Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Get Your FREE Money-Making Website Now


Selling stuff online is tough, but giving away valuable products and services is easy! And you can make great money doing it too!

How many websites valued at over $300 do you think you could give away?

We actually guarantee your success by directing targeted traffic to your link until you have made your first sale!

That means you receive targeted traffic and a guaranteed sale at no additional cost!

I'll pay you up to almost $25 every month for each and every one of these money-making websites that you give away!

All of these websites pay commissions of up to 75% on ClickBank, Ebay, Amazon & Google AdSense. It's like
having more than 90 instant specialty stores all set up and ready to make money.....even when you are sleeping!

Hurry to this special page so you can start giving away f.ree websites today:

Click this link to earn

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You can earn big money with the WIN Network. Just view

free online seminars. It's fun, easy, informative and you can

win loads of cash every week!

learn how you can advertise your business to earn even more money!

Free To Join- Free To View- Free To Win!

Click this link to earn credits

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when you joined Our Safelist. To be removed - You have to login and delete
your safelist account. This is the only way to be removed! The login page
can be found at:

This message was sent by 'goldengirl'

Secrets of Top Downloads, Finally Revealed!


Hello john

Many Man hours of grueling research was to find you the
best kept places and secrets to unlimited download.

Download Unlimited iPOD, PSP, PC Movies, Games, and Music
TV Shows, Classics, Bloopers, Cartoons for dirt cheap or FREE!

Check out Download Secrets here:

Have a nice day!

Lloyd Husband

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The US Dollar is Plunging-Find Out About Lucrative New Silver Business


If you could find a way to get some Silver Dollars in your mailbox week after week at zero cost, when would you want the information?



Brought to you by Cathryn Prickett, Denver Colorado

LEGAL NOTICE:  The Authors specifically invoke the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press, without prejudice, on this website. The information posted on this website is published for informational purposes only under the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America. Images, text, audio, and video are copyright protected. ALL rights are explicitly reserved without prejudice, and no part of this website may be reproduced unless by written consent. ©2005-2008 by Montana Business Communications (PDS) All rights remain in force. Removing this notice forfeits all rights to recourse. Copyright strictly enforced ©

303 752 1747

Click here to earn credits

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when you joined Our Safelist. To be removed - You have to login and delete
your safelist account. This is the only way to be removed! The login page
can be found here

This message was sent by 'cathrynprickett'

--> Save Big on the Huge Time Saver...



The latest and most powerful content machine,
iContentRobot, is filling positions FAST!!! Secure your
personal iContentrobot now...

I've just received an email from Latif and the price
increase is due within an hour or two. Last time I checked
there is ONLY 31 position left.

If you want a personal iContentRobot that creates a page
from start to finish which does ALL the following:

-       the research
-       find profitable keywords
-       look for ideas across the web
-       creates a draft page
-       redoes the draft page
-       accommodates Google new LSI rules
-       creates the final version
-       checks the right keyword density
-       checks the number of times a keyword is used

This is what Latif uses to create his content in 3 seconds.
So it's like the #1 guy for FREE TRAFFIC will write your
content for you to get the same number of visitors he gets
to his own sites.

Check the full story and don't delay as the price will
increase within a couple of hours.


P.S. Positions are filling in fast... and once the price
goes up... it WILL NOT come back d-o-w-n!

Click here to earn credits

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when you joined Our Safelist. To be removed - You have to login and delete
your safelist account. This is the only way to be removed! The login page
can be found here

This message was sent by 'prosperity123'

Can You Actually Earn 75% Payout? YES!..


Hi there,

Tired of the hype and money-games?

Serious about residual income?

Yes, I finally found it and just before I was

ready to throw my PC out the window!

We have the answer:

Best wishes,

Jim Oyangen

Click this link to earn credits

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when you joined Our Safelist. To be removed - You have to login and delete
your safelist account. This is the only way to be removed! The login page
can be found at:

This message was sent by 'jimpa64'

Would you like to generate F-R-E-E Traffic Quality?



We all look for great places to advertise
our businesses because we need MORE Traffic.


Well, I am the owner of My Traffic Maker and
I would like to invite you to join absolutely
FR.E.E and I will include:

1 Solo AD

1 Banner with 1000 impressions

1 Traffic Link with 100 view-That's 100 GUARANTEED
Visitors to your business...


All for joining me at my place of business and
it's a great way to get started. The membership
is growing and responsive!

So, let's make MORE Traffic together...

My Traffic Maker will give you GUARANTEED Traffic,
Targeted Prospects and Commissions...

All for FR.E.E.


To Your Success!

Marcio Gordiano
owner-My Traffic Maker


Click this link to earn

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when you joined Our Safelist. To be removed - You have to login and delete
your safelist account. This is the only way to be removed! The login page
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This message was sent by 'mgs'

(Credit) Free URL Submission


Sarah Peebles is offering free instant website URL submission through hits2u. Be exposed to 10's of 1000's of unique visitors at

Thank you and cheers to your success! Sarah

Click this link to earn

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when you joined Our Safelist. To be removed - You have to login and delete
your safelist account. This is the only way to be removed! The login page
can be found at:

This message was sent by 'sarahboz'

Internet Newbie Lands A System That Works!


Get Ready For A Great Opportunity!

If you do not read emails, go here:$uccess

Hello john,

You are about to experience the most exciting
Money Making opportunity you will ever see...

In the next five minutes, you are going to learn
how you can to receive huge amounts of money directly
deposited into your account without ever selling a thing.

