Wednesday, April 2, 2008

john: FREE Ads Links for Partner Members - Preview!

Free Advertising Sites & Links to Help YOU

Promote YOUR Business to Thousands!

Best wishes,

Robert Price, AIS Director

AdTactics Partner Member

WOW - A Must read!


WOWZZA just launched yesterday & is going like hotcakes!

A lady i know talked to the owner & he said about 1 person is joining every minute!
It is a very robust site, there is lot's of activity already. it all seems to be working fine.
my backoffice says there are over 28,000 visitors already.... that's a lot of people in just one day i think.
752 are already downline members (paid)
there is a $15 fast start bonus for direct referrals & it is a 3x9 forced matrix

You can earn on the first 6 levels even without sponsoring anybody. (if it's totally full that would be 1,839 a month)

Anyways, go check it out... & promote your business in there to thousands of other business minded people.

If you ever wanted to be in on something that is going to be huge at the beginning, this is it.

around 35 bucks a month to join.

that's it for now.

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e-Lottery - The SMARTER way to play


Make no Mistake!

The e-LOTTERY 'MULTI-WIN' Syndicate System is nothing like any other syndicate you have played before!

It is unique!

It is a fun and hassle-free way to play online every week and has a huge advantage over playing lotteries the normal way.

This advantage is so huge, you have a massive 702% greater chance of winning the UK National Lotto jackpot and even better: a 3600% greater chance of
scooping the EuroMillions jackpot!

ANYBODY can join from ANYWHERE in the world!

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Very hot and Urgent “Insider=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=94?=Information….


The Greatest Question...

How can you sit by and watch other people living
YOUR dream lifestyle?...

Don't you wish it were different?

If you watch this movie, you will be closer.

Closer to what?

Closer than you ever have been to wealth.

In fact, by the time you see "The New You",
you'll be 95% closer than ever before.

Take the Free Tour And...

Get Your 95% Head Start To A Better Life:

Success Is Yours,
Timothy Parent

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john, The Secret to Elite E-mail Advertising.


A Credit Based Safelist that Delivers!

I just wanted to invite you to join a Hot New Credit Based
Safelist that is getting rave reviews! The news is spreading
and it is growing fast. It's called Elite Safelist.

Click Here to Join Elite Safelist Now!

You can literally be reaching tons of people anxiously
waiting to see your offers. You could do this in minutes
and start getting guaranteed traffic.

This website has a complete system in place to get your
website traffic and commissions at blazing speed. This is
one of the highest converting Credit Based Safelists on the
market that offers great commissions!

Just for promoting Elite Safelist, you could be earning a residual

They also have a special promotion right now where all
membership upgrades are insanely cheap! As the membership
base increases, The price will rise until it reaches 1000 members!

If you can get in early, you can still take advantage
plus get a ton of easy referrals by promoting it early.

I hope you get there in time:
Click Here to Join Elite Safelist Now!

To Your Success,
Solomon Huey
Click Here to Join Elite Safelist Now!

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Collapsing US Dollar, Save Silver, Earn Silver, Get Free Silver


If you could find a way to get some Silver Dollars in your mailbox week after week at zero cost, when would you want the information?



Brought to you by Cathryn Prickett, Denver Colorado

LEGAL NOTICE:  The Authors specifically invoke the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press, without prejudice, on this website. The information posted on this website is published for informational purposes only under the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America. Images, text, audio, and video are copyright protected. ALL rights are explicitly reserved without prejudice, and no part of this website may be reproduced unless by written consent. ©2005-2008 by Montana Business Communications (PDS) All rights remain in force. Removing this notice forfeits all rights to recourse. Copyright strictly enforced ©

303 752 1747

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Own an amazing website that easily earns you $20 several time daily.

Wake up every morning and see several "Notification of Payment Received" emails for $20!

Make $20 to $200 every day for the rest of your life... and it will only cost you a one time $20.

See for yourself how truly amazing and simple this is!
For all the details, visit website at:

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Wowwza...Is Going To Exceed Expectations...Go See It for Yourself


Hi! Brenda Here...
Wowzza has LAUNCHED and it really is WOW!
Jim Vigilante has put quite a Social Network together for
Professionals who are serious about their businesses and it's
going to be HUGE. 
I'm going to tell you straight upfront, I own Traffic Persuasion
Text Ad Exchange and I don't join everything that comes across
my screen, but  this Rocks Me!  

