Friday, March 7, 2008

Have You Got Your Moneyline Working For You


Hi, john

This is one of the most amazing programs I've ever had the privelege being a part of because...

Everyone gets paid without recruiting anyone - it's the easiest thing to sell I've ever seen... The only requirement is to join.

Simply enroll at the link below to lock in your position. You will immediately see your 60 days worth of Moneyline Shares begin to grow. The trick is... you have the power to make them grow MUCH faster.

The second you secure your position by joining, the growth of your shares will EXPLODE because ALL new members will be forced to enroll under YOU in the Moneyline!

>From within the Members site you will get immediate access to the product which is referred to as "The Vault". The Vault is packed full of amazing, little known ways that YOU

can turn your Moneyline Shares into staggering amounts of cash.

So act FAST and get in ahead of as many people as humanly possible. Then watch in real time as thousands join below you... EXPLODING your shares!

You MUST SEE the product line and a revolutionary "Moneyline" plan that guarantees you will earn commissions your FIRST day on the team... and for the next 60 days!

You read it right... JOIN the Moneyline NOW and collect your first check TONIGHT. Then continue earning for no less than the next 60 days.

To Your Success

Patience Wang

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4500+ Members Cannot be Wrong


4500+ Members Cannot be Wrong

As a group of over 4500, we have searched for real and
meaningful returns that will keep being delivered month
after month for years to come.

Instead we collectively spent thousands of hours and more
than thousands in funds.

You do not have to go through it all.

There is a PLAN, over 15 years in the making,
3 years exposed to the Net, we are following it and it is working.
Everyday we are grateful we found it.

Discover what we are doing and how we are making
up for our past losses and developing future gains.

Join our alliance of marketers.

No outrageous start up. No monthly drain. No allegiance to one company.

Permanent, willable wealth development.

If you like what you find out we will progress together....

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Your FREE Adsense Software Package


Hi, john

You are not going to believe this…but you need to!

I just checked out Matt Callens incredible software called
HyperVRE, and this could be the first time that I have used
a free software more than I do my other paid apps.

Matt told me I could let a few people know about the site before
he starts charging for the product, and I had to tell you about this.

While I could go on and on about the features and how they have
benefited my business, I think you really need to see for yourself
what this software really can do.

For now - he is giving this software away for free, so there is no risk. But you need to hurry before there is a hefty one-time payment.

All the best,

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Nothing but the truth


Hi Everyone,

How do you convey to others something that is seriously good without detracting from it?

By telling it as it is – nothing but the truth.

So here are the facts without the hype and the hoopla.

- Anyone can make serious money out of this opportunity.

- It involves the largest SEO promotion service in the world.

- This NO COST service submits and promotes your URL to the top position on the top 40 search engines, including Google and Yahoo.

- Your URL will also be in the top spot on another 200+ search engines.

- This will drive hundreds of thousands of highly targeted visitors to your site daily.

- You can submit as many websites as you wish including the pages of any program you're promoting.

Just nominate your top 5 keywords, submit your url and within weeks your websites and pages will be in the top position on these search engines.

But it gets even better.

You can give away this no cost service.

The demand and earning potential of this opportunity is unlimited.

There is, and always will be, a huge demand from every website and site page owner on the internet for a service like this. The company's referral
program is so lucrative that it can easily outstrip your website's earning potential at number one.

This submission service is truly revolutionary and brilliantly simple. It is working and IS guaranteed to work.

You can find more information at:

I've dropped everything I'm doing to focus on this opportunity full time.


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Finally - How to Get Google AdWords Pay-Per-Click Ads FREE!



Would you like the same secret one New York man has been using for nearly 8 years to get all his Google pay-per-click advertising but for FREE?

The man has already gotten for himself over $87 million in highly-targeted Google ads and other search engine advertising, but without having to pay
for any of it.

He's even made a fortune over $300 million as a result!

In the last 2 years alone he's done more than $166 million in net earnings pushing his secret to the limit.

And he's now willing to share this same exact secret with YOU!

This same secret has already allowed a handful of people to do as he's done and make their fortunes online.

His secret is nothing illegal, has nothing to do with hacking, nor does it require you have a "friend" or family member working at Google or any other
search engine.

Additionally this same secret can be readily and easily applied to any search engine that ordinarily accepts paid advertising for sponsored ads (such
as Overture, MSN, Yahoo, MIVA, etc).

You will still have to set up an account with Google or use your existing one in order to do this. But using this secret you won't have to pay for any
of the advertising costs, and which means you earn far larger profits than otherwise had you been forced to pay for your advertising.

Also, it means you aren't at nearly as much risk since you won't be spending your money on Google ads (which have only become more and more expensive
since Google went public a few years ago).

It also gives you these clear "cut-above" advantages:

-You'll be able to deliberately outbid even your toughest competitor, but you won't have to worry about paying for the clicks you get!

-You'll be able to increase your daily budget higher than everyone else for the same keywords sets, and so your ads never get pulled because you
reached any particular day's limit.

-You'll be able to use an unlimited number of keywords, and set up as many different or separate ad campaigns as you like, and bid however you wish,
and with no restrictions on your daily budgets.

-You'll therefore be able to *DOMINATE & MONOPOLIZE* any niche for whatever you're selling, and get the TOP PREMIUM SPOTS for every single keyword or
keyword phrase you use!

-You'll be able to repeat this with an unlimited number of products you want to offer, so you can expand your online business to as many other
Internet selling businesses as you like and without any fears or reservations!

-You'll be able to apply all this whether you own your own site and product, or even if you're an affiliate or reseller of someone else's products!