By using our completely automatic wealth building system,
you will be able to unleash the true power of the
internet to gain immediate financial freedom. Also,
at the end of the video, we are going to show you how to
make $700 or more in the next hour by simply sending out
one very powerful, pre-created email.

Sound exciting? Go here and see:$uccess

Take a moment to think about how your typical workday
looks like now. You are probably getting up to an alarm
that always seems to go off too early, in order to get to
a job that pays your employer at least three times more
than they are paying you. (True since Roman times)

Sound familiar?

In order to get to your underpaying job, you need transportation.
In order to get transportation, you need to pay for it.
This alone probably takes a large chunk of your income and
like most other people, you don't even get to drive the
car that you want.

So, you get out of bed long before you want to, then you
are forced to pay for a car that you don't really enjoy,
just to go to work in a dead-end job that you can't stand
for eight or more hours.

If you are like most people, you are probably not experiencing
the freedom that you desire and the financial strength that
you deserve?

Well, enough of the boring and restricted life that you have
now because it is all about to change.

Are you ready to start living the life you have only dreamed of?
To start driving the car you desire?
Living in the home of your dreams?
And going on the much needed holiday that you have wished for...

How would you like a business that allows you to work
as few hours as you like each day... If any at all...

All the while whilst it is automatically making sales for you
and in turn, bringing in massive amounts of money
each and every day with very little effort on your part...

What you may be thinking at this point is "Hmmm. Great...
But... Is this yet another Multi-Level Marketing Business
where I am going to have to sell vitamins and elixirs to my
friends and family?"

Well, not only is this business not another multi-Level marketing
scheme but also because of the awesome power of leveraging the
internet, you will never have to sell a thing.

That's right. No selling.

In fact, you will never even have to speak with anyone!

Now That Is FREEDOM!!!

If you are serious about making real money, but don't want
the hassles involved with selling or even talking to anyone,
then here is your opportunity. And you are literally in
the right place at the right time.

You are about to be introduced to the most dynamic, most
powerful and greatest automatic business ever created.

This means that you can have money automatically deposited
into your account each and every day whether or not you
do anything that day. Whether or not you are in front
of a computer and even while you are sleeping.

Imagine it for a minute. You stay out late having good
times with your friends, get home at whatever hour you
want to, sleep in untill noon and when you check your
bank account that afternoon, it has grown dramatically
on auto-pilot...

We have created a system that works for everyone. Whether
you are a student, a homemaker or you are already
a successful executive who wants to spend more time
with your friends and family, our system will show you
how to harness the amazing power and leverage of the internet,
use it to your advantage and allow you to make $1,000 to
$10,000 in your first week, $15,000 to $40,000 in your first
month and $250,000 or more in your first year all while the
system does the selling for you and all from the comfort
of your new dream home.

Sound impossible?

Well, until now it was. But you are now going to learn the
secret of harnessing the awesome power of the internet to
continually grow your bank account day in and day out while
your business does virtually all the work for you...

I bet you want to know how all of this is possible?

Well, pay attention because the next two minutes could
change your life forever. Find the secret here:$uccess

You won't ever look back!


Malcolm and it is working for me already...

Testimonial from Jim who got in yesterday:

Man, this program is fast. I've already got 1 of my 3 his info
is below. I guess since he goes to you, you have already got the news.

Just in case, his name is - XXXXXXXXXXXX

I've got another on the fence...

take care, Jim MXXX

Click this link to earn credits

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when you joined Our Safelist. To be removed - You have to login and delete
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This message was sent by 'flpteam'

I am sending you $997.00, john


Hey john,

I get this email a couple times a week.....  Why? ...
Because my Marketing System Works...
You will NEVER make a Cold Call...
You will NEVER buy leads!...
You will make $997 on every $997 sale that you make...
How would you like to start making an extra $1994.00-$5982.00 a week?...
You Can Now!!!!...

Questions? Call Me Direct...


Let's Talk,

Steve McLinden

WOW! This Business has exploded, 25M paid to members in 2007, AMAZING!


I joined on the of Feb. and took a couple of weeks
 to get my advertising in place - and from the
16th of March my sa1es started and they haven't stopped -
it has been such a blessing! I am now averaging over a sa1e a day.
By the grace of God I have had 50 sa1es in 7 weeks!
It is wonderful to finally be in the right
place at the right time, and most importantly -
finally being part of the right team!

Thank you!
Jeannie Looman
Stay at home mom supporting 3 children still at home!

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This message was sent by 'cashnowforu'

$6, $60, $600, $6000, $60,000, $6M...See where this is going???


Notification of Payment Received - I never get sick of seeing that !!!

Imagine receiving cash from all over the world!!!

Money to your PayPal account from strangers around the globe...

Respected Friends, Imagine for a moment the Reality of logging on to your email account and receiving cash from all over the world. Can you imagine
your excitement when you see $6, $12, $24 or even $36 - $60 payments of cash being paid direct to you via your email DAILY for the rest of your life?

Well! Don't imagine it because YOU can do it starting right this minute!!!

Are you up to your max in credit card limits? Are you facing possible foreclosure? Are you struggling to meet the rent? Are you facing the auto being
repossessed? Do the kids want new clothes or the newest gizmo's to keep up their status with the other kids or even the oldest wants an automobile?

Don't despair you can turn your life and that of your loved ones, around. It is nice to sit and dream about how this can change your life and turn
even the most dismal financial situation around.

