Friday, March 28, 2008

Would you like to generate F-R-E-E Traffic Quality?



We all look for great places to advertise
our businesses because we need MORE Traffic.


Well, I am the owner of My Traffic Maker and
I would like to invite you to join absolutely
FR.E.E and I will include:

1 Solo AD

1 Banner with 1000 impressions

1 Traffic Link with 100 view-That's 100 GUARANTEED
Visitors to your business...


All for joining me at my place of business and
it's a great way to get started. The membership
is growing and responsive!

So, let's make MORE Traffic together...

My Traffic Maker will give you GUARANTEED Traffic,
Targeted Prospects and Commissions...


All for FR.E.E.

To Your Success!

Marcio Gordiano
owner-My Traffic Maker


Click this link to earn

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$4,751.50 - $15k+ a Month Trading Stocks!


I was searching through my favourite forum yesterday when I came across a post. The post was by a user who goes by the username "chronus".

But what he said in his post was very interesting. Braggingly he talked about how he stumbled across a website 2 weeks ago. The website was about a
newsletter called "Doubling Stocks".

This newsletter has been running for years and the average return of each stock is 105.67%. "Chronus" went on to explain how he'd invested in the last
3 stocks recommended and had so far earned $1937.24

He told everyone, on Sunday evenings he: Opens his emails, Downloads the latest stock recommendation... then watches as his investment doubles in the
next few days.

Other users of the forum, asked him of the web address where they could subscribe to this service. He declined.

He also posted again saying how he was luckily in the last 500 subscribers allowed. And how only 86 spaces were left as he posted. But he said he
wouldn't let go of this secret.

Without high expectations I emailed him through the forum. Unlike others in my email I was calm and pleasant. I didn't demand the address of this
website. Within a few hours of talking to him over emails, we had started to forge a friendship. He honestly is a very nice guy.

In one of his emails he told me there were only 54 places left to be a newsletter subscriber. And right there under that sentence was the link.


I immediately clicked onto the website, still 39 places left, I signed up and awaited my first stock pick.

Thank God He Told Me...
DoublingStocks Is A Goldmine

Right now I've got $867.98 in my Scottrade account, after an innitial investment of $300.00. This newsletter is awesome. I then rang round all my
friends and loved ones, telling them to get to the nearest pc and subscribe for their own place.

Next I decided I would email you guys. The stickler is my email list (you) has nearly 50,000 subscribers. And guess what? There are only 24 places
left to become a subscriber as I write this.

Which means there is a very very slim chance, you can actually get your hands on this. So if you can bare it click on the below link and scroll to the
bottom. It should say in big black letters how many subscriber spaces left. If it's above 0, you're in luck. I'd advise you to scroll to the top of
the page and read it all:

Then sign up, place your first trade, and start living!


Click this link to earn credits

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Earn $100 and $930 over and over again!


Would you consider Total Team Profit if you "NEVER PAY A MONTHLY FEE"
and you get a LIFETIME of FREE RE-ENTRY in to the Total Team Profit Matrix so you can cycle again and again?

From one small one-time investment you can earn 1000's of dollars, 10's of thousands of dollars, and if you desire to be preloaded in the next
All-Teamed-Up Team Build, you can do that as well after you join!

There's nothing online like Total Team Profit (All-Teamed-Up's first TEAM BUILD)!

PLUS...our Products for PRO MEMBERS will make you even more income online! Over $1000 Dollars worth of Bonuses when you GO PRO in Total Team Profit!

So are you ready to join the NEW WAY TO NETWORK MARKET ONLINE and finally rid that vicious cycle of MLM hype that comes with promises to get
"Spillover" and complete with no upline assistance and no team building concept what so ever?

Then you are in the right place at the right time!

Be a part of history with Total Team Profit...

# We are a program built for the future for all our members.
# In Total Team Profit you pay a ONE TIME, Lifetime Membership Fee of $40 - Thats IT! No Autoships, No Monthly Fee!
# The Total Team Profit Division of All-Teamed-Up has over $1000 in the bonus section if you UPGRADE to Pro Member # You Earn $100 when you cycle out
of the small 2x2 matrix (just 6
# You are Automatically Re-Entered into the cycler again and added to a Second Matrix which is a 2x5 Blockbuster!!
# You cost for re-entry is FREE!!!
# Each time you cycle in the 2x2 you make $100 and when you cycle in the 2x5 you will earn a total of $930.00 !!