As you can see this one secret alone makes everything possible!

Someone would have to hate "money" to refuse this secret.

And this brings up an important point: The man who now holds this secret and who's spent the better part of the last 8 years perfecting and developing
it is not going to keep it available to others forever.

Before releasing it he consulted Internet marketing experts, macroeconomists, market analysts, a business psychologist and even an
"economics-sociologist" to be sure that such a release wouldn't prove to make "lopsided" the online landscape.

He found out (ironically) that releasing his secret was actually *more* beneficial to Google and other search engines in that by allowing many
advertisers to use his secret too it actually stimulates more business.

Strangely, and despite your best logic to the contrary, his secret does not diminish revenues from the search engines at all, but rather INCREASES
them! (You'll have to get his secret to know exactly why it works in this "opposite-from-what-one-might-expect" way!)

But, the New Englander is deliberately not going to keep his secret available for long - and note that whether he continues or discontinues its
availability won't affect his own personal fortune in the least as he's already so rich ($300 million worth!) what's another few million either way?

But whether or not he keeps it available or not WILL affect you as by not having it you must continue to pay like everybody else, but by having it at
your fingertips you are licensed to monopolize and hugely profit from any marketplace online you choose!

So I hope you recognize both the value of this man's secret as well as the immediacy and urgency for taking action now and forever securing it for
yourself before it's truly forever gone - and you therefore miss out on it for good!

Don't let this happen ... don't make this mistake.

Instead, just go to the web address just below and make his secret (that made him over $300 million!) YOUR OWN! ...

You can thank yourself when you do,

Simeon Nava

PS - Don't let everybody else beat you to this! And absolutely do not let this pass you by. In a press release Monday the man said he was "shocked" by
how much demand has already resulted and so he may be forced to withdraw his secret much, much sooner than he previously wanted to (wait at your own
risk!) ...

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Instantly EXPLODE Your Conversion Rates!


Discover How To Instantly EXPLODE Your Sales
And Email Lists, By Adding The New Floating
Action Button To Your Websites.

This brand new technology will grab your
website visitors by the eyeballs and turn
them into a stampede of hungry buyers.

Grab Your Copy Today!

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The Sweetest Way To Lose Weight



Best Regards,

Calvin J. Winslow
1260 Lake Ave.
Idaho Falls, ID. 83402 USA

FREE Advertising- Get 1,000,000 visitors to your site!

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Place your order today, and get TONS of people to your website in 24 hours.

Mark Franklin
RDMF Network Services
TOLL FREE: 1-866-338-8334
FAX: 540-591-5913

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give"- Winston Churchill


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New & Used PET Supply's at 1/2 Price!!


This is Sal from The people that bring you Bath & Body For The Mind & Body and other wonderful products. I just wanted to make you aware that ausslifespice has a joint business and is also ALLWETPRO where we sell New and Used pet supply's for personal use or businesses and have quite a full inventory of just about everything you might need and want. New & Used PET Supply's at 1/2 Price!! We are brand new and just starting to put things up and we will be placing more and more every week, however if there is anything particular you are looking for please inquire at Hit the link to our E-bay page of items for sale. Please take a look and have a nice day.. .<(((><..Sal

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I've been testing an exciting new URL submission tool which is going to make my life – and yours – a whole lot easier.

URL submissions to search engines always seem to take far too long, no matter how organized you are.

If you're like me, you probably aren't keen to put your trust in some of the free online services which claim they'll submit your URL to thousands of

After all, do they ever show you a report, or confirm that you have actually been added?

When it comes to URL submissions, it's the main search engines which I care about most. However, even submitting to just the top 10 is tiresome and
time-consuming if you have many pages on your site or if your own several other sites.

Another problem is that search engines may penalize you if you use some URL submission software instead of actually visiting the search engines.

Solving all those problems in one mighty blow is the new Search Engine Blaster submission service.

Whether you have dozens of domains to administer, or just a few URL's to submit, Search Engine Blaster can handle all of your dirty

Better yet, search engines won't object to it, It's pre-programmed to automatically submit your web pages, in a responsible and effective manner.
What's important here is that the software does NOT spam the search engines. It posts URLs in a responsible fashion, so the search engines won't see
any objectionable behavior.

The worst part about most submission software is manually adding in the URL's of your web site. With Search Engine Blaster, it couldn't be easier. You
just enter in your domain name, and their submit bot will visit your web site, and automatically load every page on your site into the submission
queue--it's truly amazing to see. You can actually see it working, as all of your pages instantly show up in your submit list right in your browser!

I found it very simple to use. Since it is an online based service, there's no complicated software to learn and nothing to download. Once you tell it
what to submit, it will automatically re-submit as often as you'de like. You don't even have to log in to do it--It's all on auto-pilot!

While it certainly submits to the top engines, It also submits to thousands of niche specific search engines, free for all sites, directories, and
even classified ad sites, doing the work for you with pinpoint accuracy, as if you were doing it manually--even while you're on vacation!

There's another tool included with this service called the doorway page builder. Again, they made this one very easy to use. You type in some keywords
and phrases about your web site, click on create, and the software will instantly generate up to 50 key word optimized doorway pages just for you
(This allows search engines to list even more sites on your domain, as well as earning you a higher rank in the engines)It will even upload them
directly to your website, and submit those new pages directly to the search engines as well.

All in all, I found this service to be first class. I've never seen anything else like it.

Their support staff was there when I needed them, and they have an extensive FAQ (frequently asked questions) database that I found very helpful. They
truly seem to care about their customers.