It is like life, not free. All you have to do is join as a reseller. Then, place our very special ad to start creating your own personal cash flow.
Think about this for a moment-why did this page catch your attention? Yes, the same reason as it did for me and many others in the world. I needed to
give my family a better quality of life and even have a share of the spice of life. Why should the rich kids have it all? This works and by this time
tomorrow, people from all over will be anxious to send you loads of $6 bills.

The member site which is full of valuable products will only cost you $6.If you choose to become a reseller and start making some serious money, the
site set up for reselling is $10.

As you would expect with such a great offer and at such a low cost, we are very swamped with orders and so have made it very easy and simple for you
to get this special package and instantly.

Click this link to earn credits

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when you joined Our Safelist. To be removed - You have to login and delete
your safelist account. This is the only way to be removed! The login page
can be found at:

This message was sent by 'goatmax62'

31,240 Chances to Win the Lottery HOT MLM, 12 Yr. Old Company



You have simply GOT to sign up with this one. I am just overwhelmed by how quickly my downline is growing! So many people are interested in Lotto Magic. When I joined I thought it "might" go, but I just had no idea how "well" it would grow! I'm not just talking about my own signups, either. My downline is getting signups. There is GREAT potential here!

It's so easy, too. All I do (really) is send people to the website. That's it. As a full-time online marketer I always look for opportunities that are 100% automated & easy -- no phoning leads -- no selling (yuk!) lol


This is the ONLY business you can join that offers you the
CHANCE to become a multi-millionaire TWICE A WEEK!

There is an average of 200,000 winners EVERY SINGLE WEEK!
You could be one of them! You may even become the next

Plus you can get paid, WHETHER YOU WIN OR NOT!

The payplan is awesome. Not only do you make $25 (per month) for every single person you bring in, but you also share in "everyone's" winnings in your ENTIRE downline -- no matter "who" brought the people in.

I'm building a nice monthly income with this one already!

Come on as a Team Captain to maximize your earnings.

Hurry Before the Next Drawing!

Make sure to write me as soon as you join. I'll send you some
great-pulling ads!

Take care,
Cathryn Prickett

Click here to earn credits

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This message was sent by 'cathrynprickett'

Worthless Dollar Now Worth Less, Get Free Silver


If you could find a way to get some Silver Dollars in your mailbox week after week at zero cost, when would you want the information?



Brought to you by Cathryn Prickett, Denver Colorado

LEGAL NOTICE:  The Authors specifically invoke the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press, without prejudice, on this website. The information posted on this website is published for informational purposes only under the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America. Images, text, audio, and video are copyright protected. ALL rights are explicitly reserved without prejudice, and no part of this website may be reproduced unless by written consent. ©2005-2008 by Montana Business Communications (PDS) All rights remain in force. Removing this notice forfeits all rights to recourse. Copyright strictly enforced ©

303 752 1747

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when you joined Our Safelist. To be removed - You have to login and delete
your safelist account. This is the only way to be removed! The login page
can be found here

This message was sent by 'cathrynprickett'

We Will Close Your Sales For You LIVE



You have NEVER seen anything like this before
We Will Close Your Sales For You LIVE
Watch ACTION right before your eyes!

Vic Dobner
Decatur, Ga. 30030


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This message was sent by 'vicdobner'

john Why Haven't You Joined Our FREE 37,000+ Member Credit Based SafeList?



Actually The Money Is In The List!
(We Have Over 37,000 in Our List!)


Every Seasoned Marketer Knows This! Also on the Internet Traffic is King!

What is the hardest part of marketing? Getting them in the door!

You Must Offer a Good Product at a fair price and have a web site that doesn't look like someone made it from a 3rd rate HTML Editor.

And most importantly it must look original. Do not have the same material that everybody else is seeing. Make sure your site looks different!

Last, but not least, throw in a freebie such as an E-Book or Credits or what ever you can that relates to your product. People like free things and there sure is a lot of them on the Internet!

Now comes the hard part! Getting people to know that you have a good product and where your web site is. Getting your site on the first page of Google would certainly do the trick but that is limited to 10 web sites, the rest have paid for their ads. Just getting your web site indexed in Google is hard enough. Ending up at the top is very, very hard!

Well we have quick fix for you. Credit Based SafeListing. You make and ad, cut and paste it in our forms hits the send button and off it goes and is delivered in a short period of time, no longer then 15 minutes.

Click Below now or read on for some other useful information.

We are seeing a ton of new free and paid to surf sites that allow you to place your web site in their rotator. Well this is nothing new we are constantly seeing new ones with games and other things to make them more interesting and fun to surf. Well this is of course much better then the old site rotators but really not much more effective.

Think about it, if you are even getting 1:1 surf ratio that is a lot of surfing you need to do to get your site in front of just 100 people.

We recently did a test with the 5 top rated Traffic Surf sites and found that we really were not gaining very few members and our product is free! We have tried splash pages, autosponders, the site itself and used tracking and were very disappointed with the results.

SafeList Email is the most effective marketing tool in use today. All of our members have double opted in and the mail is sent from our server so you will never get a complaint from your ISP about spamming as these people have requested to receive you email.

Why you may ask. Quite simple we use the new credit based email system described below.

Unlike most other safelists, we do not have a “Standard Mailer” (where members can post ads without the reader earning credits). Every Free SafeList Mailer email has a link that not only earns the reader credits but also displays your web site which must be viewed for at least 20 seconds before credits are awarded.