Join us today!
Bruce Morrow


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Making money with this is not only possible –it’s UNAVOIDABLE !!!


Notification of Payment Received - I never get sick of seeing that !!!

Imagine receiving cash from all over the world!!!

Money to your PayPal account from strangers around the globe...

Respected Friends, Imagine for a moment the Reality of logging on to your email account and receiving cash from all over the world. Can you imagine
your excitement when you see $6, $12, $24 or even $36 - $60 payments of cash being paid direct to you via your email DAILY for the rest of your life?

Well! Don't imagine it because YOU can do it starting right this minute!!!

Are you up to your max in credit card limits? Are you facing possible foreclosure? Are you struggling to meet the rent? Are you facing the auto being
repossessed? Do the kids want new clothes or the newest gizmo's to keep up their status with the other kids or even the oldest wants an automobile?

Don't despair you can turn your life and that of your loved ones, around. It is nice to sit and dream about how this can change your life and turn
even the most dismal financial situation around.

It is like life, not free. All you have to do is join as a reseller. Then, place our very special ad to start creating your own personal cash flow.
Think about this for a moment-why did this page catch your attention? Yes, the same reason as it did for me and many others in the world. I needed to
give my family a better quality of life and even have a share of the spice of life. Why should the rich kids have it all? This works and by this time
tomorrow, people from all over will be anxious to send you loads of $6 bills.

The member site which is full of valuable products will only cost you $6.If you choose to become a reseller and start making some serious money, the
site set up for reselling is $10.

As you would expect with such a great offer and at such a low cost, we are very swamped with orders and so have made it very easy and simple for you
to get this special package and instantly.

$6, $60, $600, $6000, $60,000, $6M...See where this is going???

Click this link to earn

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Want To Retire Early


"You Can RETIRE IN ONE YEAR"......

......With a GUARANTEED Monthly Income of $4000 or More!

......Using our Auto-Pilot System

We recruit'em We sign'em up We do ALL the work!

This is NOT HYPE!! Check it out! What have you go to lose?

Get your FREE information now!

Click this link to earn credits

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your safelist account. This is the only way to be removed! The login page
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The Niche Giveaway Has LAUNCHED...It is a FREE GIVEAWAY to You!


The Niche Giveaway Has Officially LAUNCHED!
This is not the usual type of giveaway, but the
first one in an entire JV Giveaway-series.
This first 'Episode" - and all the FR.E.E.  gifts with it
are dedicated to Advertising & Traffic Generation...
Now is YOUR OPPORTUNITY to go join and collect
not just a little, but a lot of FR.E.E. advertising and
other FR.E.E. gifts in the Advertising & Traffic
Generation Niche...
It's going to be very beneficial to you and FUN!
Admission is FR.E.E., go ahead and check it out:
To Your Success and I'll see you there!
Brenda Crofoot
admin-Traffic Persuasion

Click here to earn credits

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This message was sent by 'bjfoot'

john, Get the Power to Control Your Destiny!


We give you the Power to Control Your Destiny! has put together a program that is guaranteed to make you money, save you time and dramatically increase your business success!

We have been developing this business since 1999. Through trial and error, good times and bad, and a lot of hard work we succeeded in creating a system that will benefit you now and well into the future.

All for FREE
* Autoresponder
* Ad and Link Tracker
* Capture Page Creator
* Lead Generation Service
* URL Rotator
* SEO and Site Submission Tools
* Run with Smart Page Technology to better manage your business

You can get the entire ISOR System for FREE

Your success begins with a click!

There will never be a better time than now!

Click here to earn credits

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This message was sent by 'tedgdi'

john, FINALLY! A Credit Based Safelist that Delivers!


A Credit Based Safelist that Delivers!

I just wanted to invite you to join a Hot New Credit Based
Safelist that is getting rave reviews! The news is spreading
and it is growing fast. It's called Elite Safelist.

Click Here to Join Elite Safelist Now!

You can literally be reaching tons of people anxiously
waiting to see your offers. You could do this in minutes
and start getting guaranteed traffic.

This website has a complete system in place to get your
website traffic and commissions at blazing speed. This is
one of the highest converting Credit Based Safelists on the
market that offers great commissions!

Just for promoting Elite Safelist, you could be earning a residual

They also have a special promotion right now where all
membership upgrades are insanely cheap! As the membership
base increases, The price will rise until it reaches 1000 members!

