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm EST (GMT-5)]

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john, How I Build My Primary Business


Hi Carolyn,

If you're sick of paying for your own advertising, then this FREE REPORT will certainly help you out. I no longer have to pay for my own advertising ever since I started using this system. Just imagine having the advertisers, for a change, paying YOU!

Please contact me if you have any questions at all:-)

To OUR Success,

Carolyn Lyons-Curtis
Virtual Profit Academy

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My Super Secret - $500 To $1,500 Daily, Never Fail!!!


Imagine for a minute that a top internet earner created a system

for himself that regularly returned a minimum of $500 a day just from

direct sales made on his website. And very often it returned $1000 or

even $1500 or more per day.

The system earns immediate money from direct sales,

where the money gets paid directly to his account with no waiting for

commission payouts or anything similar.

It's a good system, and the type that all the top internet earners are using.

Unfortunately, it's the sort of thing that most ordinary people will never be able to create.

Well now imagine a fantasy world where that person just came up to you in the street and said:

"Hey, do you want my website and system for yourself?

You can have the whole thing complete.

You make 100% of the money from the sales of my products,

paid directly to your own account.......instantly. Oh, and by the way,

I will still do all the customer care and after sales service for you,

so there's nothing for you to do."

That would be an incredible situation wouldn't it?

Someone else takes the time and effort, (not to mention the money) to

set up their own profitable business, and then just hands it over to

you, lock stock and barrel.

You will make ALL the money from each sale of their products, and you

will get all this just handed over to you. And to top it all off,

someone else will still be doing all the customer care for you.

Effectively, someone else will run the business for you, (free of

charge), but you make 100% of the money.

Wouldn't that be a dream come true?

Well, drum roll please.....................

That is EXACTLY what I am offering you today!

I'm going to give you MY system, and let you keep ALL the money!

You Keep 100% Of All Sales

Internet Solution Team

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Be the First in Line to claim Your rewards!


Hello [FULL_NAME]!

Thank you for giving me this chance to tell you about one
of the newest and most exciting online business opportunities
to hit the internet in a long time: Leisure Audio Books (LAB)

Leisure Audio Books provides one of the best and most sought after
products for an audience that is simply too busy to sit still long
enough to read - yet still want to keep up with the latest

Audio books are not new. But what IS new, is LAB's ability to
make these audio books downloadable, so they are instantly
accessible. They are also available in a variety of formats,
making them suitable for a multitude of listening devices!
This is one of the many aspects that makes Leisure Audio Books
such a top drawer proposition.

But Leisure Audio Books is much more than just a fabulously
exciting new product.

Another remarkable feature is the dual-income potential of Leisure
Audio Books. Like a one-two punch, not only can you earn from
product purchases, you can also create a substantial residual revenue
from commissions earned by referring other people to the program.

When someone joins Leisure Audio Books as an affiliate from one
of your advertisements, then decides to upgrade to the Gold or
Platinum membership level, you will recover a percentage of their
upgrade fee!

And, because upgrades are charged a monthly fee, this means
YOU have the potential of creating a sizeable monthly revenue
stream from their memberships!

Of course, promoting the referral system is only one way to grow
your referral system. Another includes plenty of support.

And LAB provides LOTS of ways for us to help each other. With
back office tools like a downline mailer, a private forum and much

So join us and start on your path to a great online business.

Your Partner In Marketing,

Jason Fulton
P.S. Look through the impressive list of titles available at

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Do you like freebies?


Freebie Force

This has a membership fee of $10 mo. I found
$30-40 worth of freebies my first day. They do
the research and bring you the freebies.
Also has a 5x7 forced matrix that pays $1 for
everyone in your matrix. It is a new program
and I just joined. So no I have not been paid.
But as I said I found more than enough free
stuff to pay me several times over.

Click here to earn credits

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This message was sent by 'renderud'

Your health matters


Why did I choose GBG Health and wellness to promote. When I have resited all the health products and juice products so far.