This is what makes Free SafeList Mailer so advantageous for both the reader and the sender. People will have to see your web site in order to earn credits, and likewise for the reader when they send out their emails.

Most safelist emails are never even opened unless the reader gains a benefit from reading it. We do that one better by making other members visit your web site to earn credits. You will notice a definite increase in your web traffic by using Free SafeList Mailer!

The program is free to join and instead of having just one person see your add, over 37,000 will get your Email and many will click on the link so that they can earn free credits as well.

Check Us Out, we off a lot of other effective marketing methods as well such as banner and text ad rotators (All For Free!) and a affiliate program that pays residual money on a monthly basis!

Once again Click Below. You will be glad you did!

Email SafeLists: The Future of Internet Advertising Join Today!

We also said giving away products on sign up was a good idea. All new members (Free or Paid) will receive a copy of the E-Book "Ultimate SafeList Survival" which you can resell and keep 100% of the purchase price. Pretty Cool!


Click here to earn credits

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when you joined Our Safelist. To be removed - You have to login and delete
your safelist account. This is the only way to be removed! The login page
can be found here

This message was sent by 'samhoek'

Oh No! I Am Actually Making Money At Last john!


Get Ready For A Great Opportunity!

If you do not read emails, go here:$uccess

Hello john,

You are about to experience the most exciting
Money Making opportunity you will ever see...

In the next five minutes, you are going to learn
how you can to receive huge amounts of money directly
deposited into your account without ever selling a thing.

By using our completely automatic wealth building system,
you will be able to unleash the true power of the
internet to gain immediate financial freedom. Also,
at the end of the video, we are going to show you how to
make $700 or more in the next hour by simply sending out
one very powerful, pre-created email.

Sound exciting? Go here and see:$uccess

Take a moment to think about how your typical workday
looks like now. You are probably getting up to an alarm
that always seems to go off too early, in order to get to
a job that pays your employer at least three times more
than they are paying you. (True since Roman times)

Sound familiar?

In order to get to your underpaying job, you need transportation.
In order to get transportation, you need to pay for it.
This alone probably takes a large chunk of your income and
like most other people, you don't even get to drive the
car that you want.

So, you get out of bed long before you want to, then you
are forced to pay for a car that you don't really enjoy,
just to go to work in a dead-end job that you can't stand
for eight or more hours.

If you are like most people, you are probably not experiencing
the freedom that you desire and the financial strength that
you deserve?

Well, enough of the boring and restricted life that you have
now because it is all about to change.

Are you ready to start living the life you have only dreamed of?
To start driving the car you desire?
Living in the home of your dreams?
And going on the much needed holiday that you have wished for...

How would you like a business that allows you to work
as few hours as you like each day... If any at all...

All the while whilst it is automatically making sales for you
and in turn, bringing in massive amounts of money
each and every day with very little effort on your part...

What you may be thinking at this point is "Hmmm. Great...
But... Is this yet another Multi-Level Marketing Business
where I am going to have to sell vitamins and elixirs to my
friends and family?"

Well, not only is this business not another multi-Level marketing
scheme but also because of the awesome power of leveraging the
internet, you will never have to sell a thing.

That's right. No selling.

In fact, you will never even have to speak with anyone!

Now That Is FREEDOM!!!

If you are serious about making real money, but don't want
the hassles involved with selling or even talking to anyone,
then here is your opportunity. And you are literally in
the right place at the right time.

You are about to be introduced to the most dynamic, most
powerful and greatest automatic business ever created.

This means that you can have money automatically deposited
into your account each and every day whether or not you
do anything that day. Whether or not you are in front
of a computer and even while you are sleeping.

Imagine it for a minute. You stay out late having good
times with your friends, get home at whatever hour you
want to, sleep in untill noon and when you check your
bank account that afternoon, it has grown dramatically
on auto-pilot...

We have created a system that works for everyone. Whether
you are a student, a homemaker or you are already
a successful executive who wants to spend more time
with your friends and family, our system will show you
how to harness the amazing power and leverage of the internet,
use it to your advantage and allow you to make $1,000 to
$10,000 in your first week, $15,000 to $40,000 in your first
month and $250,000 or more in your first year all while the
system does the selling for you and all from the comfort
of your new dream home.

Sound impossible?

Well, until now it was. But you are now going to learn the
secret of harnessing the awesome power of the internet to
continually grow your bank account day in and day out while
your business does virtually all the work for you...

I bet you want to know how all of this is possible?

Well, pay attention because the next two minutes could
change your life forever. Find the secret here:$uccess

You won't ever look back!


Malcolm and it is working for me already...

Testimonial from Jim who got in yesterday:

Man, this program is fast. I've already got 1 of my 3 his info
is below. I guess since he goes to you, you have already got the news.

Just in case, his name is - XXXXXXXXXXXX

I've got another on the fence...

take care, Jim MXXX

Click this link to earn credits

This is not SPAM. You agreed to receive ad messages from the list members
when you joined Our Safelist. To be removed - You have to login and delete
your safelist account. This is the only way to be removed! The login page
can be found at:

This message was sent by 'flpteam'

The most amazing earning opportunity



I'll keep this quick!

I'm a part of the most amazing earning opportunity right now

that I think you need to take a look at!

This program pays out $1,000 per month in their very unique

"2-in-1" earning system.

This has NEVER been done before, EVER - until now..

