Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The US Dollar is Plunging-Find Out About Lucrative New Silver Business


If you could find a way to get some Silver Dollars in your mailbox week after week at zero cost, when would you want the information?



Brought to you by Cathryn Prickett, Denver Colorado

LEGAL NOTICE:  The Authors specifically invoke the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press, without prejudice, on this website. The information posted on this website is published for informational purposes only under the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America. Images, text, audio, and video are copyright protected. ALL rights are explicitly reserved without prejudice, and no part of this website may be reproduced unless by written consent. ©2005-2008 by Montana Business Communications (PDS) All rights remain in force. Removing this notice forfeits all rights to recourse. Copyright strictly enforced ©

303 752 1747     cathrynprickett@gmail.com

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FREE, FREE, FREE...If YOU are Flat-Broke, we want YOU.


100% FREE
100% REAL

Step-by-Step system, where you can start from absolutely $0.00,
and turn it into THOUSANDS per month!

Plus, our "100 Referrals in 30 Days" can take the newest newbie,
and have them be an experienced marketer within 30 days!

Everything is FREE, FREE, FREE...What else do you want?


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FREE! MRR Ebooks, Scripts, Software! + Smart Autorespnders & cPanel Web Hosting!


Hello Friend

Would you like to get 1000's of Dollars Worth of Ebooks, Scripts and Software with Master Resell Rights, Plus Smart Autoresponders and cPanel Web
Hosting with no ads for FREE
Every Month?

If you could use all these Great Products and Services for Free every month, Then Don't Delay! Signup Today!

Click Here: http://www.danbaerg.com/recommends/this_awesome_free_site

To Your Success

Dan Baerg

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Tax Free Monthly Cash Flow!


"...Thanks for letting me know about this one. There's a lot of interest from even people who aren't normally interested in networking opportunities. I was also told that a major online club just announced this as a viable opportunity for their members to join..."  Sean
WOW! This really works!!!
NO RISK  A Brand New Concept
Finally, real money you can count on!
Create steady CASH FLOW
Enroller #94
Enroller:  Luis Contreras
Then Call or E-mail
      Fran: 305 595 7555       

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31,240 Chances to Win the Lottery



You have simply GOT to sign up with this one. I am just overwhelmed by how quickly my downline is growing! So many people are interested in Lotto Magic. When I joined I thought it "might" go, but I just had no idea how "well" it would grow! I'm not just talking about my own signups, either. My downline is getting signups. There is GREAT potential here!

It's so easy, too. All I do (really) is send people to the website. That's it. As a full-time online marketer I always look for opportunities that are 100% automated & easy -- no phoning leads -- no selling (yuk!) lol


This is the ONLY business you can join that offers you the
CHANCE to become a multi-millionaire TWICE A WEEK!

There is an average of 200,000 winners EVERY SINGLE WEEK!
You could be one of them! You may even become the next

Plus you can get paid, WHETHER YOU WIN OR NOT!

The payplan is awesome. Not only do you make $25 (per month) for every single person you bring in, but you also share in "everyone's" winnings in your ENTIRE downline -- no matter "who" brought the people in.

I'm building a nice monthly income with this one already!

Come on as a Team Captain to maximize your earnings.

Hurry Before the Next Drawing! 

Make sure to write me as soon as you join. I'll send you some
great-pulling ads!

Take care,
Cathryn Prickett cathrynprickett@msn.com

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Dollar Plunging, Time to Find Out About Silver Business


If you could find a way to get some Silver Dollars in your mailbox week after week at zero cost, when would you want the information?



Brought to you by Cathryn Prickett, Denver Colorado

LEGAL NOTICE:  The Authors specifically invoke the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press, without prejudice, on this website. The information posted on this website is published for informational purposes only under the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America. Images, text, audio, and video are copyright protected. ALL rights are explicitly reserved without prejudice, and no part of this website may be reproduced unless by written consent. ©2005-2008 by Montana Business Communications (PDS) All rights remain in force. Removing this notice forfeits all rights to recourse. Copyright strictly enforced ©

303 752 1747     cathrynprickett@gmail.com

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Validation for The Butterfly Marketing Manuscript starts here


Hi john,

Would you like to learn the same exact tactics and
strategies that Mike Filsaime uses with his very own
membership sites to make an utter fortune each
month online?