1]  Health is the # 1 thing Baby Boomers want besides money!  Without health and anti-aging, money is worthless to them!
2] The one major item was affordability for the masses! ONLY $19.95 / month and this is ALL you have to order to get a check too! Finally a program than ANYONE can do!
3] Does this Complete Liquid Health Regimen work? You bet! I have been using it for a couple of weeks. It has replaced a drawer full vitamin and mineral supplaments.
Take a look at the ingredients. 
4] Let's now look at the price differences: Our closest competitor's product cost iss $49.95 / month.
5] Now for the real clincher: FREE signup, FREE web site, FREE business kit, and to top that off, a 60 day 100% money back guarantee!!! Now you tell me what does a person have to lose to try this?
When looking and trying to decide what type of home business to promote, keep in mind that people will buy what they can AFFORD and NEED the most.  They also want IMPACT on their lives and when they FEEL the difference in a product they consume, it makes it easier for them to stay on it (customer retention)! Make sense?
Think about what will be affordable and what will keep your customers coming back again and again to buy your product!
I know this to be a fact too: We have NO competition with our complete product and our next closest competitor is at least twice as much and the monthly requirements are at least 3 times as much! This is why so many people fail to duplicate a program and that the stats are so high out there for failure! The masses can not afford it and all of them are looking for the BEST deal today especially!
Fact: Our customer retention rate in GBG is over 95% and there is NO other company that can boast that! What this means to you is Long Term Residual Income without continually replacing people! Make sense?

Rose Enderud


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A FREE Approach to Business Building That Finally Works!


Forget everything you've been told about creating
wealth on the Internet.

You read that right... forget it all, because I'd like to
introduce you to the hottest new trend in Internet wealth
creation called…

"Reverse-Universal-Marketing" (RUM) is making
everything else obsolete.

Click on the link below to learn more about the
incredible power of Reverse-Universal-Marketing
and how it can transform you lifestyle into the
one you've always dreamed of having.

RUM makes so much sense I can't believe it
has never been done until now!

Warm regards,
Bryan Lockett

P.S. Don't delay, the longer you wait the longer
It will take you to become financially independent.

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This message was sent by 'bryan3755'

The Pool Pays Today !



My name is Michael and I've got to tell you about the HOTTEST new home business opportunity that is blazing across the net like wildfire. EVERYONE is
joining this one... and for good reason!

Every single day a HUGE pool of MONEY builds up as more and more people pile in. That pool of money is then paid out on a first come, first served
basis until it's gone.

Those who get in first get a bigger share. Those who get in first AND jump ahead of those you didn't act fast enough yesterday get an even BIGGER

I've never seen anything like this... but what I have seen is without doing ANYTHING but joining my commission balance is growing fast and I'm making

This is too easy to pass up.

Michael Cordonier

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Congratulations! You Now Have Free Access To mlm Training System!


Hello Friend,

Would you like to finally discover all of the secrets used by "heavy-hitters" that explode their downlines and maximize their potential instantly?

I'm sure that this information would be worth hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on its own. You can grab it for free, right now!...

Many people, including myself, find ourselves marketing our websites or business opportunities in ways that are either not effective, or that bring in
a few customers but we have never maximized our true potential. Marketing that way is a trap, we continue to advertise incorrectly because we simply
do not know better.. now you can!

I have an insane deal for you. Right now, you can try our proven AllNetworkers Team System completely free. I am so confident that after you try our
system you will want to stay around for life - in which it will remain free!

You will be given all the needed tools and coaching required to explode your downline or business - even if you've already been moderately successful.

Marketers pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to find this information elsewhere, but our team believes that is ridiculous so we made it free. You
will never see this kind of value again!

You can join now for free..

To Our Success,

james b byrd

PS - Remember, you can start for FREE at no risk right now!

PPS - Miss out on this and you will be kicking yourself when you hear about its success from OTHERS years from now!

PPPS - Isnt it time to start really being profitable with your business? Those who act will see positive change. Action may not always bring happiness
in everything; but there is no happiness without action.

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True or False: Making Money Online Is a Lot of Work...


Take one lazy window washer...

...add in years of struggle to make ends meet...