The beauty of this Social Network, everyone is going to be a
paid member and it's all geared to Network Marketing.  The
price includes everything!  Unlike other networking organizations
that charge for this and charge for that...

There are so many bells and whistles***Fast Starts and
Commissions, You have control of your profile, there are blogs,
conference rooms, albums, banners, you can create groups,
voice chatrooms....The list goes on!  This will be a community
of very serious marketers that will work together to find success. 
That is individually or as groups! 

You are in Control Here and There are No Limits!  

Projection is to exceed 5000 members the first month.  There are
more than 2200 downline members right now and Launch was
Monday---Wowzza is right!  It's not going to take a month to my
way of thinking.  Wowzza is EXPLODING!

Think about this - You can e-mail your Downline...You are in the
beginning...  You could be e-mailing more than 5000 people about
your business a month from now.

Can you tell I'm excited?  I really am!
Go Take The Tour of Wowzza and decide for yourself!

To Your Success and Hope To See You On The Other Side...
Brenda Crofoot
P.S.  After just 24 hours, I was receiving Thank You letters from people
who just went to look at Wowzza for themselves...Amazing!

Just go check it out for yourself...

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### *New* BIG Daily MAILERS !!! ### >>>>>


### *New* BIG Daily MAILERS !!! ###

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[FULL_NAME], Website Marketing -Guaranteed Results!


Dear Marketer,

How would you like to have all the traffic you want delivered to your website at the push of a button?! In fact, you can have thousands of visitors
flooding your website TODAY! How is this possible? It's all thanks to a remarkable breakthrough in traffic technology called the Auto Hits Machine.

The Auto Hits Machine is more powerful than any other traffic tool you'll find on the web and can transform ANY website into an instant success! You
won't have to wait for downlines to grow or sit at your computer clicking for hours. Just push one button and watch your hit counter soar!

Are you a skeptic? That's okay! The Auto Hits Machine is GUARANTEED to work or you get every penny of your money back! There's no excuse for missing
out on this incredible opportunity, so hurry and get your own Auto Hits Machine today!

To learn more:

Wishing you the best,
Frank Ancona
Ozark Marketing
10971 Bailey Branch Rd
Potosi, MO 63664
P.S. Or^der now and receive over $^400 in amazing bonuses

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**** john, NO B*LLSH*T!


"Tired of all the online B*LLSHITTERS?"

Ready to learn the only secret about making money online?

Then You gotta Download and read "Affiliate Mercenaries" report (worth $47) and discover the no B.S. method

to make money on the internet!



download at:

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Make Money and Promote Your Business



I'm not going to waste a lot of your time. In fact, I'm not going to waste
ANY of your time. I'll cut right to the chase:

If you are already making all the money you ever wanted and your business
is growing so fast you can't keep up, stop reading right now! You don't
need what I'm about to tell you.

But ... if you are like most people online that have jumped from one cute
little "program" to the next in hopes of getting lucky online, you need to
read the rest of this letter.

I know you're out there trying to promote your offers online. And I know
that you are probably having a hard time if you 're like most of the people
out there.

I want to let you in on a system that I recently found that is designed
to help you do just two things:

1) Promote your business (or businesses) online quickly.
2) Make money so fast it's just silly.

Hey... again ... if you've got all the business and money you can handle,
you don't need what I'm about to show you. But if you are like most people
I know... you could use a little more of both ... a little more business...
and a little more cash, right?

One of the biggest challenges faced by online marketers, new and seasoned,
is how to promote their offers.

And of course, the reason they want to promote their offers is because they
are trying to take care of that other big challenge: Building their income.

I am going to show you how to do both:

1) Promote your business (or businesses) online quickly.
2) Make money so fast it's just silly.

What would you do with an extra $300 per month?
How would an extra $500 per month change your life?
Would $1,000 per month in additional income completely change your future?
What about $2,000?

Right now, I am showing other veteran and beginner online marketers build
their income to anywhere from a few extra dollars per month to thousands
of dollars per month. And you don't have to jump ship from whatever you
are currently promoting.