Additionally, they offer a generous two-tier affiliate program, offering a 30% recurring commission on all of your sales, plus an ongoing 10%
commission on anyone who signs up to be an affiliate using one of your links.

I predict this tool will be hugely popular in the coming months, and will soon become the "standard" in automated marketing. I love it!

Make YOUR life a whole lot easier. Take a closer look at Search Engine Blaster now.

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Easily DOUBLE Your Sales!


Just Launched!
This Brand New technology will grab your website
visitors by the eyeballs and turn them into a
stampede of hungry buyers!

Watch this short video and discover how you
can easily double your sales conversion rates
and get more subscribers!

To Your Success!
Ryan Hogan

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N-E-V-E-R- Spend Another Penny to Build a Business Again!


N-E-V-E-R- Spend Another Penny to Build a Business Again!

...It doesn't matter who you are, or how much time, money and experience you have... if you follow this plan YOU WILL SUCCEED!

The One Step 4 Income System makes it easier than ever to build your business and your income because you'll...

NEVER have to write ad copy or email messages.
NEVER have to sell anything.
NEVER have to spend more money than you're earning.
NEVER have to make phone calls or talk to anyone.
NEVER have to purchase, inventory or stock products.
NEVER have to build or maintain a website.
NEVER have to build a list.
NEVER have to spend more than 3 hours a week on your system.
NEVER have to pay to market your system.
NEVER have to attend any meetings, seminars or training sessions.

If you follow the plan the way it's been laid out, you should earn enough money to make it possible to achieve ALL of your goals and dreams. Now I'm
not saying that you're going to be a millionaire or billionaire.

But wouldn't it be nice...

>to never have to worry about money again?
>to be able to pay off all your debts... including your mortgage?
>to be in a position to quit you job and work from home?
>to stay home with your kids?
>to go and do anything you want... whenever you want?

Don't delay, the longer you wait the longer
it'll take you to become financially independent.

Warm regards,
Carol Bergman

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Moms Making Great Money


Attention all Moms.
Join our team working from Home and Loving It.

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Retire In One Year - Guaranteed


* Guaranteed Income of $4,000 per month after one year
* We advertise, promote and recruit for you
* Best downline builder on the internet today
* Everyone gets paid regardless of personal involvement
* Build multiple streams of income for our members
* Offers lucrative bonuses for those who DO want to recruit for their downline

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___!!!_H0T SELLER_!!!__YOU TUBE MAILER_2008__100% Resale!


___!!!_H0T SELLER_!!!__YOU TUBE MAILER_2008__100% Resale!

__|_/--[(())]==> Want the latest news on
H-O-T Blasters? Just visit....

Hello john

Thanks for reading. Patricia Elaine Perry here,
Internet marketer and blogger.

I've got FANTASTIC NEWS to share!

YouTubeMailer was the best selling blaster of
all time with more than $600,000 in pure for resellers. Sadly, both the reseller
program and the YouTubeMailer itself were
brought to an end only because of s.pammers.


UTube2 For 2008 - YTM2....BRAND NEW...
Totally refurbished with H0T NEW L.EADS....

YOU asked for YTM and GCI, LLC has listened!

You can get UTube2 For 2008 - YTM2
and send U-N-L-I-M-I-T-E-D A.DS to
36 MILLI0N fresh NEW L.EADS!

Were you promoting the original YouTubeMailer and
lost your reseller Web Site and wondered what happened?
N.ow you know...unscrupulous resellers s.pammed and
got the whole program shut down.

But GCI, LLC is invincible on YOUR behalf and
has come up with the perfect solution!

You'll promote UTube2 For 2008 - YTM2 with your
own Web site and your own DOMAIN NAME!
Installed and hosted for you!

This insures that no s.pammers can ever shut
down the entire program again! If they s.pam they
will only shut down their OWN Web site...not YOURS!

Yes, this is the perfect solution for resellers.
The friendly customer service staff at GCI, LLC
will have your site up and running within 24 hours.
They provide exceptional support 24/7/365.
I know from experience as I have worked
with them for almost five years.

Get UTube2 For 2008 - YTM2 right n.ow!

Since 1999, GCI, LLC has been providing you
the freshest hottest l.eads and the Web based,
one c.lick interface to reach them!

===> Learn more about blasters and how they work.

Get a basic membership for only $10 one time cost!
You'll always have the option to upgrade for
a mere $20 to become a reseller and collect
instant $10 PayPal com.missions!

Hurry and get First Mover's Advantage!
I'm making LOTS of DAILY S.ALES....
and so can YOU!
Purchase UTube2 For 2008 - YTM2 today!
Get massive Web TRAFFIC and MAJOR C-A-$-H!

Purchase with confidence! I always send a welcome email
to make sure you have received your access URL. You'll
get it within 12 hours -- usually much sooner. C.heck your
b.ulk or s.pam folder if you don't find it in your inbox.
Please allow for time zone differences; I am in Eastern
Standard Time (GMT - 5). And I am always happy
to answer any questions you might have.


You'll find more HIGH POWER BLASTERS
and Reseller C-A-$-H on my H-O-T Blasters Web site.
They are all SUPER H0T marketing tools and great sellers!

For the newest blaster updates, I invite you to subscribe
to my f.ree biweekly ezine, "The Journey Unfolding."
Get 7 F.R.E.E. Web 2.0 eBooks and 100 F.R.E.E. blasters
just for subscribing!

Whatever you are promoting, I wish you
great suc.cess!

Thanks again for reading! Have a great day!