Then you need to go here...
Get The Butterfly Marketing Manuscript by visiting:


How would you like to learn from a guy who has built his list to over 350,000 people and makes a steady 6 figures month in and month out on total autopilot?

Well, now is your chance because for the first time ever, Mike Filsaime is letting you get your hands on his Butterfly Marketing Manuscript.


These same tactics and strategies that he teaches in this breakthrough report helped Michael Cheney of Adsense Videos do over $200,000 in sales in just 7 days!

Here is a taste of what The Butterfly Marketing Manuscript will teach you:

-How to build a huge opt in list in record time.

-How to use Viral Marketing to get auto pilot traffic to your site day in and day out.

-How to put tiny little Butterfly Effects in your marketing to earn thousands of dollars per month for years and years to come.

-How to use free reports to bring you 50 new opt in members per day on total auto pilot.

-How to create a product in under 10 days.

-How to launch a site and get 5000 members in just 5 days or less.

-And this is just the tip of the iceberg...

Don't miss out on this. There's no telling if or when Mike will pull this from the market. Hurry and visit:


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This Little Money Maker Rocks !!!


Notification of Payment Received - I never get sick of seeing that !!!

Imagine receiving cash from all over the world!!!

Money to your PayPal account from strangers around the globe...


Respected Friends, Imagine for a moment the Reality of logging on to your email account and receiving cash from all over the world. Can you imagine
your excitement when you see $6, $12, $24 or even $36 - $60 payments of cash being paid direct to you via your email DAILY for the rest of your life?


Well! Don't imagine it because YOU can do it starting right this minute!!!

Are you up to your max in credit card limits? Are you facing possible foreclosure? Are you struggling to meet the rent? Are you facing the auto being
repossessed? Do the kids want new clothes or the newest gizmo's to keep up their status with the other kids or even the oldest wants an automobile?

Don't despair you can turn your life and that of your loved ones, around. It is nice to sit and dream about how this can change your life and turn
even the most dismal financial situation around.


It is like life, not free. All you have to do is join as a reseller. Then, place our very special ad to start creating your own personal cash flow.
Think about this for a moment-why did this page catch your attention? Yes, the same reason as it did for me and many others in the world. I needed to
give my family a better quality of life and even have a share of the spice of life. Why should the rich kids have it all? This works and by this time
tomorrow, people from all over will be anxious to send you loads of $6 bills.

The member site which is full of valuable products will only cost you $6.If you choose to become a reseller and start making some serious money, the
site set up for reselling is $10.


As you would expect with such a great offer and at such a low cost, we are very swamped with orders and so have made it very easy and simple for you
to get this special package and instantly.


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__4,000 FR.EE Hot Leads…Today Only!


Hi ,

Here are 4000 FR.EE Fresh Leads For You:

Go to:

Allow 24-48 hours for your FR:EE LEADS to be sent!

To Your Success!

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Receive A Fr.e.e. SoloAd With YOUR Fr.e.e. Membership


What is the best method of advertising?

This is A FR.E.E Solo Ad Promo Week At Traffic Persuasion

Good For all NEW FR.E.E Member Sign-Ups
To Receive This Offer:
...Sign-Up as a FR.E.E Member 
Verify Your Account
Copy/Paste the Promo Code in
Redeem Promo Code:  TPersuasion

This Offer will be posted to your account automatically!

Begin YOUR Advertising Campaign
 It doesn't get any easier than that!

You will receive GUARANTEED Traffic, Targeted Prospects,
Commissions and Much, Much MORE  at Traffic Persuasion.
And the list is RESPONSIVE! 
So, what are you waiting for...