In fact... I can show you how to make more money with your current programs
AND add an additional income stream without changing your focus one little bit!

The key is to find and use effective advertising methods. Simply put... he
(or she) who advertises best... wins! It's just that simple.

And when you can add a powerful income opportunity on top of an effective
advertising system, you've got the best of both worlds!

Right now... people who have never earned any income on the net (and I mean
NO income at all... in years!) are earning with this system! You can join

You won't have any complicated manuals to read.
There is no software to download or install.
There are no complicated systems to learn.

In fact, you can be up and running in less time than it took you to read
this far in this letter! I want to invite you to come get all the free
details online right now. Just visit
and see for yourself just how easy it can be for you to:

1) Promote your business (or businesses) online quickly.
2) Make money so fast it's just silly.

Join today and you can:

* beef up your income from your primary businesses.
* add an additional income stream with our referral plan.

Serious online marketers know the value of solid advertising.
Combine solid advertising with lucrative income potential and you have what
the pro's refer to as a "no-brainer".

today and see how easy it is for you to:

1) Promote your business (or businesses) online quickly.
2) Make money so fast it's just silly.

Shirley Widdows

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FREE Ad Submitter to 12 Million Sites


Free! Blastomatic's FREE Ad submitter. Submit 12 million ads with the click of one button as often as you want!

Absolutely FREE!

Best Regards,

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Have you heard about WOWZZA


A successful friend tipped me off about a brand new online marketing
system that is simple and POWERFUL. Its ?automatic? features help
ordinary people earn serious income in their spare time from home with
an AWESOME system called WowzzaPower.

Wowzza! Professional Social Network is where all of the Network Marketers,
Affiliate Marketers and Home Business People are going to build their
current businesses and create an additional income stream.

They have a goal to help a million people build successful home based
businesses with their unique system. AND, believe it or not, they
actually SHOW you how your personal downline network is building, even
BEFORE you officially join.

The sooner you visit and become a FREE Pre-enrollee, the sooner they
begin placing people below you ? anyone of which could mean immediate
income for your family. Literally hundreds of people who join after
you, would be making you money, as they build for themselves.

It's the Hottest business online right now, the Buzz and Excitement
is Incredible! For More Information check out this link below

Then, the more people on your downline who purchase the Wowzza! Professional
Social Network and use the simple WowzzaPower! Marketing System to build their
business below you, the more money YOU can make in no time at all.

Remember, its FREE to take a Tour.

Check it out, and when you see people being placed below you can
either lock in your position and get paid on them, or forfeit your spot and
they will leap frog above you.

Either way is fine, just be sure to check it out:

Best Regards,
Thomas J Brown

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john please download your free report NOW!


Hi john,  this is SmartRobert calling.
I make it short today:
Please download your new free report "Turning One Into A Million"
This is another valuable report of My Smart Reports.
For your success
PS. There will be a bonus for you after downloading

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Looking for a honest work from home opportunity?


This is the Perfect Combination. We have the Ingredients
to provide Success for Everyone who Joins..

A. A system

B. Access to Cutting Edge Health and Wellness
Products backed by Decades of Scientific Research
That are Priced for the Masses.

C. A Generous and Lucrative Compensation Package ever
created. A 70% PAYOUT

D. An Automatic Business Building System!

E A Solid Debt Free Company.

F. Low Start Up Costs.

You Can become Financially Independent and have more Personal
Freedom if You Join us, see why hundreds are joining us Daily
and follow our plan.

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CR:))))free pros, HURRY



Awesome 2 for 1 upgrades

Get in today,

don't let these slip by....

Top of the line

Tropical Oasis

Modified 17 Race List

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Guarantee $2000.00 Per Month Unbelievable Its True


You don't want to miss this CHECK THIS OUT

This is a one time opportunity that will generate a income from home, no more getting up early to hit the road in traffic to get to the office,
factory or where ever you work now.

Team in Motion provides everything you need to make money, no cost capture page a Back office for all your needs and its all free. (that is unheard

Our Company also offers a Car Bonus WOW!!!! where do find that.

We are moving into 30 countries with a product that SELLS.