...combine with a strong desire to FINALLY make real money
without spending a fortune or working endless hours...

...and what do you get??

Dave Gale's "Automated Cash Formula."

Yes, I know, generic hyped title, right?

One of the things I've learned is to NOT judge a book by its

So I did some digging, and Dave is the real deal.

And his book?

Well, I could list the many testimonials he's received, but you
can see those on the website.

Instead, let me just tell you this...

...If you're looking to make REAL money...

...without a ton of work...

...and you're willing to wait a week or two to get paid for your

...then this is for you.

Many of my readers grabbed their copy yesterday...


Others had questions, which I'll answer here...

Q. "Will it take a lot of money to make money with "Automated
Cash Formula?"

A. No. If you've got a computer and Internet connection, you've
got everything you need.

Q. "Will this take a lot of time?"

A. About two hours. Just follow the step-by-step instructions,
and build yourself an automated income that can last for months
and maybe even years.

Then do it again as many times as you want.


Q. "Do I have to build websites?"

A. No websites needed, and forget doing any technical stuff. If
you can click a mouse, you can do this.

Q. "So I'm marketing a product, right?"

A. No. You're not prompting anything yourself. You're not selling
a product, you're not dealing with customers, and you're not
doing any marketing.

Q. "Is this something I can do for a long time to come?"

A. Yes! Not only can your efforts pay you for months or even
years, but you can also do this as much as you want. There is no
limit and you'll never run out of possibilities.

Q. "The price seems way to low. What's the catch?"

A. I thought that, too. When you see exactly what this is, and
how valuable the information will be to you, you'll wonder why
Dave only charged such a small amount.

I'm not sure what Dave is thinking... Maybe that we all need a
break for a change?

Regardless, don't look a gift horse in the mouth, as my mother
used to say.

And don't delay, either. Dave is no dummy... he's going to catch
on that he's charging far too little, and no doubt when he does,
the price will be going up.

Fair warning.

P.S. So, you make money online without technical skills, without
a website, and you do it with about 2 hours of work.

So tell me...

...does this sound too good to be true?

I thought so, until I checked it out.

This is good, and it is true. It involves a multi million dollar
industry, and it's a real business.

And you WILL have to put some effort in to get results.

You won't make millions overnight from sitting around in your
underwear all day (sorry!)

But what you will discover in "Automated Cash Formula" is
possibly the simplest genuine method for the average person...

...without any marketing skills or online assets... start making REAL money immediately within hours of
implementing the system.

And that's guaranteed.

If for any reason - or even no reason at all - you are not
completely convinced that this simple to follow...

..."just copy me and make money..."

...plan cannot make you a very nice part time or even full time
income, then you pay NOTHING.

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Own a safelist! Special Offer for You with free bonus advertising


Special Offer For You with free bonus advertising

Start a new safelist today for the special sale price of only 5.50 per month! Or adopt a list with members for only 6.45 per month!

All list purchases include a bonus advertising package (Receive free top sponsor advertising on 20 safelists, free platinum memberships and free main
page sponsor advertising) It's all included Plus More

Jenny Orr
Butterfly Web Works hosting

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LOTTO-MAGIC!! Get PAID to PLAY the Lottery !


LOTTO-MAGIC!! Get PAID to PLAY the Lottery !

Do you ever play the lottery? How many times have you won?

Why not play a lottery where YOU WILL BE PAID every month even if you don't win?

For EVERY PERSON you refer you will be PAID $25 -- EVERY SINGLE MONTH! Plus you will get 10% of any of your referrals winnings!!!
This is ON TOP OF your matrix pay, winnings, and everything else you'll make! AWESOME potential for everyone!

While you are waiting to become a millionaire, the Lotto Magic Lottery Club is going to put MONEY IN YOUR POCKET each month! How much is entirely up
to you, but $4,000 or more is easily achievable.

Get paid monthly WHETHER YOU WIN or NOT! (awesome payplan)

Hurry and sign up as a Team Captain right now and GET PAID TO PLAY

Best Wishes and Good Luck !
Carol Bergman

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I just wanted to give you this early opportunity!