Promo Code=  TPersuasion

To Your Success!
Brenda Crofoot
Owner-Traffic Persuasion

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Finally ! A Step By Step Promotion Guide for FREE !


Limited budget to use an auto-safelist-submitter ?

Don't have motivation and the time to promote ?


Come get your free copy of a Step By Step Guide showing you exactly how with only 20 safelists and 5 min a day can generate a minimum of 5 sign ups for you in 14 days !!!

Pass on this free guide to your own referrals so they can do the same !!

Don't refer hundreds by yourself anymore. Start making all your referrals refers only the minimum with this free Step By Step Guide.

Claim your copy now before it’s gone !!

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FREE URL Submission


"Be Exposed To Tens Of Thousands Of Unique Visitors!"


To Your Success,

Cam Fisher

"You can have everything you want in life if you will just help enough other people get what they want."

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*:=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=95?= ONLY $5... WoOow ONLY $5 *:=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=95?=


Bring on The Traffic… And Watch Your Money Grow!

Earn $5.00 for each referral, get *exclusive* products
Some with 100% Re-seller Rights.

Plus you get some Info on how to generate lots
of Traffic so you and collect a Mountain of those
$5 Bills!

Want One Million People Anxiously Sending You
$5 each? And they will....

Take a look at this $5By The Millions Package.

See what a $5 Bill can do for you! A Whole Entire
Business! $5 Deal of the Century! ONLY $5

Advertise 2 Millions Daily! This is where you can collect
$3 payments All day long! Incredible re-seller program!

TargetPro Ad Blaster ONLY $10 – Re-seller Rights

Lifetime Memberships!

200 Million Ad Blaster ONLY $7 (Bonuses Included)

Lifetime Memberships!

IMMEDIATE $5, $3 and $1 payments straight into your
Into your PayPal Account All Day Long….Everyday!!!

And watch your sales SOAR over the top!!!

To Your Successs!

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New & Used PET Supply's at 1/2 Price!!


This is Sal from www.ausslifespice.com The people that bring you Bath & Body For The Mind & Body and other wonderful products. I just wanted to make you aware that ausslifespice has a joint business and is also ALLWETPRO where we sell New and Used pet supply's for personal use or businesses and have quite a full inventory of just about everything you might need and want.http://stores.ebay.com/ALLWETPRO-AUSSLIFESPICE-SPECIALTIES?refid=store New & Used PET Supply's at 1/2 Price!! We are brand new and just starting to put things up and we will be placing more and more every week, however if there is anything particular you are looking for please inquire at ALLWETPRO@aol.com. Hit the link to our E-bay page of items for sale. Please take a look and have a nice day.. .<(((><..Sal

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3 easy steps to start a successful online business


Dear friend,

As a valued subscriber, I wanted to let you in on a
great opportunity available to you at:


Sign up today and receive:

* Your very own website setup on your own domain!
* 400 day pre-written ezine-in-a-box!
* Resell rights to the hottest selling digital products online!
* 6 streams of automated residual income!
* Step-by-step marketing instructions to make quick cash!
* 24-hour FREE installation of your new website!
* FREE lifetime support and training!
* And much more...

Get all the exciting details at:

Of course, your site will be 100% customizable!

You can instantly:

* Change the color scheme!
* Add your favorite affiliate programs!
* Create linking partnerships!
* Add more follow-ups to your autoresponder!
* Upload ebooks, software and more...

The possibilities are truly unlimited!

Get your new website today at:

To Your Success!

Soh HY

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This message was sent by 'summerprofit'

I am looking for 25 active people to join my team!


Hello fellow marketer,
I am looking for 25 active people to join my team.

Our goal is to build a 5X6 matrix full of active referrals,
if you join my team our first task will be to get you 5 active referrals of your own.
Our second task will be to help your 5 referrals to do the same thing refer 5 of there own and so on,
so why am I lookimg for 25 people? Because I am working for my team and I will be placing new referrals under existing ones to help them complete
their first level task, and if you join this team you will not only have me helping you, but who you're assigned to as well, you will receive support
all the way from level 1 to 6 by which time you will have built your self a team of 3000 + members. So do you think you could make money with a team
of 3000+ active members that you can take with you to join any programs you like?