We are here to stay, so sign up & start making Money for your future. is a easy to duplicate business, other wise why would I introduce this to you.

I have tried many on line business and I have found this one to be the best (in my opinion)

This is your time to get started check out my site, send me a email or call my number its on the site.

If you like what you see, I will send you a free sample.

is the place to be.

Talk to you soon

Global leader

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The Easy NO COST Approach to Wealth Creation.



Finally a FRE.E sys.tem that easily helps me grow
my inc.ome without taking up all of my spare time.

This is the best wealth creation system I've ever
seen... and I've seen alot!

Do yourself a favor and and check out this
am.azing pro.gram.

You'll kick yourself tomorrow of you don't
move on this right now! Besides... what do you
have to lose, are you happy with your income and
current lifestyle?


Harold Ward

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Have you heard


Have you heard about the massive referral contest
going on over at AffiliateFunnel?
There will be 20 winners in all, so a lot of you
have a chance to grab some prizes. The top prizes
include a NEW COMPUTER, a digital camera, and a
satellite radio. Also included in the prize list
is credits at several exchanges.
--> the contest

Not only can you participate in this grand
referral competition, but
AffiliateFunnel is a sweet program where you
promote YOUR programs -- not someone else's. The
program is worthy of joining without the referral
competition. :)
--> Affiliate Funnel

Best regards,
Freezice G

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Make This Brand New Product Your Own john?


I'm sure by now you are aware of what Private Label
Rights are and just how powerful they can be.

If you get Private Label Rights to a product, this
means that you can actually rename the product as
your own and put your name as the author.

This is very powerful.

With software products, sometimes you can also get
the raw source code for the software which enables
you to get a coder to actually edit and change the
software itself!

But the problem is, as I'm sure you know, the Private
Label and Source Code Rights to products are normally
extremely expensive (and rightly so)...

But today I am going to give you a special download
link where you can get the Private Label Rights
(and Source Code) to a software for FREE!

These rights normally cost $497, but you can use
this special download link now:

But I'm not sure how long the download page will
be there for so you better go straight there now
and make sure you get the downloads.

You may have to register, I'm not sure... but if
you do, it's completely free.

Now go make some money from it!

Best regards,


P.S. As I said, I'm not sure how long this page will
be there, so if you were hesitating at all, it's
better just to go there and download the stuff so
you have it later if you want:

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If you are looking for real leads, this is for you!


Click the link to know more:

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Subject: Elixir Safelist! Make $10 Instantly Per Referral!



Elixir Safelist - REVOLUTIONARY!
"High Tech Safelist with a Twist!"

Make $10 instantly per referral. Join Today!

- Executive membership count: +
- Double Opt-In, 100% Spam Free
- Send Ads in Colorful HTML or Text
- Make $10 INSTANTLY Per Referral
- Accepting PayPal and StormPay
- 5 Level Affiliate program
- Earn credits for each referral for 5 levels deep
-Your Sponsor Ad displayed for 5 levels deep
- Ad Tracker
- Credit-based Member Link Board (very responsive!)
- Banner Rotation System
- Hit Links (get hits directly to your sites of choice!)
- Automated Referral System
- Clean, Responsive List of Executive members


One Time Membership Fee $15

Make $10 Instantly Per Referral!


**** Earn Commissions 3 Ways ! ****

* Direct referral commissions.
* Automated referral (from random selection) commissions.
* Monthly Contests (including cash and other rewards).

Join Today and Be a Part of This Revolutionary Action!


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A smile for you...


Flour and Water

How come when you mix water and flour together you get glue?..
and then you add eggs
and sugar...

Where did the glue go ?


That's what makes the cake
Stick to your BUTT!

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Earn $1,000 Daily,Exciting Product Everyone Will Use


Imagine NO Money Worries
*You now work from home.....
*You can make about $1,000-$5,000 everyday....
*No Boss....
*No Selling....
*Money paid directly to you....
*A real company, where the owners are there to help you ....
*99% Automated so you can go on vacation and keep MAKING $$
*Piece of mind... knowing that money is coming in and lots of it....
*A system that is already set up for you! Anyone can do it....


Don't wait... Start your new life where money is a good thing... not
a problem. You can even check it out for FREE!