Best wishes,

Patricia Elaine Perry
American Dream Enterprises, LLC
4210 Wimbledon Dr SW #3
Grandville, MI 49418-2855 USA
1-616-538-2391 [Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm EST (GMT-5)]

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If You are Serious I will Pay for YOU


If you seriously want to create an Income
the you need to check this out

Do it today, you won't regret it

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A Real Business Opportunity


Hi, john

$1,000 in commission. Patent-pending online marketing system.
Great Opportunity.

Have you ever dreamed of traveling all over the world
staying in 4 & 5 star resorts at the cost of $298/week?

Here is the one:

Have you ever heard of Reverse Funnel System that quickly and simply puts $5,000 to $10,000

every week in the pockets of those who took the opportunity?

What's most amazing is there are almost no computer skills required… and yet you can start pulling in CASH automatically within just a few hours.

You have heard the Success Stories, Now it's time for you to become One.

To Your Success

Patience Wang

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Monthly Memberships Available Easy Solo Auto Submitter


Easy Solo Auto Submitter

Monthly Memberships Available

Contact Solos Sent By YOU

Currently You have over 107932+ UNIQUE Recipients of YOUR Ad

Easy Solo Auto Submitter lets you mail your Solo to

UNIQUE Member CONTACT addresses

We have many different options to choose from. The product you are buying is mailing codes. You can use your codes immediately or you can save them
for later use. Each code can only be used one time and the code NEVER expires. What this means is if you purchase 1, 3, 7, 30 Solo Codes, Are Get the
Membership you can use them ANYTIME. You can go on vacation, and your codes will be waiting for you . If you have certain days of the week/month that
you feel do not bring much response...simply don't use a Code on those days.

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~~~An Awesome New Product, Just $7.00~~~



Discover How To Instantly EXPLODE Your Sales
And Email Lists, By Adding The New Floating
Action Button To Your Websites.

This brand new technology will grab your
website visitors by the eyeballs and turn
them into a stampede of hungry buyers.

Grab Your Copy Today!

Best regards,

Patience Wang

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Could I Pay Your Way In, It is a Genuine OFFER!


Hi there,

I am going to pay your way into the
best M0ney m@king website I have ever
seen in my 4 years online.

This is a real $47 value.

The M0ney you can make is out of this world.

In 4 weeks I have earned several Hundred
dollars and you can too.

You will have my total support.

It is very easy to get sign ups.

So would you do me a personal favor?

Please go to my website and register for the
FR-EE TOUR and if You are interested I
promise that "I'll Pay Your Way In!" to
the 1st level!

Don`t Get Left Behind!

Merrilynne Martin
Skype: Merrilynne

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*crazy* college drop-out goes from $0 to $11,377/mo... absolute proof!


Hello There,

If this crazy college drop-out can go from $0 to $11,377/mo...

Imagine what you can do...

These people have already plugged into
the same program and look what happened!

"We are m'aking over $5,000 per month..."
Christina C. & Marty O. ~ Turlock, California

"Paid CASH for a new infinity QX56,
Moved into our dream home,
M'aking over $10,000 Per Month!"
Tim & Teresa S. ~ Wesley Chapel, NC

"My income has quickly grown from $250
to $5,304 and now $11,640 Every Month!"
James G. ~ Michigan

If you can copy this exact email and send it out,
you can m.ake m.oney just as easily as me. There's
nothing complicated to do. Just cheat off me!

Even a child could do this, it's so simple.

Go Here:

To the top, David Parnell
Founder ~ Residual Wealth Factor

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____F..R..E..E ADS - NO BS - __ - NO CATCH


____F..R..E..E ADS - NO BS - __ - NO CATCH


If YOU need more ads, use a different
email address for each ad you need
submitted!!! These are new sites and
are getting lots of Traffic. Place ads at
both sites....

Blast Your ADS to 37 Million+ Opt-Ins
$10 Lifetime Web Based Email Sumbitter

Good Luck

John "JR" Rivera

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Discover how much each Adsense click is worth!


john, You are not going to believe this¡­but you need to!

I just checked out an incredible software created by Matt Callen called AdSpyTracker, and he gave me permission to send you to the site.

Drop all the guesswork and discover the exact secrets to cracking the AdSense code. With this software, you can track every single click, where they came from, what ad was clicked¡­and more!

I have no idea how he did it, but Matt figured out a way to put together what could be one of the most profitable ideas out there. If you run Adsense on your site, you NEED this software.

I just tried it out and I love it! Click on the link below and it will take you directly to software page!

To Your Success

Patience Wang

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This message was sent by 'cyberadta'

Do you understand why Readers are taking Action?


If you don't you should, but there is nothing in this email
for you so you can close and delete this now.

Now if you are still reading I will assume (and I know
that is dangerous) that you are serious about your
web business.

One of the problems though that we all have is getting
visitors to take the action we want when they visit our site.

If you have a site that is set up to sell a product you
want to make it easy for visitors to buy.

If you use a blog you may be trying to gather subscribers,
get people to comment and create interactivity.

You may want people to subscribe or watch a video on
your blog or website.

All of these little things add money to your pocket.

You can easily improve all of these things with a new
service called Floating Action Buttons.

I have been testing these for a while and here are
some of my results.

For a recent launch I gave away 52 copies of a
rebrandable PDF in 3 days.

On another blog I increased the questions asked
by more than 10 times.

My friend Bob Jenkins sold over $500 of a product
off of his blog in 2 weeks just from a floating action

These work quite well and you can do almost anything
you can think of - EASILY.

That is the key part it took less than 5 minutes to do
each of these things. No techy stuff to interfere.

Hey even a good friend of mine who is as non techy
as they come was able to use this.