What you WON'T get if you join this team:
-silver gold or platinum membership levels-
-monthly fees-
-one time offers-
-back end offer-
-you will not be offered any leads packages that you need to pay for-
-you will not be charged for any help you receive-
-you will not repeatedly be required to purchase product after product in a never ending cycle that does nothing but empty your pockets-
-while promising the world and expecting us to pay membership for the privledge, of building their business-

So if you've had enough of the hype and would like to join a team of people serious about making money in 2008
then check out the link, NO EXPERENCE NEEDED, we will train you, YOU WILL SUCCEED,

Sincerely, Diane Scott
Want the best, join the best! http://www.reality-networkers.com/marketingsecret10.php?refid=1515443

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4500+ members couldn't be wrong


As a group of over 4500, we have searched for real and
Meaningful returns that will keep being delivered
Month after month for years to come.

Instead, we collectively spent thousands of hours
And more than thousands in funds.

You don't have to go through all that.

There is a PLAN, over 15 years in the making,
2 years exposed to the Net, we're following it
and it is working!

Everyday we're grateful we found it.

Discover what we are doing and how we are making up
For our past losses and developing future gains.

Join our alliance of marketers.

No outrageous start up, no monthly drain, and no allegiance
To one company.

Permanent, willable, wealth development.

If you like what you find out, we will progress together.


Click this link to earn credits

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Make A Minimum Of $10,000 ... GUARANTEED!


Make A Minimum Of $10,000 ... GUARANTEED!

Dear Fellow Entrepreneur,

I know the headline you just read sounds bold and maybe even a
bit fantastic! This is why I don't blame you for initially being
skeptical! The fact is… you have to be these days! You see… I'm
sure that you've been searching for an opportunity that has the
true power to generate an executive level of income from home.

Up to this point, I also know you've been exposed to dozens or
even hundreds of opportunities that offer you the "potential" of
making money. However, truly they can't promise or guarantee you
anything. This is frustrating and very scary, right?

This is why what I have to share with you is extremely important!

I want to show you how we're able to replace that scary word
"POTENTIAL" with the word "GUARANTEED" when it comes to making
money! The purpose of this e-mail today is to give you the
ability to explore this amazing opportunity with me further, so
together we can bring your frustrating search to an end.

I want to not only prove to you why this $10,000.00 GUARANTEE is
real, but also how the GUARANTEED MONEY is just the tip of the
moneymaking iceberg!

That's Right...The GUARANTEED MONEY Is Only The Beginning Of
What This Opportunitiy Has To Offer:

The explosive moneymaking ability of the opportunity I'm now
inviting you to discover has gotten me so excited, it has
quickly become MY TOP PRIORITY! In fact, this just might be my
greatest wealth discovery to date!

Consider this… $10,000.00 is not all of the money in the world;
however, this opportunity is so amazing that the company I'm now
working with actually has A WRITTEN GUARANTEE that you will make
at least $10,000.00 with their amazing system or they will cut
you a check for the difference!

Keep in mind that this is the bare-bones minimum amount of money
you will earn if you join this shockingly simple and fun
marketing system!

Intrigued? Then Read More By Visiting:

Click this link to earn

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This message was sent by 'godfreyaeon'

What would you pay to save on the high price of fuel?


Because you should be spending your money on something besides gas. And gas prices are only going to go up. Our Better Fuel Mileage Now
package is an investment you will see returns on every time you refill your tank. Because in the five minutes it takes to you follow our instructions,
you'll wish you had seen our website sooner.

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Earn UNLIMITED RESIDUAL INCOME From Other's Cell Phones & Internet Users: FREE!


The Future of Your Internet is Here!

How would you like to be a part of the business (100% FREE) that will equal or exceed Microsoft & Google for revenue and personal income? We are
introducing a New Wireless Service that is light years ahead of ANY competition.