Check it out:

** Just 2 Referrals and it's FREE!

** Huge 5x5 monthly matrix!

** Amazing 100% matching bonuses on ALL your referrals!

** Monthly Referral Bonuses paid forever..!

All for just $10 per month! WOW!

Here's my link:

Thanks, have a great day!

Adrian Ilias

Click this link to earn credits

This is not SPAM. You agreed to receive ad messages from the list members
when you joined Our Safelist. To be removed - You have to login and delete
your safelist account. This is the only way to be removed! The login page
can be found at:

This message was sent by 'a729236'

Get Paid Without Recruiting


This is one of the most amazing programs I've ever had the privelege being a part of because...

Everyone gets paid without recruiting anyone - it's the easiest thing to sell I've ever seen... and I've seen them all!

The only requirement is to join. That's it! No selling, no advertising, no nothing!!

Simply enroll at the link below to lock in your position. You will immediately see your 60 days worth of Moneyline Shares begin to grow. The trick is... you have the power to make them grow MUCH faster.

The second you secure your position by joining, the growth of your shares will EXPLODE because ALL new members will be forced to enroll under YOU in the Moneyline!

>From within the Members site you will get immediate access to the product which is referred to as "The Vault". The Vault is packed full of amazing, little known ways that YOU can turn your Moneyline Shares into staggering amounts of cash.

The Founders of this program have been quietly developing and using The Vault for 3 years... and for the first time ever they are going public with their wealth building secrets. It's something NO ONE should miss.

So act FAST and get in ahead of as many people as humanly possible. Then watch in real time as thousands join below you... EXPLODING your shares!

You MUST SEE the product line and a revolutionary "Moneyline" plan that guarantees you will earn commissions your FIRST day on the team... and for the next 60 days!

You read it right... JOIN the Moneyline NOW and collect your first check TONIGHT. Then continue earning for no less than the next 60 days.

To Your Success

Patience Wang

Click here to earn credits

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when you joined Our Safelist. To be removed - You have to login and delete
your safelist account. This is the only way to be removed! The login page
can be found here

This message was sent by 'cyberadta'

How To Have An Automatic Online Cash machine?


Hi there,

Can you really have an automatic online cash machine?

The answer here may shock you:




PS. In my opinion, this finally levels the
playing field so that everyone can succeed...


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Own a website that is a $20 Magnet!


Own a website that is a $20 Magnet!
Thousands of people will want to send you $20 with this unique website!
100% profits paid directly to your merchant account.
Easily earn $20 to $200 daily from this incredible self selling website.
Own it all for a one time $20 payment. It's truly amazing!
For all the details, visit website by
clicking here.


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Save $Money$ Using Water As Fuel 4 Your Car $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Hi Guys,

With over 12,500 satisfied customers worldwide and 900 registered manufacturers, Water4Gas is quickly becoming the web's standard for DIY technology
to save fuel using WATER!

Water4Gas is running a limited-time F'ree Gift at

They are offering a 7-day e-mail course so you can learn this in your spare time, daily. This course is normally priced at $49.95 but FOR A LIMITED
TIME ONLY are giving it away FREE to a limited number of students. (Deadline unknown, may disappear any moment.)

You do NOT have to buy anything or answer any questions!!! I just want you to have this information. Each lesson is easy and short. In about 10
minutes a day you will discover the simplicity and power of using water to clean emissions and save tons of fuel in your car or truck.

Also in this course: ways to MAKE MONEY from this!

If you've been searching for a unique way to SAVE $$$ ON FUEL, grab this f'ree deal - perfect for this time of rising gas costs:

Happy Mileage!

Wallace Thames

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john Earn Passive Income from Every Visitor


Earn a PASSIVE Income
from EVERY Visitor You Send
to This Site!

Yes!... From Every VISITOR -- Period!
... NOT from Every Visitor who Joins Our Program.

PLUS!... Generate Relentless, Unstoppable Tidal
Waves of $9.97 Payments ... Day After Day!

You've GOT to See What Else We Have in Store for You!

Click this link to earn

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! Get *P*A*I*D* Just to Click Ads !



Make Money Simply to View 30 second Advertisments !!

You can Join *F*R*E*E* or Upgrade to See a Whole Lot More Ads !!

This is Easy and Fun !!

Check It Out Today ! You Will Be Glad You Did !

Thanks for Reading,


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FACT: 98,000,000 Americans are obese and overweight.

"If I could show you a yummy lollipop that gives you energy and helps you lose weight, is 100% guaranteed with 2 U.S. Government patents, would you
try it?"

To Your Success,

Calvin J. Winslow
(208) 525-8794

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No Sales System


Revolutionary Breakthrough System Reveals Million Dollar Loophole
That Will Make You Hundreds Up To Thousands Of Dollars A Day
Quickly And Easily...Without Selling A Single Thing...
100% Guaranteed!"

Ewen Chia's "No Sales System"

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How would you like to own your own safelist or traffic exchange, and start earning money as a webmaster/mistress.

I have safelists with a member base of at least 200+ from $7.77 a month, and they are ready to use. Change the settings yourself if you are not happy
with them, or ask me for help - that is what I am here for.
Go here and take a peep -


I have manual and auto Traffic Exchanges from $9.77 a month. Go here and take a look at our auto Traffic Exchange - you will need to join up, but you
can delete your account if you don't want to stay.

JOIN our Evergreen Safelist, and have access to 65 other safelists.

