Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Your health matters


Why did I choose GBG Health and wellness to promote. When I have resited all the health products and juice products so far.

1]  Health is the # 1 thing Baby Boomers want besides money!  Without health and anti-aging, money is worthless to them!
2] The one major item was affordability for the masses! ONLY $19.95 / month and this is ALL you have to order to get a check too! Finally a program than ANYONE can do!
3] Does this Complete Liquid Health Regimen work? You bet! I have been using it for a couple of weeks. It has replaced a drawer full vitamin and mineral supplaments.
Take a look at the ingredients. 
4] Let's now look at the price differences: Our closest competitor's product cost iss $49.95 / month.
5] Now for the real clincher: FREE signup, FREE web site, FREE business kit, and to top that off, a 60 day 100% money back guarantee!!! Now you tell me what does a person have to lose to try this?
When looking and trying to decide what type of home business to promote, keep in mind that people will buy what they can AFFORD and NEED the most.  They also want IMPACT on their lives and when they FEEL the difference in a product they consume, it makes it easier for them to stay on it (customer retention)! Make sense?
Think about what will be affordable and what will keep your customers coming back again and again to buy your product!
I know this to be a fact too: We have NO competition with our complete product and our next closest competitor is at least twice as much and the monthly requirements are at least 3 times as much! This is why so many people fail to duplicate a program and that the stats are so high out there for failure! The masses can not afford it and all of them are looking for the BEST deal today especially!
Fact: Our customer retention rate in GBG is over 95% and there is NO other company that can boast that! What this means to you is Long Term Residual Income without continually replacing people! Make sense?

Rose Enderud


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