Just imagine what it will be like to be paid a part of every
subscribers' monthly Internet & cell phone bills.

Be a part of this exciting industry for FREE!

Here's the recorded call info: 641-715-3900 pin 24015#

When you get tired of all the "Gimmicks", LOOK! If You Blow This One Off Now, You will be very angry with yourself in a few months…

For the details, click here:


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No nag advertisements: Mailxco does not use Nuisance (nag) advertisements on the way to your login!
Bounce Mail Solution: We use a special system that keeps our safelist as clean as possible!
Banners: You can display a banner on our safelist website so long as you have credits.
Credits: Members receive credits for reading other member's ads. They must click on the "Earn Credits" link and stay on your website for 30 seconds in order to earn the credits. You can also earn credits by referring "new signups" to our safelist.
Regular Mailer: You can send your ads to the entire safelist once per day, even if you don't have any credits left.
Credit Mailer: You can send your ads to the entire safelist up to several times per day "depending on membership level".
Lottery Link:
If your lucky enough to win by clicking on a Lottery Link, you can win 10,000 credits just like that!

Click here to earn credits

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Your Last Stop To Profits!



Any one of these online moneymaking programs will reward you with a substantial income for your hard work and PATIENCE!

Register for FREE today!

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This message was sent by 'leepenny2001'

Can we ask you a quick question...Has this ever happened to you?


You log in to your email account to check your emails. You open an email about joining a new program. In that email, it says: "Join our program now and receive massive spillover" or "If you join our program, we promise to teach you, support you, and help you make money". You decide to join that program thinking wow, this is just what I was looking for and then a month or two down the road, you find yourself scratching your head still trying to figure out how to build your business. The program or sponsor that you signed up under is NOT providing the things they said they would. And all you have done up till that point is put out money and still not made a dime?
All Teamed Up Stats
Total Members:
Total PRO Members:
Total Paid Out:

At All Teamed Up, we say "It doesn't have to be that way" and we are proving that True Success can be done through teamwork and our Total Team Concept. Not just YOU and YOUR referrals working together to make money BUT you and an ENTIRE community of dedicated individuals working together to insure that every member of our program makes money!

Register for FREE today!

Click here to earn credits

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STOP: You really can be one of the 3% who make money online !



100% legitimate way to make money online!

Everything is Step-By-Step!

You can't loose, because it's FREE.

Click the link below for more details:


Best Wishes,
Lisbeth Stokholm

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~~~,,,Did you join this Safelist yet?


Free PRO's


$5.00 off all upgrades
available from 3-12-08 until 3-31-08.

Awesome deals, free solo's to ALL
members,+ all the fantastic benefits.

Don't let this one slip by you,

Modified 17 Race List is here to


lock your memberships in at these prices



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This message was sent by 'tresa'

Do you want to save money?


Do you want to save money?
Do you want more performance from your vehicle?
Do you want your engine to last longer?
Of course you do- we all do!

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This message was sent by 'UHU10365'

Over 4500 Cant be wrong


As a group of over 4500+, we have searched for real and
meaningful returns that will keep being delivered month
after month for years to come.

Instead we collectively spent thousands of hours and more
than thousands in funds.

You do not have to go through it all.

There is a PLAN, over 15 years in the making,
2 years exposed to the Net, we are following it and it is working.
Everyday we are grateful we found it.

Discover what we are doing and how we are making
up for our past losses and developing future gains.

Join our alliance of marketers.

No outrageous start up. No monthly drain. No allegiance to one company.

Permanent, willable wealth development.

If you like what you find out we will progress together....


Click this link to earn credits

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This message was sent by 'drdecor1'

Own a website that is a $20 Magnet!


Thousands of people will want to send you $20 with this unique website!
100% profits paid directly to your merchant account.
Easily earn $20 to $200 daily from this incredible self selling website.
Own it all for a one time $20 payment. It's truly amazing!
For all the details, visit website at:

Click here to earn credits

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Are you still promoting programs after programs in the hope of succeeding in some of them?