I just wanted to give you this early opportunity before everyone
else finds out and joins up.

If you want to get into the most professional Money MATRIX on the net...
right at the top... this is the one to join.

How about a duplicable sponsoring system that anyone can follow.
How about a business plan that allows you to leverage next to nothing,
into five or six figure income ?

If you're tired of hype, and false promises, CashDevelopment
may just be the solution you've been looking for!

I think this will impress you...

My advice, is sign up now... and get in fast!!

Your In Success,

Jeremy Sylvers
Independent Representative


You've got to signup for this new site I just found..
It drives guaranteed traffic to your sites...
and also builds you list for you and builds your downlines for you...
all for free! When you join, you join as a Pro member automatically!

Greg Chadwick has done it again with another site - but this time
there is no $$ needed to take advantage of Pro member benefits..!

The site is called My Daily List Builder and I predict it is going to grow fast!

It's a Text Ad Exchange that allows you to promote your top 3 money-making
programs to your referrals, every time they login!

Not only does the site build your downlines for you, you also get guaranteed traffic
and get to email your direct referrals every week!

The site also has a downline builder with over 40 of the hottest traffic building,
list building, and income generating programs on the net!

You can advertise for free 10 times a day every day and easily earn advertising points to use
for banner ads, traffic links and solo ads!

This site is one of a kind and I encourage you
to join to try it out for yourself!

Go check it out here:

P.S. Greg is so confident you will like the site, that for a limited time - he will pay
you $0.25 for every free member you refer!


see if you can finish these sentences...

(hint: the answers all rhyme with "sea")

1. It builds your squeeze page for ______.

2. It gives you thousands of highly
targeted subscribers for ______.

3. It sends you cashable checks
as it builds your list for ______.

What is it?



Watch out for the "Secret Upgrade"--if you see it,
you'll only get one chance to take advantage of it--
and it'll increase your listbuilding power tenfold.
definitely well worth it!...


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Email 20,000+ Per MONTH FREE With Our System! Just Released!


Email 20,000+ Per MONTH FREE With Our System! Just Released!

"This amazing system is brand new and guaranteed to explode your traffic with the cost to you - ZERO

Want to Talk to our LIVE Reps Right NOW?

Please sign me up and I'll remember to ask to be put on your VIP list when I enter the member area!


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New - Just Launched – Totalisation Life Course


Hello Bryan,

Leaning life skills and how to do things on the net is not easy.  There are many high priced courses on the net that cover specific areas of learning. Now there is a new program that will cover the four main areas in making our lives more meaningful.


The course covers all aspects of life linking and enabling a balance between body, mind and soul. It will include financial management assistance and some matters considered spiritual but the course in neither financial nor religious. It can be used by anyone regardless of their present situation and all that is required is an open mind.


I have often found that the more successful a person already is the better they accept the principles taught, probably because they already recognize them as true. However all you need is an open mind and a willingness to take part. I promise there will be nothing controversial or painful and that just putting the course into practice will bring benefits.


The cost of the course is only $20 per month, reduced to $15 until the first 1,000 members have enrolled. It also has a compensation plan attached which will allow you earn, as you learn and also get the course for free each month. Check out the site, it is still very new and work needs to be done. However now is a great time to get involved and make a positive change in your life.


Wishing you all the best life has to offer

Kind Regards

Bryan Hedges


Phone +61-3-5472 3478


Skype ID: bryan_hedges

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Get Your List Building Tool


Tired of Slaving away for Traffic?

Tired of slaving away for internet In.come?

If you could find a way to put your advertising efforts on autopilot
would you do it?

If you had a simple to use system to generate inc.ome from the
internet would you work it?

If you could find a simple product to build your List would you
use it?

I am offering a 5 day email course to teach you how to build a huge
perpetual Traffic machine.

When you follow these easy steps you will be using your efforts to
maximize your traffic generating energy.

Using this method you will build your contact list.
(You are building a contact list arent you?)

And you will use this system to build a Large internet Inc.ome for
All from the same effort.

Soon you will be on your way to spending more time on helping your
team then slaving away for website traffic.