If you can get in early, you can still take advantage
plus get a ton of easy referrals by promoting it early.

I hope you get there in time:
Click Here to Join Elite Safelist Now!

To Your Success,
Solomon Huey
Click Here to Join Elite Safelist Now!

Click here to earn credits

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john, All Safelists are NOT Created Equal! Join the Elite!


A Credit Based Safelist that Delivers!

I just wanted to invite you to join a Hot New Credit Based
Safelist that is getting rave reviews! The news is spreading
and it is growing fast. It's called Elite Safelist.

Click Here to Join Elite Safelist Now!

You can literally be reaching tons of people anxiously
waiting to see your offers. You could do this in minutes
and start getting guaranteed traffic.

This website has a complete system in place to get your
website traffic and commissions at blazing speed. This is
one of the highest converting Credit Based Safelists on the
market that offers great commissions!

Just for promoting Elite Safelist, you could be earning a residual

They also have a special promotion right now where all
membership upgrades are insanely cheap! As the membership
base increases, The price will rise until it reaches 1000 members!

If you can get in early, you can still take advantage
plus get a ton of easy referrals by promoting it early.

I hope you get there in time:
Click Here to Join Elite Safelist Now!

To Your Success,
Solomon Huey
Click Here to Join Elite Safelist Now!

Click here to earn credits

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This is like no other program !!


The S4PMultiIncome (S4PMI) Program

is like no other program you have

ever seen on the Internet. Not only can you Build a Good

Income in the S4PMI Program, but you will also receive

Free Entry, Upgrades, and Bonus Cash in 3 other Solid

Internet Business Opportunities.

YOU READ THAT CORRECTLY!! As an S4PMI member, you will

pay nothing to Join these other 3 Business

Opportunities, get Free Upgrades and entries in these

programs, get Bonus Cash each month, and receive

downline Spillover from our Growth.

We are not going to waste your time giving you more

Products and Resources, that you will probably not use.

This is what most programs offer on the internet. We are

going to help you Build an Income, because our Primary

products are other Business Opportunities, which will

generate you some Good Profit over time. Plus, our

Compensation and Commission Benefits are second to none.

Click here COMP PLAN to look at the Profit you can

make as a S4PMI member.

Try Us For 15 Days For $1.00

Here are some examples of the Benefits you will receive

as an S4PMI member:

All members are placed in the S4PMI 2 x 9 Forced matrix,

with a strong Commission payout structure.
$4.00 Fast Start Bonus for referring other members
Leadership Bonuses for members that show they can refer

New members to the program.
Profit Sharing Bonus for all Upgraded members on a

monthly basis.

Free entry and Position Purchase in the S4PPowerMatrix

program the first month, and then every 3rd month

thereafter. This normally would Cost $10.00 for each

entry, but it is Free as an S4PMI member. Potential

payout is 100% Profit on each entry.
Free entry in the Search4Profits program (S4P). This is

a $10.00 monthly program, but you get it for Free, as an

S4PMI member. The S4P Program has a lot of Resources,

and an unlimited Income potential for its members.
Free Upgraded membership in the Cash Development program
$4.00 Bonus each month to your Cash Development account
Solo email to all S4P Advertising Network members,

currently over 6000 each month. This alone is worth

almost as much as your S4PMI membership.
Unlimited Banner Impressions for all Upgraded members.

You will be able to place your Banner, and it will

continue to rotate, as long as you are an Upgraded

member. You can edit the Banner any time you want. This

is a Valuable Advertising Resource.
Other Products will also be added to the S4PMI members


The S4PMI program gives you the opportunity to make a

Large Income on the internet. We believe this has so

much potential for each member, that we want you to Try

us for 15 Days for $1.00. Just join, look at the Bonuses

and Cash back you will receive each month, and I think

you will see how Good of a Deal this can be for you.

Try Us For 15 Days For $1.00

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This message was sent by 'smwiddows'

FREE Website Traffic NO Credit Card Great Opportunity!!


FREE Website Traffic NO Credit Card Great Opportunity!!

Take two minutes and submit your website here for FREE!


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This message was sent by 'mjackws'

5 Huge packages of Powerful downloadable Software For Your Business


Get Serious About Making Money Online

Simple……………….. ………..

Yet Incredibly Powerful Software…………….

Is Transforming…………………

The Lives of Regular People…………………..

From All Over The World............

Instantly Elevating Their Incomes………………

and Boosting Their Qualified Traffic...................