Most program only requires you to refer 2 ~ 5 people !

That means if you're referring anymore than that while your referrals aren't doing anything, you'll never be able to succeed simply because you'll
never be able to refer thousands of people all by yourself !!!

Come become part of the Reality-Networkers and find out for yourself how this entire team of active networkers can help you, and your referrals to do
their part.

Remember, to truly for you to earn that millions of dollars in every matrices out there is not for yourself to refer 1000s of people, but to have your
referrals refer 2 ~ 5 people on their own with the help of Reality-Networkers.

To find out more details on how you can benefit from Reality-Networkers for FREE, please follow this link here:


Paid to Send Mail with Email Safelist free offer for a limited time only, join now:

Click this link to earn

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50000 free sign up credits and more


yes you get 50000 sign up credits at our "general public" traffic exchange
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Webmasters !! to get 10,000 visitors/day visit my page listing 417 great hits gathering web sites


and sign up for all the hits gathering web sites

Click this link to earn

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Success Alive - Here is Where We Are


Success Alive is about to take the net by STORM.

It is in pre launch now and there are few people who know about this site so you have a jump on the whole world and I sincerely hope you take it.


You are being offered a ground floor opportunity. We are expecting over 40,000 signups in the next three months.
This system does 95% of the work, it closes and follows up automatically.

Timing is URGENT.

Take the Free Tour and see how it works.


Get in now to position yourself.

Click this link to earn credits

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john: Leads are Abundant on this FREE site!



RE:  Free Resource for Adtactics Members

This New Site is All About Making Money.  It's a FREE site and People are swarming to it.  

What's the catch?  Fresh Fish!  Leads are Abundant on this site!  Just join, set up you page like myspace.  Browse and Add friends and tell them how they can make money!

They all want to learn to earn online!

Good Luck,

Robert Price
AIS Director
Adtactics Membership -Premium.

Click to get your points and see the site:

Click here to earn credits

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I found the greatest marketing idea of all time - in a FREE book


I've got really exciting news to share today!

Every marketer, every guru will tell you how important
Google is to your online business - and how you should
do your level best to be listed in the search engines.

However, there is one man - Mr. Harvey Segal who dares
to stand up and say "GOODBYE" to the mighty Google!

... and make a tidy sum of profit in the process too ;-)

Download his latest (and best) product ever -

"The Ultimate Supertip" here:

Absolutely NO cost here, you don't even have to give him
your name or email.

23 pages of solid content. No fluff.

A brief Overview of the book:

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 2 - The VERY BEST strategy to promote ANY product.
A real case study is presented as well.

Chapter 3 - An ingenious twist that takes this strategy into orbit.

Chapter 4 - The tools that will help you put the strategy into
practice immediately.

Chapter 5 - And finally an astonishing viral idea that will
put money into your paypal instantly :-) 
(hint, it's a 100% affiliate commission payout)

Get your copy now:

Absolutely NO cost, and you don't have to subscribe to any list.

Thanks for reading!

Have a great day!

Best wishes,

Click here to earn credits

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Free Leads for 30 Days




Here is a very simple way to

get free leads for 30 days!


Join this program and get 30

days of free trial.  No need to

give your credit card number or



You'll be given a free website

like mine to advertise, with pre-

written letters.


So you will get real free leads

for 30 days.


After this period, if you decide

to continue, I'll pay for your first

month, so you'll have about two

month free leads !!!


Of course you can stop whenever

you want.


Here is the link:


Click Here To Learn More

Yours in success,


Marina Afanasyeva


Get 10 quality leads free!

 Free Marketing Tools

Free Solo Ads

Click here to earn credits

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No Experience in Making Money Online?


Hi Friends,

Tired to make money online that never received the payouts?

Why don't you try yourself to prepare it in Step-by-Step from your computer?

You can't lose anything, because it's FREE... (Yes, you're right, FREE !)

So EASY..., So REAL..., and, once again, it's FREE...