NEED HELP - QUESTIONS - then please email me -

Many thanks
Evergreen Group

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Bath & Body For The Mind & Body!!


     Bath & Body For The Mind & Body

       Our Products consist of Natural Glycerin Soaps,Real African Shea-Butter Hand and Body Lotions!!,Sented Candles,Massage Oils,Incense,All Natural Organics  - Essential Oils ,GIFTS & more. Natural Bath and Body Products!

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What are you waiting for?...No one loses money at MoreEgold



I'm going to show you how to make F/r/e/e money, and then flip that F/r/e/e money into hundreds or even thousands of dollars per month!

Everything is F/r/e/e...Everything is Step-by-Step!

This money-making system is one-of-a-kind...

You can NOT Fail, or Lose money...'cause You can start from $0.00

All you have to do is follow the Step-by-Step instructions...100% F/R/E/E!

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Turn $98 into $2600 A DAY & $78,000 month after month!


Like Passport to Wealth but only $98 to join!

Why Pay $997 to join Passport to Wealth while you can join Never Ending Success with JUST $98 ?

Yes, with just less than $100, you can make MORE THAN $650 within hours! It is PROVEN!

- Absolutely NO SELLING Involved;
- 1 email can generate over $650 within the first hour;
- NEVER talk to anyone;
- Very good admin support;
- Over $50,000 worth of products for you to download and with full resale rights!

Join Smart and make money fast!


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(Credits) Want To Change The Way You Do Business On The Internet???



Would You watch a short movie that could change the way you do
business on the internet?

The movie is free and the opportunity is free and your are not
under any obligation.

You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.

Your Friend and Partner

Frank Walker

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Finally Create Your Own Affiliate Ebook In Seconds



You know by now how important viral marketing
is and the money that can be made from it.

I have a special gift for you today and this one is
going to blow you away.

I'm about to hand you all the tools you need to quickly
create (and I'm talking pushbutton) your very own
branded ebooks stuffed with your own cash producing
affiliate links

This is the most powerful viral marketing tool you'll
find online and it's yours...For *Free*

With Viral Ebook Explosion you are handed professionally
created ebooks to brand - and all you have to do is simply
fill in your affiliate links and press a button.

It's as simple as that!

Here's just a small fraction of what you'll be able to do
with your own Viral Ebooks:

==> Generate easy-cash when people click your affiliate
links and purchase.

==> Upload your branded ebooks into free-ebook
directories and have them distributed all over the web
with your affiliate links.

==> Build a name in the InternetMarketing community
by participating in giveaways with your branded ebooks.

==> Give out your branded ebooks for *free to build your
own enormous list.

==> Sell these professionally created high quality ebooks
for 100%-profit.

==> Use the ebooks as bonuses to give to your customers
and profit like mad on the back end.

And we have barely scratched the surface!

You really have to see this unique system to believe it:

Sign up now to gain instant (And-FREE) access to
the Viral Ebook Explosion member's area and start
making your own profitable viral branded ebooks
in seconds...

This could be one of the coolest sites that I have
seen launch in a long time

To your success,

Sue Monaco

P.S. I would suggest you head over there right now
so you don't miss out because these available spots
are going fast.

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john, Your Chance of being a Millionaire


Hello Jose Alberto,

Are you happy with your current income - then read no further......... but, if you desire for more, and believe that you have the right to have more, then expect that you will have more. This is the most important email you'll ever receive. The Instant Millionaire Program is for those who want the most out of life. Let the Law of Attraction work for you. You do not need to be coy about your desire. Believe that you deserve to make that desire come true. Then expect it to happen. With such a frame of mind you're exactly the type of person I'm looking for.

Read enough and in a hurry? Then just visit:

Those who have already join, are now on their way to becoming wealthy - and I do mean extremely wealthy. I understand you're probably thinking this is too good to be true. I did too when I found this program. But what the heck, it won't cost me any money to find out what this is all about. Set your doubts and fears aside because this system work. You'll be amazed at how simple and easy this Program actually is. That's when I found as I clicked this link:

Allow yourself this opportunity to reap financial independence. However, if you're still skeptical of the freedom a million or two, or even more will bring to your life - read no further. This Program isn't for you. This is a genuine offer to you to join The Instant Millionaire Program now to make your desire come true. Do you believe and expect you can make it? Then click this link:

If you have the desire for real wealth, I am presenting you with a genuine opportunity. If you're serious about wealth creation, review The Instant Millionaire Program right now to discover whether you're up to the challenge. Become one of the select few who take action to make their desire realized.

Don't delay, take a look ay it right now at:

To your continued success,

Jose Alberto Velasco
JollyBave Instant Millionaire System

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We can give you 5 million page views, 5 million banner impressions and 1 year of website submissions to over 3 million places for just $269.00 on sale now!  Our website submission packages start at just $7.95 and we also offer banner creation and safelist blasts to over 1.5 million people!  Visit your website promotion specialists today at

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Make A Minimum Of $10,000 ... GUARANTEED!


Make A Minimum Of $10,000 ... GUARANTEED!

Dear Fellow Entrepreneur,

I know the headline you just read sounds bold and maybe even a
bit fantastic! This is why I don't blame you for initially being
skeptical! The fact is… you have to be these days! You see… I'm
sure that you've been searching for an opportunity that has the
true power to generate an executive level of income from home.

Up to this point, I also know you've been exposed to dozens or
even hundreds of opportunities that offer you the "potential" of
making money. However, truly they can't promise or guarantee you
anything. This is frustrating and very scary, right?