Best of all if you get it during the launch week it will
only cost you $7. Worth a whole lot more and it will
be going up in price after this week.

Improve your results easily.

Brad Pollina

PS Check out the one time offer you will see after
you purchase this. I did it is a great deal.

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john, Have you heard


Dear Kris,

A successful friend tipped me off about a brand new online marketing
system that is simple and POWERFUL.  Its ‘automatic’ features help
ordinary people earn serious income in their spare time from home with
 an AWESOME system called BigMoneyPro360.

They have a goal to help a million people build successful home based
businesses with their unique system. AND, believe it or not, they
actually SHOW you how your personal downline network is building, even
BEFORE you officially join.

The sooner you visit and become a FREE Pre-enrollee, the sooner they
begin placing people below you — anyone of which could mean immediate
income for your family.  Literally hundreds of people who join after
you, would be making you money, as they build for themselves.  It's

Then, the more people on your downline who buy product and use the
simple system to build their business below you, the more money YOU
can make in no time at ALL.

Remember, it’s FREE.  Check it out Kris, and when you see   
people being placed below you can either lock in your position and get paid
on them, or forfeit your spot and they will leap frog above you.

Either way is fine, just be sure to check it out:

Give me a call after you sign up so we can discuss it.

Have an awesome day,

Kris Gordon

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86 free prospects in 48 hours (video proof)


No time to waste ...

Here's video proof of a bullet-proof technique
you can use right now to generate endless free
leads and cash-flow for your business.

Take a look here:

Just do it!


- James Grandstaff
Downline Duplication Specialist

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This message was sent by 'nleonard'

I am looking for 25 active people to join my team!


Hello fellow marketer,
I am looking for 25 active people to join my team.

Our goal is to build a 5X6 matrix full of active referrals,
if you join my team our first task will be to get you 5 active referrals of your own.
Our second task will be to help your 5 referrals to do the same thing refer 5 of there own and so on,
so why am I lookimg for 25 people? Because I am working for my team and I will be placing new referrals under existing ones to help them complete
their first level task, and if you join this team you will not only have me helping you, but who you're assigned to as well, you will receive support
all the way from level 1 to 6 by which time you will have built your self a team of 3000 + members. So do you think you could make money with a team
of 3000+ active members that you can take with you to join any programs you like?

What you WON'T get if you join this team silver gold or platinum membership levels
-monthly fees-
-one time offers-
-back end offer-
-you will not be offered any leads packages that you need to pay for-
-you will not be charged for any help you receive-
-you will not repeatedly be required to purchase product after product in a never ending cycle that does nothing but empty your pockets-
-while promising the world and expecting us to pay membership for the privledge, of building their business-

So if you've had enough of the hype and would like to join a team of people serious about making money in 2008
then check out the link, NO EXPERENCE NEEDED, we will train you, YOU WILL SUCCEED,

Sincerely, Diane Scott
Want the best, join the best!

You got Paid!

<a href=""><img

Ref id for John McKendry 1678720

http://Hello fellow marketer,
I am looking for 25 active people to join my team.

Our goal is to build a 5X6 matrix full of active referrals,
if you join my team our first task will be to get you 5 active referrals of your own.
Our second task will be to help your 5 referrals to do the same thing refer 5 of there own and so on,
so why am I lookimg for 25 people? Because I am working for my team and I will be placing new referrals under existing ones to help them complete
their first level task, and if you join this team you will not only have me helping you, but who you're assigned to as well, you will receive support
all the way from level 1 to 6 by which time you will have built your self a team of 3000 + members. So do you think you could make money with a team
of 3000+ active members that you can take with you to join any programs you like?

What you WON'T get if you join this team silver gold or platinum membership levels
-monthly fees-
-one time offers-
-back end offer-
-you will not be offered any leads packages that you need to pay for-
-you will not be charged for any help you receive-
-you will not repeatedly be required to purchase product after product in a never ending cycle that does nothing but empty your pockets-
-while promising the world and expecting us to pay membership for the privledge, of building their business-

So if you've had enough of the hype and would like to join a team of people serious about making money in 2008
then check out the link, NO EXPERENCE NEEDED, we will train you, YOU WILL SUCCEED,

Sincerely, Diane Scott

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This message was sent by 'ladydiatribe'

Get the ULTIMATE in HD and low prices locked in all year long!


All the bells and whistles of DIRECT TV HD access
combined with DVR service and over 200 channels make
DIRECTV's PLUS HD DVR package a winner. This popular
package has the best in movies, sports, music,
documentary, educational, specialty and family programming.
You'll love access to the best HD channels, including ESPN HD,
ESPN2 HD, TNT HD, Discovery HD Theater, local HD channels
(where available) and more sports in HD than any other cable
or satellite TV provider. Additionally, this DIRECT TV package
features DVR service so you can pause and rewind live TV,
record a season of your favorite shows with the touch of a
button and save up to 100 hours of DIRECT TV satellite TV

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This message was sent by 'jackie3'

The hottest traffic around. Credits

DISCLAIMER AT THE BOTTOM is proud to introduce the web's hottest new traffic exchange.


In a perfect world you would open the doors to your business and traffic would pour through your doors.

In a semi perfect world Pay Per Click ads would not cost over a dollar per visitor making traffic generation expensive.

In the real world the is Traffic Fire Store, our hot new traffic exchange ready to drive countless visitors to your website. Getting free traffic has never been this easy or so much fun.

Let's face it, traffic exchanges are a dime a dozen, but Traffic Fire Storm brings innovation along with a design that pulls members in. From the word go free members earn traffic on 5 levels of referrals, you earn traffic even when you are not surfing.