Only you can determined your future, how much money will you earned in every month

Click below to see how I make money on the internet


To your success,


Click this link to earn credits

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This message was sent by 'aldichandra'

Grand Opening at Real Visitors 4 You Free Pro


Hello john berry

Grand opening of a credit based safe-list [ Real Visitors 4 U Site]

Here you can get 50 % Commissions for referring upgraded members!

Join a family of safelist that are unique to keep its members active

We will be given free upgrades for referring members and credits

In are referral contest and there is also a reading contest!

Come and get your free pro before they are all gone!

We have banners and will be adding splash pages to help you promote!

Best Regards


Click here to earn credits

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This message was sent by 'illolson'

Niche Annihilation Bonus Mania!


 I'm sure you've already heard the buzz about a new ebook last week called the Niche Annihilation Method by Rob Benwell
Well, it's just gone live and you need to check it out:
Now there's 3 reasons you MUST take a look right this minute:
1) The ebook is killer... Start using it right away to gain an unfair advantage over the competition and anyone else trying to make money online.
2) There's $2,391 in bonuses going to the first 500 people... Now Rob expects the 500 places to go within the first few hours if not the first 30 minutes...
You see, there's over 5,091 on the waiting list for when this opens who have already said "Yes, I want a copy"
So you have to download it now before it sells out... There's still places available but you need to act now
3) The tactics inside the Niche Annihilation Method are so powerful Rob doesn't even know if he'll sell it for more than 24 to 48 hours... He's going to see the reaction from the market and may take the whole offer down quickly to avoid too many people using the secret techniques.
Just go to the website now and read all about it:
There's tons of positive reviews and testimonials saying this is the...
"Best Ebook On Niche Marketing Ever!"
Now, make sure you get in whilke you can
Good Luck


Click here to earn credits

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This message was sent by 'buxmaker'



I've been testing an exciting new URL submission tool which is going to make my life – and yours – a whole lot easier.

URL submissions to search engines always seem to take far too long, no matter how organized you are.


If you're like me, you probably aren't keen to put your trust in some of the free online services which claim they'll submit your URL to thousands of

After all, do they ever show you a report, or confirm that you have actually been added?

When it comes to URL submissions, it's the main search engines which I care about most. However, even submitting to just the top 10 is tiresome and
time-consuming if you have many pages on your site or if your own several other sites.

Another problem is that search engines may penalize you if you use some URL submission software instead of actually visiting the search engines.

Solving all those problems in one mighty blow is the new Search Engine Blaster submission service.

Whether you have dozens of domains to administer, or just a few URL's to submit, Search Engine Blaster can handle all of your dirty

Better yet, search engines won't object to it, It's pre-programmed to automatically submit your web pages, in a responsible and effective manner.
What's important here is that the software does NOT spam the search engines. It posts URLs in a responsible fashion, so the search engines won't see
any objectionable behavior.


The worst part about most submission software is manually adding in the URL's of your web site. With Search Engine Blaster, it couldn't be easier. You
just enter in your domain name, and their submit bot will visit your web site, and automatically load every page on your site into the submission
queue--it's truly amazing to see. You can actually see it working, as all of your pages instantly show up in your submit list right in your browser!

I found it very simple to use. Since it is an online based service, there's no complicated software to learn and nothing to download. Once you tell it
what to submit, it will automatically re-submit as often as you'de like. You don't even have to log in to do it--It's all on auto-pilot!

While it certainly submits to the top engines, It also submits to thousands of niche specific search engines, free for all sites, directories, and
even classified ad sites, doing the work for you with pinpoint accuracy, as if you were doing it manually--even while you're on vacation!

There's another tool included with this service called the doorway page builder. Again, they made this one very easy to use. You type in some keywords
and phrases about your web site, click on create, and the software will instantly generate up to 50 key word optimized doorway pages just for you
(This allows search engines to list even more sites on your domain, as well as earning you a higher rank in the engines)It will even upload them
directly to your website, and submit those new pages directly to the search engines as well.