Once you set up your Traffic and Inc.ome machine you will learn
advanced methods of gaining website traffic.

Are you ready to get Started. Are you ready to build your Traffic and
Inc.ome Machine?

Get Started now.

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john, Quality Traffic...


Hi john, 

Real website traffic with results.

Create Effective Traffic That Converts by joining Soaring4Traffic!

Soaring4Traffic includes many advertising and income earning
methods you can sink your teeth into or should I say talons? :)

We have Page Views, Text, Banner, and Email Marketing!

Unique Surf Console to manage and control your surfing for all
traffic exchanges.

Check us out today!

Ray White, Soaring4Traffic

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======What is the secret to online success?=========


The secret to online success is having the necessary tools to run and manage your business.
Click on the URL below to get all the tools and resources you need and get them for life for less than you spend on your monthly cell phone.
You get all the following:
·         60% Payout Affiliate Program
·         Professional Autoresponder
·         Ad and Link Tracker
·         URL Rotator
·         Lifetime Accounts
·         SEO Enhancement Service
·         Capture Page Creator
·         Lead Generation System
·         Game Site
·         Website Hosting Included
·         Easy Setup and Use—Be up and running as an affiliate in less than 3 minutes

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86 free prospects in 48 hours (video proof)


No time to waste ...

Here's video proof of a bullet-proof technique
you can use right now to generate endless free
leads and cash-flow for your business.

Take a look here:

Just do it!


- James Grandstaff
Downline Duplication Specialist

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No Need to Advertise Anywhere, unless you decide to do so



30 Day FREE Trial Included!!!
Join Our Team - No Sponsoring Required!
You can earn on everyone in the company.
This patent-pending plan is so different, no one has anything like this.

This company will advertise for and grow your downline for you.

Visit my site

Get your business started and it will Grow.
Visit my site and decide for yourself.


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Free Leads for 30 Days




Here is a very simple way to

get free leads for 30 days!


Join this program and get 30

days of free trial.  No need to

give your credit card number or



You'll be given a free website

like mine to advertise, with pre-

written letters.


So you will get real free leads

for 30 days.


After this period, if you decide

to continue, I'll pay for your first

month, so you'll have about two

month free leads !!!


Of course you can stop whenever

you want.


Here is the link:


Click Here To Learn More

Yours in success,


Marina Afanasyeva


Get 10 quality leads free!

 Free Marketing Tools

Free Solo Ads

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#3 Best Online Business - New Partners Wanted


Hi, john

Believe It!
If you do not agree that this is the BEST fully-automated business-building system you have ever seen, I will eat my mouse.... CLICK for FREE demo: ==>

New Partners Needed!
We have found the path to home business success ... and we are willing to SHARE it with you: ==>

CLICK above, but ONLY if you are serious about permanent residual income AND are ready to go to work, following our PROVEN automated system. FREE demo without obligation.

MONEY Equal's = Hakuna Matata?
It means "No Worries"! This is the lifestyle that I have created for myself and there is absolutely No Reason that you can't have "No Worries" too!

CLICK HERE ==> to relieve your financial worries forever!

Patience Wang

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Generate Riches Today


ARE YOU BEING RIPPED OFF? Which online business and
ecommerce opportunities are legitimate? Which are not? We
can tell you! Visit us at

income stream of your very own? How About SIX? We know which
are the legitimate opportunities and which you should avoid.
Let us help YOU succeed online today.

GENERATE RICHES TODAY. We have the answers to each and every
question. Stop blindly trying business opportunities - We
know which ones to pursue. We can make you rich, but only if
you visit us today.

To Your Success

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FREE Pro Memberships are ALMOST GONE!


Get your FREE Pro membership before they are GONE Forever.

VitalAdViews is a very fast growing SafeList with a great potential not only as an advertising source, but also to pick up some good referrals.

Sign up today for some Great Pro benifits and Effective advertising.

Want some GOOD advise?
Join for FREE, they GIVE you a Pro Membership, then take advantage of the Lifetime Exclusive membership.
Its Less than 10 bucks ONE TIME!!
This is also a VERY LIMITED Offer. So get it while you can!!