Surfers earn even more, they get contest and bonus traffic. A progressive traffic exchange ratio that goes up each day based on the number of sites you visit the day before. There are so many ways to earn free traffic that TFS is sure to be the top traffic exchange on the web in a very short time.

So how quick can it add up? Well those who promote Traffic Fire Storm as a free member earn on 5 levels, so let's say they give away just 5 free memberships and their downline repeats this down 5 traffic levels.

5+25+125+625+3125 = 3,905 downline members earning you daily traffic. With that kind of advertising power how can you refuse a membership?

Traffic Firestorm is here to stay and members earn website visitors on up to 15 levels of traffic referrals in their downline. Click here to join Traffic Fire Storm.

Andy Zeus Anderson

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This message was sent by 'zeus8894'

If you build it they will come


Hello {First Name}, 


Here is an invitation to join our Future Millionaires Club. Even if you don’t have a cent to your name at this moment, we can help you to become a millionaire within 12 to 18 months.    


The Wealth Team International Association (WTIA) has been producing positive results both on and off line for the past 15 years.  No program would stay round for 15 years if it were not producing the required results for its members.    


At an annual cost of just $99 and working to build a team of just three members you can make a fortune.  Here is the link to join.


Some, if not a lot of people, may not be able to afford $99 right now, That’s OK we can still help you.  For just $25 you can Join Fortune 5 Minutes (F5M), which is a feeder program for WTIA and a couple of other programs. This is where I started and have gone right through the system, so I know that it works.


Here is my main link:    Simply build a 3x2 matrix Cycle and earn $100. Keep the $100 and continue to work the plan or use the $100 to jump ahead into WTIA. That way you are placed when your team catches you up.


Ok so maybe you can’t even afford $25 to get started. That’s OK. For just $5 plus fees you can join Mega5bucks, and with the teams help build a 3x2 matrix, Earn $25 and cycle into F5M, Then cycle on to WTIA. Here’s my link. :  


Remember I said that even if you didn’t have a cent to you name we can help you get started. Well if you cant even afford $5 at the moment but do have a burning desire to succeed, I will pay it forward for you into Mega5Bucks. Just go to the above link and click on the PIF link at the top left and I will Pay It Forward for you.   I do expect you to help yourself if you do this, yes, you have to do some work  And yes it will take you a little longer to get to WTIA, but if you truly want to make a Million Plus Dollars this is a plan that has been working for 15 years. All you have to do is tap into the system at a commitment level that is comfortable for you and work it from there.


Steve Desjardins


Skype ID  stevedesj

Personal E-mail:

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This message was sent by 'sd282'

Ready to enjoy DISH NETWORK?


We have the fastest way to find the right system for you.
Simply select your preferances and we'll build the perfect
satellite system for you.

You're on your way to an incredible all-digital
entertainment experience.

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This message was sent by 'jackie3'

With the flip of a switch you can become a millionaire!


The deregulation of energy (Electricity and Natural Gas) will create millionaires about 10 times faster than the deregulation of telephone services did. Ambit spent literally millions of dollars getting ready for the growth that is starting right now. It's professional, organized and well represented. Want to be a part of this: Thank you Steve Desjardins

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Free to Join!-Free to View!-Free to Win!


View a Free online seminar today
and win 10's, 100's, even 1,000's
in cash tommorow!

Free to Join!-Free to View!-Free to Win!

Join up here, It's free!

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(Credits) Our Next Winner Is???


Hi Angela ,

Each week WIN gives away CASH prizes. Last week they gave away 14 prizes arranging from $10-$80. Would you like to be in the drawings? Simply join WIN Free and attend the Free presentations.   What is WIN? It's Infomercials on Steroids!  The WIN Network is a revolutionary concept in advertising and an amazing new wealth building idea! With WIN you can promote or sell almost anything.  
Ads That Pay YOU to View!

Have a nice day,

Angela L.

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This message was sent by 'angietx'

Got a spare $20??


Want to earn $600 over and over from a
one time payment of $20usd?

Well the GC Power Co-op has the solution for you!!!

The GC Power Co-op is designed to help Getaway Club members move up the boards
quickly and help you earn your $20 400!!!

GC Power Co-op starts with 3 top team positions then will be followed by
member co-ops and other team positions.

All team funds and team positions are used to create more positions in this downline
to ensure movement and member cycles, so you will earn
your $600 payments over and over!

Team funds are also used to help any stuck positions to make sure we all cycle and no position is left behind!!!

GC Power Co-op is open to anyone in the Getaway Club!

So a one time payment of $20 can earn you unlimited payments of $600!!!

How it works?

You pay $20usd via your Getaway Club account or Egold account to
GC Power Co-op for a share in a co-op. Each co-op consists of 10 members.

When your co-op cycles thru the bronze boards the
$100 is kept for GC Power Co-op team account.

When your co-op cycles thru the silver boards, $100 is kept for the
GC Power Co-op team account and each share holder in this co-op receives:

&#8226; 1 free co-op share in our system (value $20usd)

At this stage, we will place your new co-op on our boards and a GC Power Co-op team position on our boards.

When your co-op cycles thru the gold boards, each share holder in this co-op receives:

&#8226; 6 free co-op shares in our system (value $120usd)

At this stage, we will place the 6 new co-op&#8217;s on our boards and 9
GC Power Co-op team positions on our boards.

When your co-op cycles thru the platinum boards, each share holder in this co-op receives:

&#8226; 10 free co-op shares in our system (value $200usd)
&#8226; $600usd paid to your Getaway Club account or Egold account

At this stage, we will place the 10 new co-op&#8217;s on our boards and 40+
GC Power Co-op team positions on our boards.