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4500+ Members Cannot be Wrong


4500+ Members Cannot be Wrong

As a group of over 4500, we have searched for real and
meaningful returns that will keep being delivered month
after month for years to come.

Instead we collectively spent thousands of hours and more
than thousands in funds.

You do not have to go through it all.

There is a PLAN, over 15 years in the making,
3 years exposed to the Net, we are following it and it is working.
Everyday we are grateful we found it.

Discover what we are doing and how we are making
up for our past losses and developing future gains.

Join our alliance of marketers.

No outrageous start up. No monthly drain. No allegiance to one company.

Permanent, willable wealth development.

If you like what you find out we will progress together....

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How to start a home-based business for less than $50


You are about to discover what we feel is the absolute, best business opportunity in the world - having a ClubShop business of your own. Here's why:

* Low, minimal investment to get started, less than $50.
* Work from home, part time or full time with flexible hours
* Earn some extra money or create a full time income and even develop a pension income.
* Have a genuine ground floor opportunity to develop an international business of customers, marketing representatives, merchants and stores.
* Be supported with all of the tools, training, coaching, system and reports in order to successfully build, develop and manage your business.
* Have an opportunity to check everything out for 30 days, risk free, with our Money Back Guarantee.

So sit back, take your time and review the information provided here:,,refid=124790;dn= 1

Then take the first step in what we hope to be an incredible journey of a lifetime, by becoming a DHS Club Vested Income Partner (VIP).Or if you want
to start as a free associate member, leave your name and e-mail address here:

so we can send you your, no cost, ID number to take advantage of everything we have to offer. The subject line in that e-mail will read "Your
Requested Information"

And as great as this opportunity is now, the best is yet to come!

Best Wishes,

Rene Royaards
Inman SC USA

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Does your computer take ages to load!!?

Works at snail pace!

WELL, you can fix it yourself with A FEW cilcks

of the mouse

The SECRET Formula to Transforming

your DEAD Slow PC

into the Fast, Secure and Stable System You've Always Dreamed Of...

in 15 MINUTES..."

"And I'll Teach YOU How..... CLICK-BY-CLICK!"


100% commissions from one incredible package... for just $20!

How to get thousands of people to send you $20 each!

A fully automated website that literally does the selling for you.

Receive money daily, paid directly to your merchant account!

100% commissions from one incredible package... for just $20!

For all the details, visit website at:

To your success,
and happiness
Milton Parish

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Earn 6 levels down without sponsoring!


Hello john,

Wowzza Power!  It just launched!

You need to hurry to join because
it uses a forced 3 x 9 matrix where
no sponsoring is needed to earn
on downline members.

Earn on 6 levels below you without

Earn $15 fast-start for every new
personally sponsored.

Post your profile... Advertise to
our members.... Create groups to
network... Create your own blog.

It growing rapidly! 

You need to get in right now Grab Your Spot

See you inside!

Marina Afanasyeva

Marketing Tips Blog

Free Marketing Tools

Subscribe to my newsletter
and get 10 quality leads free!

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---->>>> 10K/Month Sound Good? <<<<---- Check it Out!!!


Hey There!

Jump Start Your wealth building in a blink of an eye.
Get your plan in the fast lane to be..
Very Successful And WEALTHY!!!!!
Learn Exactly What Personal Wealth Really Is.
All This And Very Much More Is Right In Front Of You!!!



Oh Yea!!! 10k A Month Is Just A Start!!!
It Gets Much Better!!!


-->>>> EASY INCOME <<<<-- This Is HOT!

Stealth Money Maker:

You are shown an incredible method where you can
literally write your own pay check, when you like.
You'll soon be able to decide exactly how much money
you'd like to earn, and then go right ahead and get it.

So you'd better hurry:


Promote your existing business with the best of today's
hot online marketing strategies, today's business building
techniques, training pieces, a turnkey web-site, premium
web hosting, list hosting, contact manager, automatic
pre-designed follow-up system.


Have A Good Day.

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FREE Report : Build Your Own List & Traffic



This FREE report was put together to show you HOW to do it.

you will learn...

HOW to create more traffic with less effort through leverage
and viral marketing,

HOW to easily use that traffic to build your own list and
generate leads, and

HOW to follow up with your leads to convert them to
paying customers

The Benefit?