Kind Regards

Free ebook for you Never pay for leads again Allow me to introduce myself. Meet one of my team members

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This message was sent by 'bettie'

cr Don't Be An April Fool!


Have you ever joined a program only to find it has
Disappeared the next day along with your money?
Don't be fooled again!
I joined The WIN Network back in December 2007
and I've been paid every month. It's an honest program.


You can earn big money with the WIN Network.
Just view free online seminars.
Free To Join- Free To View- Free To Win!

Once you join, I will email you to help you get started.

Thanks for reading,
Julia :)

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Mail Less Safelist!


How would you like to have a safelist that doesn't fill your inbox with mails that you will never read?
Well, we have developed just that. Our safelist you scroll through the ads and choose which ones that you want to send to your inbox for further
It is a credit based safelist where you earn 1 credit for viewing an ad. There is no timer, so if you don't like the ad, skip it :)

We also have scratch tickets where you can earn additional credits to help break the monotany of viewing the ads.

Not to mention the fact that you will not be charged credits unless someone sees your ad!!

Come check us out today at:

Click this link to earn credits

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This system works, income for life!



My name is Colin Niemczura, and I would like to tell you about the wonderful Internet Income opportunity that Global Domains International (GDI) has
provided me with.

First, let me start by saying that GDI is different from any other company, in that this is not some pyramid, or 'Get Rich Quick' (even though it is
possible) scheme. They provide you with only the best way to benefit yourself, and others you work with.

The best part? You can test out what I'm about to describe here, your very own website, 10 custom e-mails addresses, and an income oppurtunity, FREE

Go to get started and start making money today! Read on!

What exactly is this then?

Global Domains International is where every single (.ws) domain is located out of.

What's so great about this?

If you missed the (.com) boom, and still want to snag a website with your name on it (, then it is still very possible!

Global Domains International offers:

Your own (.WS) domain.
Professionally designed web templates.
10 custom email addresses (
URL Forwarding
Web hosting.

Your probably saying to yourself right now 'I can get that anywhere'. But, theres so much more to this than just web hosting.

GDI is offering a system of earning money for yourself, by just advertising what they sell! Domains, that is.

You will be compensated on a 5 level system. That means, if you get 5 people to sign up, and they get 5 people to sign up each, and it continues down
the line to the 5th level, THATS $3,905 A MONTH!
Also, most of the referring and such is done for you, by GDI.
Try this for 7 days, completely FREE, NO STRINGS ATTACHED!
Just go to get started.

If you have ANY questions regarding ANY of the above content, feel free to contact me at:

I'm here to help both YOU and I succeed in the online business world, and guarantee both of us income for life!

Again, go >>>>Here<<<< to get your 7 day free-trial, NO STRINGS ATTACHED!

Thanks again for your time, and have a wonderful day!

Best Regards,

Colin Niemczura

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This message was sent by 'internetincomeideas'

Look Great For Summer


I have tried for years to lose weight with no success. I can safely say I have tried every diet in the world for over 20 years and only lost a few
pounds and then I put it back on. I know the heartbreak of being overweight and trying to get that weight off. I finally have found an answer and I am
still losing. I have tons of energy now and feel years younger. If you are struggling with your weight I can help you. You too can cry tears of
happiness of finally having the answer.

email me at:

You'll never regret it, this is the best first step you'll ever take.


Click this link to earn credits

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This message was sent by 'mandmsgirl'

@@ TOP SECRET: Lose 45 Pounds in Just 29 Days! 100 Pounds in 60 Days @@


Hello Fellow Adtactics Member,

The amazing Fat Loss Secret that doctors refuse to tell you about!

Discover how you could shed your extra pounds forever and WHY
it simply can't dissapear even after all that you have already
tried as of now...

Fill out the form and you will receive a F.REE 3 Days eCourse to
explain it to you:

Johanne Alarie

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This message was sent by 'jalarie'

How Many Sign ups did you Miss Today?


Too many!

Did you know there are thousands of new people coming
Online everyday that
Do you want to join YOUR online business.But how are they going
to find it?

You need to POSITION your business for sales!

I get sign-ups EVERY day You want to know why?

I have positioned my business for sales
in the best possible way with Spin Success.

Spin Success is %100 responsible for the hundreds of targeted hits I
get to my site everyday and targeted hits = PAID signups!
so if your not using spinsuccess then your literally losing sign-ups
to someone else. You don't need to get caught up in all the
details. Spin Success WORKS plain and simple

I don't want you to miss out on any more sign-ups but you NEED

to get started TODAY!