GC Power Co-op FAQ&#8217;s

Can anyone join the GC Power Co-op?
Yes anyone is welcome to join this program to help your positions in the Getaway Club from any team or any donwline and anywhere in the world! You
dont need to be a member of the Getaway Club to join the GC Power Co-op!

How many shares make up a GC Power Co-op position?
The GC Power Co-op consists of 10 shares at $20usd per share.

What payment methods does the GC Power Co-op accept?
Getaway Club funds or E-gold. You can contact us to make alternative arrangements.

How will you pay the $600usd to me?
You will be paid via Getaway Club account or Egold.

What do I get from 1 $20 GC Power Co-op share?
A $20 share will earn you unlimited free shares and mulitle payments of $600usd! Each time you earn a free share, it goes thru our boards and will
keep earning you free shares!

Can I purchase more than 1 GC Power Co-op share?
Yes you can purchase as many shares as you like, the more shares you buy, they more $600 payments you will create for yourself and the faster our
boards will move.

You will only be able to purchase 2 shares in each Co-op. If you want to purchase more than 2 shares, they will go in the next available Co-op.

What if my GC Power Co-op cycles again out of platinum, do I get paid the same again?
No, the next GC Power Co-op will be paid. We are working this stratigically to cycle as many times out of platinum as we can so everyone will be paid
in order of joining the GC Power Co-op.

Will I be asked to pay or contribute to Advertising Costs or anything else?
No, the GC Power Co-op will cover all advertising costs and with our team funds, we will cover all other costs involved to run this Co-op and you will
never be asked to contribute!

Can I get a refund on my purchase?
No, once your purchase has been made it is final. There will be no refunds under any circumstances.

Please note: Co-ops will be paid in order of purchase not in order of cycling. For example, if powercoop3 cycles first, then the members of GC Power
Co-op# 1 will be paid first. This is the most fair system for all our members and will ensure you will all be paid in a first in first paid basis!

How to join the GC Power Co-op?

Simply copy and paste this form below and email it to:

Name:_____________________________________________ ______

Email:____________________________________________ _______

Country:__________________________________________ _______

Existing Getaway Club username:_____________________________

Number of $20 shares:______________________________________

Payment method (Getaway Club funds or Egold):_________________

GC Power Co-op username:__________________________________

Then make your payment to either of the following accounts:

Via Getaway Club funds &#8211; please pay to: powercoop1

Via Egold &#8211; please pay to: 4420206 &#8211; GC Power Co-op

Once we have received your payment and above details, we will email you with the confirmation of your shares!

Success to all!!!


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This message was sent by 'tigress'

What Can Using The TargetPro Blaster Do For You?


Hi, My Friend;

The first point I would like to make is, "All safelists are NOT the

same". TargetPro Blaster is in a class all to itself. We have a data

base of over 37,000,000 double opt-in recipients eager to receive

your offer daily, this alone will give your offer a much better chance

of actually being seen. Many other great reasons for using TargetPro

Blaster are explained in more detail inside our site.

P.S.- I use TargetPro Blaster in my own ad campaigns and with much

greater results than ever before. However, you and only you can

determine exactly, how TargetPro Blaster will put your ad campaigns

into overdrive.You owe it to yourself to not pass this up, without first

checking it out. Act now,you will be glad you did.

Have A Great Day


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This message was sent by 'silroy1'

'Get Rich Quick!!' - How's That Workin' For Ya'??!?


So, Are You 'Getting Rich Quick' Like They All Said?!?
Hi, I'm YOUR NAME. We both live in the real world - and we both know that if it was EASY to get rich quick we'd all be driving Ferrari's and living
in mansions, right?!?


Your Dreams CAN come true IF:

You find a business to promote that is stable
That has a sensible compensation plan
That has a proven track record of service and reliability
That has a MARKETABLE product, AND
You are willing to make a commitment to it
The RIOY Team has chosen a business that has been in operation for over 8 years, has a very sensible and lucrative compensation plan, pays accruately
and on time, respond to issues, and has a great suite of products that are necessary for ANY internet marketer!

Here's what the The RIOY Team will PROMISE you! We will PROMOTE YOUR SITE FOR YOU. We will Answer any and all questions. We will provide you with
whatever information we can to help you become successful. We are real people helping real people like you reach their dreams!

What this is NOT:

A get rich quick scheme
A fly-by-night organization
A gathering of tire-kickers
Anyone lining their pockets with YOUR money
We EXPECT that our team members, once they've had a chance to look around and decide to join, that they stick around for a while. We'll do
everything we can do help but building a business takes time!

In order to have one of our STELLAR team members help you make your dreams come true, click on the link below:

To your great success!!

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This message was sent by 'brumo'

Traffic, Sign Ups And Sales!


"Amazin*g Secret System Reveals How You Can Easily Generate
TONS Of FRE*E Traffic, Signups And Sales On Complete

If you have dreams of building an Internet Marketing empire
that generates enough cash for you to quit your job,
only a few hours of work per day, and allows you to live
the internet lifestyle..

Then this letter will be the turning point in your
business, your finances and your life.

You're about to discover how you can...

Get As Many As 1.15 MILLION Unique Visitors

To Your Website for fre*e With This System!

Hurry Click the following CREDITS link:

Click this link to earn credits

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This message was sent by 'victorrocha2695'

Here's A Quick Way To Get Lots Of Traffic To Website...


Boost Your Visitor Numbers At No Cost To You!!

Look No Further To Get Great Traffic To Your Website!