You Will Get PAID To Generate Your Own Leads!


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We Share in Creative Marketing


Free spillover Downline purchase Option

Hello Success,

At The Networkers Edge
We Share in Creative Marketing

We give You a Hand Up
And Personal Support for Your Success

It's a Win-Win...the Time is Now
Don't miss the one you've been looking for

Thanks 417-699-4998
David Smith (skype:davidsmith3n1)

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>>> WaKe Up To The PoWeR of WowZZa <<<


Kia ora (Greetings)
Drew Here!

It's just a two day old baby but already it is a giant amongst the marketing community !!!!!

Anyone Marketing Any Business, Product or Service on the Internet is going to love WOWZZA!

WOWZZA is Social Networking with an Overload of Features for the Internet Marketing Community and a 3x9 Matrix!

Get more Exposure, Create More Contacts, Build your Network, Learn, Share, Help, Name Brand and...Make So Much CASH
You'll be Yelling, "WOWZZA! That's a LOT of MONEY!!

It's time for You to Really Get Paid from Social Networking!

Reserve Your Position under the Intention of Helping the Team Growth....Provided of course Everything is to your liking.

Click the link & take a tour:

Make it a great day!
Yours glidingon
Drew Adamson
New Zealand

Recommended Safelist
As Oscar Wilde said, "A map of the world that does not include Utopia is not worth even glancing at, for it leaves out the one country at which
Humanity is always landing"..

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Free Traffic That Doesn't Suck!


Responsive website traffic is only a click away!
Over 5,000 people have already joined and they want
to see your website, so why not check it out?
You get lots of frequent bonuses too!

See you there,

Click this link to earn credits

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--Hurry UP----BEST 31 Marketing Reports for FREE--


Come claim your very own copy of the 31 Reports written by internet marketing newbies! These reports will show you step by step how you can refer a
minimum of 5 sign ups in 5 days. It'll also show you how you can pass on these reports to your 5 referrals and have them do the same. Within only a
month, YOU'LL HAVE YOURSELF OVER 15000 people in your network. And all you've ever done is refer 5 and pass on the reports. That's it !! The reports
w'll even show you exactly what kind of FREE marketing tools along with their URLS are used and which marketing methods provide the most responsive

Greetings Zmago FRAS

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Take a Stop - Better Future Ahead



ZenZuu, the upcoming social network, is giving out 80% of its Global Advertising Revenue, be a ZenZuu social network member NOW! Click the link below
and watch the video;


Invite everyone you know to these informative calls. It is
simple…The more people you refer, the more money you make… for the rest of your life!

Let leaders in ZenZuu train you to be leader…Let them train
your friends how to be members referred by you, and bring their friends and train these people how to bring their friends, making your team grows and
grows, even when you sleep…. Why miss out on the opportunity to get paid on up to MILLIONS OF PEOPLE!


Let your friends, families hear about ;
1)- ZenZuu powerful social network technology so families as well as new and old friends can communicate and share with each other special moments,
meet and network with new business people from around the world,

2)- leading edge down line tracking soft ware most people have never seen before, even from fortune 500 companies, to build your financial future, and

3)- the ZenZuu philosophy of giving its 80% Worldwide Advertising Revenue it received to qualified members, who sign up for FREE. What a Generous
Business Model you have never heard of before from Corporate America! Get everyone you know in these calls now.

What are you waiting for? Build your ZenZuu team now to receive a bigger share of this coming billion dollar fortune for years to come! Tell your
families and friends about the ZenZuu amazing opportunity in a proven billion dollar social network industry!

So far this is the best opportunity for 2008.

See you inside,

Bernie Cadiz

PS: If you really want to earn money fast click this link;

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Own a website that is a $20 Magnet!


Own a website that is a $20 Magnet!
Thousands of people will want to send you $20 with this unique website!
100% profits paid directly to your merchant account.
Easily earn $20 to $200 daily from this incredible self selling website.
Own it all for a one time $20 payment. It's truly amazing!
For all the details, visit website by
clicking here.


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#!# Forex Trading FREE for All #!#


Join now to free forex trading, it's fun, easy and very profitable.

