Wednesday, March 5, 2008

What NOT to do when building your downline...



I've got some great news today...

My friend James Grandstaff has just released
his highly anticipated Downline Secrets 2

The package includes free access to a private
conversation where James is grilled for over
an hour by Chris Zavadowski who is heavily
involved in the MLM training scene.

James ends up revealing how his downline
exploded to over 14,000 members using only
free traffic and a simple 3 step marketing

I've just finished listening to these 2 guys
and I learned some stuff that I can implement
right away in my business.

He was going to sell access to it for $97,
but here's the deal now...

He gave me permission to share the private
access page with you so you can get this
amazing information for nothing!

That's right! The call is totally free and
you can even download the MP3 version and
listen to it on your IPOD :-)

Remember, these guys are both six figure
earners and know what they're talking about,
so take the time right now to register at
the site and download the audio and transcript.

If you put this off, you know you'll just
forget about it. So do it now and you'll be
one step closer to quitting your life sucking

Here is the special private access page:



P.S. I'm not sure how long James will let
me share this page with you, so go and grab
your complimentary copy now. It only takes
a minute:

Click this link to earn credits

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