Click Here:]

Sherrill Pletscher

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This message was sent by 'briland1'

Don't! Wait a single second to GRAB 51,000 GUARANTEED visitors FREE!


DON'T! Wait a single second to grab 51,000 GUARANTEED visitors FREE!

Since 1994 we've been helping people worldwide
profit online.

We can help you, too.

For FREE details and to get started NOW, go to

We are standing by to help you make money online right now.

Do you want FREE Traffic

Linda and Abraham Dotson - CEO and President, & Worldprofit Dealers

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Don't Miss Out on Streamline Sponsoring


Official Global Launch...

My Sponser Will Spend $20,000+ A Month On Advertising To Build Your Business...Don't Miss This!


*Build just ONE leg to success!
*Easier and more lucrative than any other way you have seen
*Everyone is on the same team
*Volume and commissions roll from the bottom up to everyone
*Total synergy, everyone's sales & sign-ups are combined.
*Easy to use duplicatable system

To learn more visit my website

Click this link to earn credits

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This message was sent by 'hdemille'

FREE, FREE, FREE...If YOU are Flat-Broke, we want YOU.


100% FREE
100% REAL

Step-by-Step system, where you can start from absolutely $0.00,
and turn it into THOUSANDS per month!

Plus, our "100 Referrals in 30 Days" can take the newest newbie,
and have them be an experienced marketer within 30 days!

Everything is FREE, FREE, FREE...What else do you want?

Click this link to earn credits

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This message was sent by 'cmbelcourt'

You Can Make It Big Online - Follow This Example


You Can Make It Big Online - Follow This Example

Hi Success Seeker,

Don Pittwood here...

Want to earn big online but...

** Don't know where or how to begin

** Don't have any technical knowledge

** Don't have a website or know how to
set up one

** Don't have a bundle of spare cash

** Don't have a lot of spare time to
create a web business, even if you
were lucky enough to have all of the

Well my friend, you've really hit pay
dirt this time.

Here's a young man who went from zero to
$11,471 in just 14 days. And, he's
willing to walk you step-by-step through
the exact simple process he used so you
can duplicate his success.

It only takes about 2 hours to get the
full skinny, all accounts set up and

This is so easy, it doesn't matter if
you are old or young or what background
you have - you can do this.

Just watch some videos and follow along
as all the details are revealed to you.
You will be all set up and raking in the
cash in no time.

Go here right now and learn all about
this ground breaking program:

Before you know it, you can be on your
way to the life style you've always
dreamed about and deserve.

To Your Great Success,

Don Pittwood
1250 Front Street, PMB #210
Binghamton, New York 13901

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This message was sent by 'woodyp'

Now Anyone Online CAN Profit!


You Want To Profit Online! I Can Help!

Find out what it takes TO Be Successful!
You Won't believe how easy it can be!

This WILL help you Profit Online!

51,000 Visitors For Your Site?

For F-R-E-E

I help people every day!

Those just starting out, and folks who have tried and failed!

Don't Have The Time To Earn Online?

What IF Someone Did ALL the Work For You?


Sound like your type of business?

Don't believe it?
Just come and see for yourself!

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Become A WIFI / VOIP Multi-Millionaire Fast; 100% Free


The Future of Your Internet is Here!

How would you like to be a part of the business (100% FREE) that will equal or exceed Microsoft & Google for revenue and personal income? We are
introducing a New Wireless Service that is light years ahead of ANY competition. Just imagine what it will be like to be paid a part of every
subscribers' monthly Internet & cell phone bills. The income potential is Astronomical! Be a part of this exciting industry for FREE!

Here's the recorded call info: 641-715-3900 pin 24015# (This Tell's The Whole Story!)

When you get tired of all the "Gimmicks", LOOK! If You Blow This One Off Now, You will be very angry with yourself in a few months…

For the details, click here:

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10,000 hits/day for FREE in 5 easy steps.


10,000 hits/day for FREE in 5 easy steps! Advertiser Pro`s viral marketing machine generates links to thousands of websites.

Robert Michaud

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(Credits) Our Team is Ready....


Shop til You Drop with Your OWN Free Mall.... While Earning Commissions on 9 levels... Are you one of those die-hards who believes that it takes money to make money? Do you hesitate to join "FREE" programs because there's no one around to help you? Would you like to join a TEAM that is ready to help YOU promote YOUR business? We are a small TEAM of people all helping to grow our downlines. We promote one link which rotates our Mall Link. Join our Team today. Have a great day... Angela L.  

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(CRs) YESS!! The Craziest, Easiest & Most FUN Way To Earn Online!!


Hi Fellow Marketer!


This could be "THE ONE"!

New home business launched just very recently that
costs less than $30 per month and offers a subscription
to what has got to be the craziest, easiest, and most
fun way to make money online.

This is not MLM, recruiting, networking, powerlines,
downlines, and all that kind of jazz that you see advertised
so often.

You are one of the very FIRST to know about an amazing
new program with a MUST SEE product line and a
revolutionary "Moneyline" plan that guarantees you
will earn commissions your FIRST day on the team...
and for the next 60 days!

You read it right... JOIN the Moneyline NOW and collect
your first check TONIGHT. Then continue earning for no
less than the next 60 days.

The only requirement is to join. That's it! No selling,
no advertising, no nothing...except to join!!
Discover the HOTTEST new home business opportunity
online! Collect YOUR share of the exploding Moneyline
Pool tonight!

Check it out here:

Looking forward to your success!


P.S. Here's an additional way to increase your wealth online!

P.P.S: Want AWESOME, Targeted Traffic To Your Site??

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