This is why what I have to share with you is extremely important!

I want to show you how we're able to replace that scary word
"POTENTIAL" with the word "GUARANTEED" when it comes to making
money! The purpose of this e-mail today is to give you the
ability to explore this amazing opportunity with me further, so
together we can bring your frustrating search to an end.

I want to not only prove to you why this $10,000.00 GUARANTEE is
real, but also how the GUARANTEED MONEY is just the tip of the
moneymaking iceberg!

That's Right...The GUARANTEED MONEY Is Only The Beginning Of
What This Opportunitiy Has To Offer:

The explosive moneymaking ability of the opportunity I'm now
inviting you to discover has gotten me so excited, it has
quickly become MY TOP PRIORITY! In fact, this just might be my
greatest wealth discovery to date!

Consider this… $10,000.00 is not all of the money in the world;
however, this opportunity is so amazing that the company I'm now
working with actually has A WRITTEN GUARANTEE that you will make
at least $10,000.00 with their amazing system or they will cut
you a check for the difference!

Keep in mind that this is the bare-bones minimum amount of money
you will earn if you join this shockingly simple and fun
marketing system!

Intrigued? Then Read More By Visiting:

Click this link to earn

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Hey, Take My Free Tour, I Double Dog Dare Ya!


That's right. I Dare You.
I know what's going through your mind,
"I don't believe that", "I've seen that before," OR
"I already know all about that, I'm not interested."

Am I right? You're surfing along and you see one of the members squeeze pages and you just ignore it; think there's no money in it; or there really
isn't any spillover.

How am I doing so far?

I used to think that too; no MLM for me. I'd rather play the money games, or the randomizers. And how many of those things have paid me? NONE!

Okay, so maybe I was just an unlucky slob, perhaps, I wasn't able to "get in touch with my inner self." But those days are gone. I'm NOW in network
marketing and looking forward to my financial future. My first month, my upline put three paid distributors in MY down line. She got the bonus for
recruiting, true, but I get the residuals. How's that for a deal.

And, everyone knows that network marketing companies have a minimum monthly purchase, that's how they pay YOU, their distributor, by the profit on
sold product. I got that, right?

So, some of them want an unreasonable monthly auto-ship. Not my company, a lousy $30.00 a month. Even I can afford that, and I'm on a ole lady on a
fixed income.

If you really want to start a business, one that you intend to commit to for the long haul, one that will pay you each and every month, one that will
help you grow your business by giving you free leads and great training, then you owe it to yourself, your family, and your kids, yes, your kids
because this thing is willable, to check this out.

The secret to financial security is only a few little baby steps: Join, Order, and Tell Others of Your Success. Watch your income grow steadily each
and every month. This is not a get-rich-quick scheme, it's a method of creating financial independence for those who are sincere and diligent about
running their own home-based business.

So, if you got the guts, go ahead, take my free tour:

Together we'll become extremely successful,
Linda Moreland

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10,000 hits/day for FREE in 5 easy steps.


10,000 hits/day for FREE in 5 easy steps! Advertiser Pro`s viral marketing machine generates links to thousands of websites.

Robert Michaud

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The Secret is OUT


Dear Marketer

You're gunna mess on yourself when you find out what 25 of the World's smartest & richest Internet Millionaires did yesterday!

They actually met in secret and shared information with each other on how they each made their fortunes online.

They did this because each one realized that alone they only had a fraction of the BIGGER picture - and in order for each of them to grow their wealth
even bigger in TODAY's most competitive Web, they admitted it would be best if they "shared" all that they know with each other (but NOT you!)

And doesn't that really tick you off???

I mean, they deliberately kept "you" out of the loop!

But why...?

Maybe it's because (as one of them told a reporter) that "they" wanted just to hog up more and more of the Web's potential profits among themselves
(which is a very small group, I might add!)

Or, maybe it's because they believe if they met you personally, they'd think you were somehow "unworthy" to share in what they know.

But guess what?

The "joke" is on THEM! (Ha!)

That's right. My good friend Dr Mark DeBrincat, an accomplished doctor as well as Web consultant and marketer, got "privy" to what they were doing,
and managed to get what we'll just call an "insider" scoop on everything "shared" at this "gathering!"

Short of "bugging" the meeting, Dr Mark actually got what amounts to the actual "minutes" of the meeting - and so that every single thing known and
shared by these same 25 top Internet marketing experts was collected into his own compilation of notes!

And, guess what even more still!?...

Dr Mark composed them into a single PDF (an ebook! - Ha!) he's now making "publicly available" (but for a very limited time only!)

To add "insult to injury" against these "Elitists" he's even just giving all their amazing secrets away for about $1 per expert!

That's right: just one lousy buck an expert.

Without giving away the identities of these "Secret 25" Dr Mark did confirm however that some of these experts have consultant fees of anywhere from
$250 to as much as $2,000 per hour (if you were to get them to give you this same information as their client!) just to get to talk to them!

But if you grab his PDF, you get this same secret information they're now using to make literally BILLIONS online, but for just about $1 per each

And some of these experts tell a whole lot more than just one or two "biggie" secrets!

Some of them elaborate very fully on a number of the most sought after secrets allowing THEM to make over $1 million a day from the Internet alone!

So, anyone lucky enough to grab up a COPY of Dr Mark's just released "25 Internet Experts" should be thrilled because it's the same thing as if they
had been given a "secret pass" into this same exact meeting.