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john, Members Were Paid Over $25M the first year.


Hey Steve,


Members Were Paid Over $25M  the first year.

How are you doing with your business?

2007 has come and gone and you're still  not making
any money. Are you going to let that happen in 2008?

Our Company has Announced a brand new Business
launching on 3/1/2008.

It'll be the most LUCRATIVE  Business on the net in 2008!
ALL PAID Members of our business  will be grandfathered
into this new business at NO cost to them!

That's a 2 for 1 deal, So get on Board NOW!

Take This Seriously...If you Continue to Ignore This, 
You'll Cost Yourself Thousands!

You've seen this advertised, been to the website,
read the testimonials & seen proof that it works.
BUT..... you've done nothing.

WHY are you waiting?.....


Go to Meetings
Chase Friends or Family
Make Cold Calls
Close Prospects

It's all done for us...So, RELAX.

1000 free ads for you if you  tell me
where you saw my ad when you join.

So take the same leap of faith I did -DO THIS!

Do something stress free that really works!

Here's Proof:

Have a Blessed & Prosperous Day,

Steve McLinden

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An Amazingly Simple Way To Generate Free Leads....



I am very excited about this new system. I have never seen anything like this before.

Imagine you have the power to advertise
to 1,398,100 prospects for F*ree,
and it is just a conservative estimate!

Initially, I thought this is just another s*cam
or another hoax. But after understanding how the
system works, it all makes sense to me.

Check out this newly launched service and get in FAST
before anyone else! You will regret if you don t.

This free report explains everything, get it now

Rob Watson

P.S.Also Discover The Secret System That Automatically
Builds Your Business Using Video . . .
And Exactly How You Can Earn Piles Of Cash
24 Hours A Day, 7 Days A Week...
Even While You Sleep!

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A "Darling" of an e-book - brilliant and fre*e


Hi Friend,

Here a free download for you of the most genial
and charmingly performed e-book I have ever seen
and read in my ten years on the net.

There is no squeeze or e-mail collect before a
download, so go right ahead and you will love this

In this short (37 page) - and free - ebook Harvey has
managed to include one unique idea after another on
a wide variety of topics starting with his controversial
stance on search engines and moving on to

- Getting traffic to your site
- Preselling with free ebooks
- Preselling with articles
- Autoresponders and follow up campaigns
- Ad tracking
- Affiliate marketing
- ClickBank
- Viral marketing
- PDF book creation
- Ebook rebranding
- Creating niche sites
- Resale rights
He even throws in an amazing viral idea at the end

Best regards
Olav Mehl

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Start working from homeTODAY!


<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=3 width=500 bgColor=#fcc713 border=2>
<TD><FONT color=#000000 size=5>
<CENTER><B><I><A href="" target=_new>YOU can make $THOUSANDS of dollars per month...Starting from
<CENTER><BR><BR><FONT color=#ff0000 size=5>This program will show you EXACTLY how to earn Free Money for doing simple tasks that you already do
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<CENTER><FONT color=#ff0000 size=4>There is NO Hype, NO Joke, NO Scam...Because you don't have to spend one penny! You'll be shown EXACTLY how to
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<CENTER><U><B><FONT color=#000000><A href="" target=_new>CLICK HERE TO JOIN, NOW!!</A></FONT></B></U><BR><BR><FONT
size=4>These days, The Internet is FULL of scams, and rip-offs!<BR>Isn't it time for an HONEST, Legitimate program...That just Makes
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 width=500 bgColor=#ffffff border=4>
<TD><FONT color=#000000 size=3>
<CENTER><B>Look, I don't want your money...and I don't need your money! In fact, below I have listed my contact information, so you can contact me,
and decide for yourself, if this program is right for you!<BR><BR>
<CENTER>Brian Barnhouse<BR><BR>(402) 210-2969 <BR></B><FONT color=#ff0000 size=2>(Call me anytime, before 10pm Central USA
time).</FONT><BR><BR><B>I am also PayPal "Verified"...</B><BR>
<!-- Begin Official PayPal Seal --><A href="" target=_blank><IMG alt="Official PayPal
Seal" src="" border=0></A><!-- End Official PayPal Seal --><BR><FONT color=#ff0000
size=2>(Click the logo above to verify)!</FONT><BR></CENTER></FONT></CENTER></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR><FONT color=#ff0000
size=5><B>Will work for you?<BR></FONT><BR>1) If YOU can follow a Step-by-Step plan, that shows YOU how to make FREE Money, and then use a
small portion of the money you earn, to make more money...Then, will work for you!<BR><BR>2) If you understand that "Internet Riches"
do NOT happen overnight, and can give 3 months of effort following a Step-by-Step plan...Then, will work for you!<BR><BR>3) If you can
contact your sponsor (the person that brought you to this website), when you need help with something or if you do not understand something...Then, will work for you!<BR><BR>
<CENTER><U><B><FONT color=#000000><A href="" target=_new>CLICK HERE TO JOIN, NOW!!</A></FONT></B></U>

