Wednesday, March 5, 2008

True or False: Making Money Online Is a Lot of Work...


Take one lazy window washer...

...add in years of struggle to make ends meet...

...combine with a strong desire to FINALLY make real money
without spending a fortune or working endless hours...

...and what do you get??

Dave Gale's "Automated Cash Formula."

Yes, I know, generic hyped title, right?

One of the things I've learned is to NOT judge a book by its

So I did some digging, and Dave is the real deal.

And his book?

Well, I could list the many testimonials he's received, but you
can see those on the website.

Instead, let me just tell you this...

...If you're looking to make REAL money...

...without a ton of work...

...and you're willing to wait a week or two to get paid for your

...then this is for you.

Many of my readers grabbed their copy yesterday...


Others had questions, which I'll answer here...

Q. "Will it take a lot of money to make money with "Automated
Cash Formula?"

A. No. If you've got a computer and Internet connection, you've
got everything you need.

Q. "Will this take a lot of time?"

A. About two hours. Just follow the step-by-step instructions,
and build yourself an automated income that can last for months
and maybe even years.

Then do it again as many times as you want.


Q. "Do I have to build websites?"

A. No websites needed, and forget doing any technical stuff. If
you can click a mouse, you can do this.

Q. "So I'm marketing a product, right?"

A. No. You're not prompting anything yourself. You're not selling
a product, you're not dealing with customers, and you're not
doing any marketing.

Q. "Is this something I can do for a long time to come?"

A. Yes! Not only can your efforts pay you for months or even
years, but you can also do this as much as you want. There is no
limit and you'll never run out of possibilities.

Q. "The price seems way to low. What's the catch?"

A. I thought that, too. When you see exactly what this is, and
how valuable the information will be to you, you'll wonder why
Dave only charged such a small amount.

I'm not sure what Dave is thinking... Maybe that we all need a
break for a change?

Regardless, don't look a gift horse in the mouth, as my mother
used to say.

And don't delay, either. Dave is no dummy... he's going to catch
on that he's charging far too little, and no doubt when he does,
the price will be going up.

Fair warning.

P.S. So, you make money online without technical skills, without
a website, and you do it with about 2 hours of work.

So tell me...

...does this sound too good to be true?

I thought so, until I checked it out.

This is good, and it is true. It involves a multi million dollar
industry, and it's a real business.

And you WILL have to put some effort in to get results.

You won't make millions overnight from sitting around in your
underwear all day (sorry!)

But what you will discover in "Automated Cash Formula" is
possibly the simplest genuine method for the average person...

...without any marketing skills or online assets... start making REAL money immediately within hours of
implementing the system.

And that's guaranteed.

If for any reason - or even no reason at all - you are not
completely convinced that this simple to follow...

..."just copy me and make money..."

...plan cannot make you a very nice part time or even full time
income, then you pay NOTHING.

Click this link to earn credits

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