All in all, I found this service to be first class. I've never seen anything else like it.


Their support staff was there when I needed them, and they have an extensive FAQ (frequently asked questions) database that I found very helpful. They
truly seem to care about their customers.

Additionally, they offer a generous two-tier affiliate program, offering a 30% recurring commission on all of your sales, plus an ongoing 10%
commission on anyone who signs up to be an affiliate using one of your links.

I predict this tool will be hugely popular in the coming months, and will soon become the "standard" in automated marketing. I love it!

Make YOUR life a whole lot easier. Take a closer look at Search Engine Blaster now.


Click this link to earn credits

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@@ This is “IT=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=94?=– OUR CHANCE !! &=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=85?= IT’S F*REE TO JOIN !!


Take a Serious look at this Friend,

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Advertise 2 MILLION'S Daily.

Plus - Earn $3 per referral......

Paid Directly into your PayPal Account!


A realistic $3 - $300 daily is Possible!

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Absolutely the best deal on the internet!

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Click here to earn credits

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This message was sent by 'denyce'

Go NOW- Don't STOP! SuccessAlive Is LIVE!


Hey john!

You really need to check out this new money making system called SuccessAlive.com!

One of the owners is Tony Little "the 3 Billion Dollar Man!" Tony is the Number one name in health and fitness world wide. And this is your chance to partner with him!

Closing sales for us is David Dubbs, the EDC Multi-Millionaire and if that wasn't enough, my direct sponsor is Jane Mark, owner of jpe advertising....you know....Croc-Ads, FreeAd Depot, MyEasy Submitter, ViralAd Depot and about 15 other very successful online businesses!

You have a chance to make some very serious money with this system...VERY SERIOUS!

This is the type of program you hear about when people are talking about generating real wealth with the internet!

If you have any questions after you are into the site click the request a call button and someone from the company will contact you and answer your questions!

I love how I don't have to sell anybody over the phone the system really does 95% of the work!

Fill out the form, take a free 10 minute tour on my website below and see why so many people are making money with this system. 

Be sure to watch the movie!     


You have got to see this to believe it!

John Leary III
SuccessAliveTour Member

P.S. Get In Now - This Is THE Ground Floor
Opportunity YOU Have Been Waiting For!


Don't say I never told you!

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300 Visitors from the Traffic G exchange FREE!!!


300 Visitors from the Traffic G exchange FREE!!!

This is a quality mailer – NOT a cheap "blaster" !


We guide 1000's of potential clients to zero in on your site like missiles!

When you purchase a subscription to the best online mail delivery system available, you will receive 300 hits from a major traffic exchange for FREE.
Simply email goatmax62@aol.com and include your Pay Pal purchase confirmation number along with the web site you want to promote. The hits will start
300 hits plus a subscription to the mailer for only $12! You can't beat that.

Direct marketing is one of the most effective ways to promote your business.
However, Internet etiquette requires that you only send your offers to those who have agreed to receive them.

This is where the Private Advertising Club concept comes into play. When you join our Private Club you immediately have the right to send your
advertisement to 1000's of proven Internet purchasers daily.
Not only has everyone in the database agreed to receive offers but, they even paid to be part of the club!


*Everyone one the list is a double confirmed
proven Internet buyer.

*No complicated software or email addresses
to download.

*One click send directly from our servers.
As easy as sending a regular email except
your ad goes out to 1000's of proven buyers not
just one.

*Impossible to lose your ISP. All mail goes
out directly from our servers.

Database constantly changing so you always have
new people to email to.

Send your ad out every day, 365 days per year
to a constantly updated new database of
Internet buyers.

One Year's Membership is a mere $12.

Click here to send out your ad in minutes!


Sites containing any of the following cannot be submitted for free hits:
Pornographic, warez, violent or non-English material. Sites that open more than 1 pop-up window. Sites containing hidden content.

Thank you.

This has been a commercial email message from:

Francis "Skip" Heywood

Brand new marketing tool is causing sales to explode!

Click this link to earn

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