Click this link to earn credits

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when you joined Our Safelist. To be removed - You have to login and delete
your safelist account. This is the only way to be removed! The login page
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This message was sent by 'retprin05'

==> This will never become saturated, EVER! <==



Dear Marshall,
OK, I'm going to keep this short and sweet - I'm not going
to bore you with the usual "rags-to-riches" story because
I'm pretty sure you don't want to hear it.

What I will say though, is this...

If you're tired of all the so-called "systems" and business
opportunities that require you to sell affiliate products,
run pay per click advertising campaigns, operate websites
or recruit new members then I have excellent news for you.

Click the credit link below to keep reading because I
guarantee that this will be the most important piece of
information you will ever read about making money online...
or in general for that matter.

This will never become saturated, EVER!

To your success,
Marshall Brown


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This message was sent by 'instaprofits'

You Got Paid!


You Got Paid
I've been paid $2,265.30 month after month after I signed up for

Now, let me tell you how you can earn $2,265.30 per month or more passively just like me.

Simply put, is an online community where ALL Network Marketing people gather to build a TEAM of active networkers together for
1 common goal:

To have a big enough team to take into any type of money making program online and
earn a passive, residual income for LIFE !

You may be thinking $2,265.30 is nothing. But this is only from 1 of the program I have taken my team to join.

What if I take the team that I have already built in this community to join 10, or even 100 other online money making programs that gives me $2,265.30
per month each ?

The potential is unlimited !

If you're still jumping from program to program, re-building it every single time, and still do not have an active team nor a supportive mentor, we
welcome you to join our community. has been online for over 3 years and have over 1.5 Million Members. A lot of members have already achieved financial freedom
through this community and you can too !

Sign up now for a 14-day free trial and let us prove to you that this is the only place you need to be to become successful online!

Yours truly

Roger Eriksen

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This message was sent by 'rogerik'

Open this if you want to have a steady income in 12 moths


Hi, I'm Esther M Freyre

I am known as "The Short and Sweet Lady, because I come straight to the point and make it short and sweet…so I will again say it in my "no-nonsense
way" No "Get Rich Quick Scheme" will make you rich (really!) Or we would all live in Mansions and drive Ferraris.


Your Dreams CAN come true IF:
1. You find a business to promote that is stable
2. That has a sensible compensation plan
3. That has a proven track record of service and reliability
4. That has a MARKETABLE product, AND
5. You are willing to make a commitment to it
The RIOY Team
• Has chosen a business that has been in operation for over 8 years.
• Has a very sensible and lucrative compensation plan.
• Pays accurately and on time.
• Responds to issues, and has a great suite of products that are necessary for ANY internet marketer!
Here's what the The RIOY Team will PROMISE you!
• We will Answer any and all questions.
• We will provide you with whatever information we can to help you become successful.
We are real people helping real people like you reach their dreams!

What this is NOT:

• A get rich quick scheme
• A "leave you hanging after you join" program

So, why don't you just join us and find out for yourself. I personally promise that I will coach the first 50 people that join under me, if they so
desire, because I am willing to be successful way before my year is up and make double the amount if possible, so I am doing my own advertising as

To your success!

Esther M Freyre
Phone: 954-471-0121
(I am so confident in this that I am giving you my cell#)

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Oink-Oink...I admit I'm a PIG!



I LOVE the results I get at Big Pig Traffic!


Would you like to advertise to millions and earn $15 commissions?

Of course you would!

When you join us, we will give you access to the members back office, where you can advertise your website to millions!
We will also give you a FREE affiliate website, so that you can earn $15 commissions.

You even get the option to have your affiliate page custom made to include your own text ads and banners - plus your Clickbank ID placed on your
affiliate page so that you can earn commissions from one of or partner websites!

You just HAVE to come and check out this fantastic BRAND NEW website!

Do not wait - you get Instant Access when you join now!

To Your Success,

P.S. The custom made affiliate page is awesome - you can get your own text ads and banner ads placed on your site!

Click this link to earn

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This message was sent by 'karyn1976'

Email 20,000+ Per MONTH FREE With Our System! Just Released!


Email 20,000+ Per MONTH FREE With Our System! Just Released!
How long will you tolerate your online failure? Profit TODAY!
Our Monitors in the LIVE Business Center are here 24/7 to help you make money.
This system is unique!