Had you actually paid each "expert" individually, altogether you would have spent perhaps $100,000 or more for their truly priceless collection of
marketing strategies, secrets, insights, instructions and wisdoms!

But by getting Dr Mark's "25 Internet Experts" you pay about $1 buck per expert - but ONLY if you go now (or within the next 16 hours) to the
following link:
Dear Marketer

You're gunna mess on yourself when you find out what 25 of the World's smartest & richest Internet Millionaires did yesterday!

They actually met in secret and shared information with each other on how they each made their fortunes online.

They did this because each one realized that alone they only had a fraction of the BIGGER picture - and in order for each of them to grow their wealth
even bigger in TODAY's most competitive Web, they admitted it would be best if they "shared" all that they know with each other (but NOT you!)

And doesn't that really tick you off???

I mean, they deliberately kept "you" out of the loop!

But why...?

Maybe it's because (as one of them told a reporter) that "they" wanted just to hog up more and more of the Web's potential profits among themselves
(which is a very small group, I might add!)

Or, maybe it's because they believe if they met you personally, they'd think you were somehow "unworthy" to share in what they know.

But guess what?

The "joke" is on THEM! (Ha!)

That's right. My good friend Dr Mark DeBrincat, an accomplished doctor as well as Web consultant and marketer, got "privy" to what they were doing,
and managed to get what we'll just call an "insider" scoop on everything "shared" at this "gathering!"

Short of "bugging" the meeting, Dr Mark actually got what amounts to the actual "minutes" of the meeting - and so that every single thing known and
shared by these same 25 top Internet marketing experts was collected into his own compilation of notes!

And, guess what even more still!?...

Dr Mark composed them into a single PDF (an ebook! - Ha!) he's now making "publicly available" (but for a very limited time only!)

To add "insult to injury" against these "Elitists" he's even just giving all their amazing secrets away for about $1 per expert!

That's right: just one lousy buck an expert.

Without giving away the identities of these "Secret 25" Dr Mark did confirm however that some of these experts have consultant fees of anywhere from
$250 to as much as $2,000 per hour (if you were to get them to give you this same information as their client!) just to get to talk to them!

But if you grab his PDF, you get this same secret information they're now using to make literally BILLIONS online, but for just about $1 per each

And some of these experts tell a whole lot more than just one or two "biggie" secrets!

Some of them elaborate very fully on a number of the most sought after secrets allowing THEM to make over $1 million a day from the Internet alone!

So, anyone lucky enough to grab up a COPY of Dr Mark's just released "25 Internet Experts" should be thrilled because it's the same thing as if they
had been given a "secret pass" into this same exact meeting.

Had you actually paid each "expert" individually, altogether you would have spent perhaps $100,000 or more for their truly priceless collection of
marketing strategies, secrets, insights, instructions and wisdoms!

But by getting Dr Mark's "25 Internet Experts" you pay about $1 buck per expert - but ONLY if you go now (or within the next 16 hours) to the
following link:


My advice is the obvious: HURRY!

Why? ... Because these same experts may demand that Dr Mark discontinue selling his "25 Internet Experts" literally at anytime (and WITHOUT NOTICE!)


My advice is the obvious: HURRY!

Why? ... Because these same experts may demand that Dr Mark discontinue selling his "25 Internet Experts" literally at anytime (and WITHOUT NOTICE!)

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Jimbaro Business Networking


Jimbaro is a business networking community
Based on professions and regions, allows you to contact Companies, self-employed and salaried employee world wide.

• Find friends, Clients and industry people
• Share your portfolio and business details to the world

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This message was sent by 'lia'

Enjoy Unlimited Free Income


Dear Fellow Internet Entrepreneur,

We are excited to introduce to you a revolutionary FREE MONEY Team System that will exponentially increase your 100% FREE INCOME by utilizing the
power of internet today.

If you have been looking for a smart and quick way to earn FREE daily cash online, this system will automatically let you earn much more than you
could ever do it alone all by yourself!

The FREE MONEY Team System

Free Money Team Website

Free Money Program List

And here are a few more free advertising programs I use to promote my FREE MONEY Team System:

My Daily List Builder
Amazing! A Totally Free Advertising Source That Helps You Build Up To 3 Businesses And Also Builds Your List For You! All While Driving Guaranteed
Traffic To Your Sites For Free!

The BIG Hitter's Secrets
Find what the BIG HITTERS do to advertise their own business for FREE over the Internet.
EXPLODE any D0WNLINE, affiliate programs with the BIG Hitters Secret tools:

To your success
Shane Tallentire

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===============>FREE Viral marketing system to generate massive leads!!


Join the free spiderweb marketing system to spin your world wide web!This system once set up will generate leads and supply you with an additional
streams of income all on autopilot!Get yours today!!

Click this link to earn

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$$Simply Brilliant$$$Forced Referrals $$



this site is a MUST for anybody who wants to join a real team that will help you all the way. These
members want success for all, that's why the system works. It has a Forced Matrix and Forced
Referrals, watch your downline grow everyday.

The level of help I have received is just amazing. There are now 1.72 Million members, so they must be doing something right.

Use the system for 14 days and watch your referral list and downline grow, then you only pay
$25(never another cent) for membership and things really start happening, advertise your other
businesses to members and get more referrals to those businesses as well, things just keep
growing, this is a very exciting opportunity and you do not want to miss out.

$$$To Your Success$$$

Greetings Zmago FRAS

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