I doesn't cost You anything to start, instead You get $2.5 for REAL FREE money and $10000 virtual training money!

You get free software which will show You the currency values in real time, so You know when to by instrument (currency) cheap and sell it expensive!

The currency values are changing all the time and You can make nice money from it.

Take the advantage, everything is FREE, software, money to start and even good advices from the discussion rooms in the program!

Set Your goal and go for it like I have done, not more than 2 days now I have increased $2.5 to $7 , and more I invest at the right time the more
profit I get!

Join the fun!


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F-R-E-E is a very good price!



Check it out!

Who knew FREE advertising was this effective!

Did You Know Text Ad Traffic = Higher Conversions?!

It's True! Why?

Members no longer have to view websites they are not interested in for 10-30 seconds at a time!

They only click on the ads that catch their attention!

So hop on over to Text-Ads-R.Us the NEW Text Ad Exchange and start getting your text ad's viewed

Ahh...what the heck, tell em I sent ya:

Here's to your success!

Tim Nicholson

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$4OO in 1 day with a $98 program?!?


That's correct!

Four new members in 1 day!

I had four paid members ( $4OO ) who joined our team and were placed underneath others to help them begin to get qualified!

I have 3 more getting started tomorrow....don't let them go under somebody else!

There's no reason why they can't come in under you, unless you procrastinate.


Send me an email saying "I'm Ready To Join" and I will send you a link of one of my members to join under.

Here's my link just to watch the movie again and to get your questions answered with our "Live Help" feature.

Why is this program getting so popular?

It's the #1 Most Talked About B.usiness of 2008! Brand New & On
Fire! ( Just launched Jan 31, 2008 )








Don't hesitate to see the power of our system by allowing the movie time to down load and watching it in its entirety.

Don't forget to interact with our "Live Help" feature to get ALL of your questions answered.

Are you on track for your i.ncome goals for this year?

If not, check this your due diligence by interacting with the "Live Help" feature....but don't take TOO long to decide or you'll miss the
boat! ( remember, don't join from here )

Just get started!


Get started with me in the next 48 hours and I'll help you...


The next 3 people that respond to this email may very well be PLACED UNDER YOU!

Any questions, give me a call!

Have a "Better than Fantastic" Day & God Bless!

Tony Torres

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"Rock Your World, Or Cost You Nothing" 100% Money-Back Guarantee!


The Internet's Fastest, Easiest And Laziest 'Plug-And-Play' System For Making Immediate Money Online...Introducing...

The Turnkey Money Machine That Prints Non-Stop Profits for you Automatically, The Lazy Way!"

Once You Turn On This Plug-And-Play In-A-Box Money System, It Can't Stop Sending You Cash...Even If You Want It To!

If you're new to online marketing and you're looking for how to get started FAST, this is it.

If you've been around a while and you're dissatisfied with your results, this is a way to start seeing the reward you've wanted for so long.

Keep reading...

Imagine Seeing Cash In Just Minutes From Now
I'm going to give you a true plug-and-play, in-a-box system literally anybody—no matter what your skill level—can understand and use to generate cash
in hours or even minutes from now!
This is as close to an honest "set it and forget it" system you'll ever find.

All you have to do is plug in some traffic, and watch the money roll in like a tsunami. And I'm going to give you killer strategies for getting more
traffic than Manhattan at rush hour, mostly at zero cost.

Some online gurus will tell you it takes time to build an online business. But I'm here to tell you it does NOT take much time to see cash.

Lots of cash. So much cash you might think it's illegal. Trust me, it's not.

And that's spendable cash in your bank account. You can use your cash to buy that expensive sports car you've had your eye on, upgrade to a new house,
take that dream trip you've been putting off until you "made it" online...whatever you want!

You don't need any of the stuff that takes a long time to set up...
You don't need to spend time creating a technically beautiful website (you don't need a site at all).
You don't need to hunt for a winning product to sell.
You don't need to spend big bucks on great sales copy.
You don't need employees, or inventory, or any of the things that make a "business" a pain in the neck.
You don't even need a single idea of your own.
I'm going to take care of all that, and then some. The hard work is done!

