Wednesday, March 5, 2008

____BLASTEROLOGY!___BLASTER!__eBOOK!__$15 Reseller!


____BLASTEROLOGY!___BLASTER!__eBOOK!__$15 Reseller!

__|_/--[(())]==> Want the latest news on
H-O-T Blasters? Just visit....

Hello john

Thanks for reading. Patricia Elaine Perry here,
Internet marketer and blogger.

I advertise BLASTEROLOGY! every day.
It's a H0T product and extremely popular for users
and resellers, whose reseller sites are created
INSTANTLY and hosted F.R.E.E.!

In a hurry? Get BLASTEROLOGY! right n.ow!

I have been an owner and a reseller of
opt_in mailers, a.k.a. blasters since 2003.
Over the years, I have owned and used blasters
with great success and helped my fellow marketers
and customers.

Beginning in 1999, GCI, LLC pioneered, premiered
and developed the technology of permission-based
opt_in mailing from high speed servers. GCI, LLC
has empowered us in our marketing, enabling us
to reach TENS of MILLI0NS in CAN-SPAM-compliance!

====>Learn more about Blasters and how they work.

While this is fantastic, I have come to know from
experience that people sometimes get frustrated with
blasters and think they don't work.

Why? Because they are not using them properly.
I know because I have spent many hours over the years
helping people learn how to use blasters.

That's why I'm so pleased to let you know about
BLASTEROLOGY! The Science of Ad-Blasting for Profit!

Working in collaboration with the developers at
GCI, LLC, Michael Murdock, a.k.a. DocMurdock, created
BLASTEROLOGY! to address this need...helping people
learn HOW to use blasters effectively.

Who is Michael Murdock? To quote from his bio:

"....30 years experience in Technology including
6 years with Pixar Animation Studios as Lead Support Tech
for Macintosh, PC & Unix product lines from 1991 - 1997.
Credited in Toy Story as "macintosh systems engineer".
5 years with Sun Microsystems as Western Regional
Program Manager for StarCat/StarKitty Server
Installations, and a top notch Systems Support
Engineer and Expert Computer Systems Troubleshooter
in Macintosh, PC, and UNIX system Installations...."

Read more on DocMurdock Dot Com.

Michael Murdock knows a thing or two about
technology that WORKS! Maybe we don't know
StarCat/Starkitty from Hello Kitty, but we
know "Toy Story" was a GREAT Movie!

But it's not just a matter of technology that WORKS,
We have to know HOW to use it! That's the uniqueness

With BLASTEROLOGY! Michael Murdock gives us a
blaster that we can use to send UNLIMITED ads
to 35 MILLI0N opt_in prospects!

Now he goes a step further and gives us the
BLASTEROLOGY! eBook that instructs us, with
precision and clarity, just exactly HOW to use
blasters! That's bringing Ad-Blasting down to a science!

Look at what awaits you....

=>Send UNLIMITED ads to 35 MILLI0N Leads
=>F.ree access to 60 More Blasters
=>Huge Bonus Section with Downloads and Software
=>BLASTEROLOGY! eBook with Step-by-Step Marketing Instructions
=>Frequent updates on the newest Blasters
=>More new and exciting products when they happen
=>Satisfaction guaranteed or your m.oney back

N.ow here's more great news!


Your reseller Web Site is hosted on the BLASTEROLOGY!
domain and dedicated server for F.REE! No extra c.ost!
Sign up and your Web site is generated instantly!
You'll get 75% Instant C.ommissions...$15 per s.ale!

I am raking up LOTS of S.ALES...and so can you!
Those $15.00 payments add up FAST!

Get BLASTEROLOGY! today and start 2008
with Suc.cessful BLASTING and BIG P.ROFITS!


For the newest blaster updates, I invite you to subscribe
to my f.ree biweekly ezine, "The Journey Unfolding."
Get 7 F.R.E.E. Web 2.0 eBooks and 100 F.R.E.E. blasters
just for subscribing!

Whatever you are promoting, I wish you
much suc.cess!

Thanks again for reading! Have a great day!

Best wishes,

Patricia Elaine Perry
American Dream Enterprises, LLC
4210 Wimbledon Dr SW #3
Grandville, MI 49418-2855 USA
1-616-538-2391 [Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm EST (GMT-5)]

Click this link to earn credits

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