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Free Home Business Tips and Tools


Hi, john

Before you do any business, educate yourself first.

This will be the best investment you have ever made.

Get your free newsletters at

and learn how to automatically earn $1,000's online
every month with a proven automated income system.

Good Luck and Regards

Patience Wang

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Turn a measly $10 biz into $11,377/mo? only if you can *cheat* off us...



This slick little $10 program is making me
$11K every month.

I'm not the only one...
Could you copy this email?
*Cheat* off us and you could be the next one in this list...

"We are m'aking over $5,000 per month..."
Christina C. & Marty O. ~ Turlock, California

"Paid CASH for a new infinity QX56,
Moved into our dream home,
M'aking over $10,000 Per Month!"
Tim & Teresa S. ~ Wesley Chapel, NC

"My income has quickly grown from $250
to $5,304 and now $11,640 Every Month!"
James G. ~ Michigan

See what everyone is raving about...

Take care,

David Parnell
Tamarack, Idaho, USA

The only real job I have ever
had was bagging groceries...
now I earn as much as $14K
per week! If a college drop-out
like me can do this, then imagine
what you can do!

~ David P.

"I'm Banking $11,737 Per
Month In 10 Months And Bought
A New Range Rover HSE!...

This is the most duplicatable
system I have seen. The program
is so unlike any other.
There's no barrier to entry!"

~ Arnie K.

P.S. What are you waiting for?

Start cheating....

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Hello john

Direct Matches the only place where you get paid to meet people!

Direct Matches is the proven leader in online matchmaking services,
with revolutionary tools to help millions find their perfect business, job or dating match.

Direct Matches is the industry leader in Social Networking!

It is making a lot of people who couldn't make money selling lotions and potions very rich.
Join for free today.

Thank You
Terrence Hopkins
(615) 349 1870

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10,000 hits/day for FREE in 5 easy steps.


10,000 hits/day for FREE in 5 easy steps! Advertiser Pro`s viral marketing machine generates links to thousands of websites.

Robert Michaud

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The Little Guy Network Goes "Xtreme"


The Little Guy Network already fills a niche that has been missing in the internet world. A real business opportunity that has all the tools and
marketing that the high ticket programs offer but at a far lower cost.

On March 31st, 2008 a new level to the Little Guy Network will be launched. It is Little Guy Network Xtreme. Anyone joining Little Guy Network before
the launch date will automatically be upgraded to the Xtreme level at no additional cost. An opportunity like this does not happen very often.

You can join The Little Guy Network for $200 and for the $19.95 monthly administration fee receive:

Travel vouchers for exoctic destinations
Replicated websites
Lead Capture pages
Follow Up E-mail messages
Eight live webinar conference calls a week

Little Guy Network pays directly to you $150 for every sale (except your first) and $25 residual income.

With The Little Guy Network Xtreme you will receive all of the above for the same monthly administration fee. You will earn $400 for every sale and
$100 residual income.

Don't miss out on this opportunity. JOIN TODAY and you will automatically be upgraded into the Xtreme level when it launches.

To your success
Deborah Morris

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