It might take you an hour or two to read and digest this system (if you take your sweet time about it). All you have to do is exactly what I tell
you to do.

Plug this "no-brainer" system in, flip the switch and collect the money. Yes, it IS that easy.

Don't Waste Time Trying To "Figure Out" What Works...
I already know what works, and I'm telling you.

Lots of people will tell you making money online is hard, or takes time to figure out, or requires you to be super-smart. Poppycock!

You can download my system, read it over lunch, get up and running in an hour or two (if you take your sweet time) and start seeing cold hard cash
within a day.

I flat-out defy anyone to make this any easier than this plug-and-play system makes it.

I'm so confident of that, I'm giving you my...
"Rock Your World, Or Cost You Nothing" 100% Money-Back Guarantee!

Download my system right now, and put it to the test within the next 8 WEEKS. If you're not seeing shockingly good results by then (by your own
standards), I don't want your money, and I'll give back every penny back to you - with absolutely no questions asked.

This Is Easier Than Balancing Your Checkbook.
Remember my goal of making this "falling off a log" easy? I think I succeeded, in spades.

I don't care if you're brand new to the Internet. I don't care if you've tried "everything" out there and haven't been able to make a dime. I don't
care if you've never had an online success EVER.

If you can balance your own checkbook, you've got way more than enough brain power to make this work for you.

Here's what I mean...

Once you get this set up, you'll make money automatically 24/7, even while you're sleeping or having fun doing something else. You won't be chained
to your computer slaving away.

Your checks show up automatically. You won't be waiting on anybody else who might "forget" to pay. You'll get paid on autopilot, just like clockwork.

Sometimes in life, you have to decide to pick yourself up by your own bootstraps, take action and make things happen...

I'm giving you all the tools, and a complete in-a-box system you can pick up, flip the switch and start collecting cash in just minutes from now so
do the right thing...

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best mails - donkeymails


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Earn extra money playing games
Get Paid To Promote $0.75 per 1,000 Credits!

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Financial Opportunity For Real People


I'm wondering, is my story your story also?

You have been looking to improve your finances. With
costs of everything rising, who hasn't? You want to
be great stay at mom or dad but also provide well
for your family? I have been searching for a legitimate,
viable and profitable way to work from home for the
last 5 plus years. I've tried my share... a few MLM's,
2 candle companies, vitamin products, a health and
energy drink and selling on Ebay. I found I did not
enjoy selling nor was I very good at it!

Last month, I found something I would like to share
with you. It will not be for everyone but for some of
you it will feel like your prayers were answered.
Well, that's how it felt for me.

When a friend shared this with me I was so excited I
couldn't sleep. This is not MLM, data entry, envelope
stuffing or anything like that. How many opportunities
exist where you can make a full time income with part
time efforts? I work an average of 3 hours a day at
marketing my website and returning calls to only people
who are interested and have requested my call.

All I do is send them to my site which explains
everything easily. We will show you how to market your
site and get started quickly. We provide you with full
training and support every step of the way. I have some
prior experience, I will help and it's easy to learn.

Click on see Video Proof.
If you want to stay home with your kids... click my link.

A wonderful way to generate the cash you need with
No Selling, No Explaining and Absolutely No Convincing.

Go to, fill out the
form to be immediately taken to page 2 to receive complete
information. You CAN stay home with your children and not
worry about money.

Thank you for your interest.

All the best,
Vickie Carlson

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Here's a cute FUN TIP: Do you have lots of crayon pieces?
Don't throw them away - melt them all together in a muffin
tin to make a fun scribble crayon with beautiful colors.

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getting no results from AdTactics members?


A great thing just got better...

Finally you will never have a problem making money
online anymore!


At last, a systematic automatic solution has been
developed to make all your Internet desires come true.

Forget what you've known before...

The new era for you has come...

Competitors will go mad...

Friends will be jealous...

Now you have everything you need to systemize and
turnkey your ability to harvest an ongoing stream of
windfall profits -- week after week, month after
month, year after year.


Unleashing $500, $1,000, even $3,000 or more in hidden
profits almost overnight is not uncommon...Multiples
of that are the norm every year you use this system

RUN, don't walk to:

Your new financial future awaits you...

Yours In Success,

Click this link to earn credits

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