You get EVERYTHING you need for success...

tools, training, traffic and the complete worldwide Monitor network.

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Build Your List (and CASH) The Easy Way.


Hi Fellow Marketer...

If you're trying to build a list and
having a tough time, I've got some great

There's an ebook you can download for
f'ree which will give you tons of proven
techniques for creating a profitable
list. I'll give you the download URL in
a moment.

But first I should tell you, when you
download this f'ree ebook, you'll also
gain access to one of the most poweful
viral (and CASH) list-builders this side of

So waste no more time... get yourself
signed up at

... and get on the easy train to

With best wishes

Daniel Pepin.

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>>>> Deadline is Extended to April 15 !!


>>>> Deadline is Extended to April 15 !!

LIMITED TIME - Get $25-$500 Free !!

It's really simple. Sign up for a free account and they will give you $25. You then get $10 for each referral. I've already cashed 4 big checks !!
Get the details here:

*** This offer expires April 15, so hurry !!

Brought to you by:

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Do You Want A REAL Online Business?


You can have one you know.
And it will cost you a whopping $5
Yes you read that right.
No this is not a scam.
Yes it's a REAL business opportunity.
No, a $5 price tag does not mean it's crappy.
Yes it is all ready to go with tools and resources.
No you won't need to call people.
Yes you will have fantastic support.
No you won't have to handle goods.
Yes it's all online and digital.
No it's not difficult to get started.
Yes you will have to put in some effort.
No it's not a get rich quick doodad.
Yes you can achieve a good income.
No there are no monthly or hosting fees.
Yes I will help you every step of the way.

Got anymore questions? Well that's not a problem. You will have ALL your questions answered by myself and all the other business owners, usually
within minutes. No support tickets here. Just REAL help, honesty and support. REAL people helping you achieve the success you deserve.

Wishing You Every Success,
Donna Edwards.

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Advertise to over 23,000 members free


Show Your Site To 23,000 Members Free!

Marina Afanasyeva
Free Membership;  10-Second Timer
Fast Delivery;  Banner and Link Ads
This is a Must for any Marketer!
Marina Afanasyeva  

Click Here to Join (opens in a new window)

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This message was sent by 'afanasym'

" Getting Traffic To Your Site Just Got a Whole Lot Easier "


Announcing.....'s Traffic Exchange System
"Getting Traffic To Your Site Just Got a Whole Lot Easier!"
This site is for anyone who needs massive amounts of traffic delivered to their own websites on a consistent basis... for absolutely FREE!:
Sign-Up FREE!

"I Love I am generating traffic I didn't think possible - FREE! It's easy to use and no-pops ups or annoying ads blasting in my face
is a real treat. In just a few days I can see my hits going up up. The autosurf feature makes it easy to earn credits and is a no - brainer for people
who need traffic but don't have big bucks to spend." Brian Armstrong

No Time to surf... NO PROBLEM - You can Purchase Banner Ads, Text Ads, or Paid to Click Ads
Brian Seaman

Copyright © Worldprofit, Inc., All Rights Reserved

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This message was sent by 'Elska'

This system Does The selling For You!


This system Does The selling For You!

Predator represents the new 21st Century business model. The day of
having to work hours a day, make hundreds of prospecting phone calls,
suffer rejection, buy leads and negative cash flow are gone forever.

Predator will build your existing business if you have one. If you
don't have a home business we have proven opportunities for you.
At the same time Predator finds people interested in your business it
also promotes itself. Each time Predator generates a system sale you
will earn $1000 or $3000.

Visit our Predator Marketing Systems page at:

Request a Call Back and and ask about our special pricing

Your friend in Sucess


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This message was sent by 'genelafitte'

Here is a Traffic Co-op Worth Looking at!


Here is a Traffic Co-op Worth Looking at!

Do You need traffic to your site?

Build traffic for any program.
Many free bonuses!

Quality advertising for your programs
that pays you back. Most affordable
traffic generating system I've seen in
a long time.

Your Partner In Success,
John Cahill

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your safelist account. This is the only way to be removed! The login page
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This message was sent by 'jpcahill'

$ * $ BECOME a VIDEO Game TESTOR $ * $


Make $10-$120/hour to beta test
unreleased games...

Free game copies...

Check it Out ! !

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This message was sent by 'kecksliq'

from zero to $100k a year



How would you like to turn 1 hour a day into $100k
a year

ZERO out of pocket cash


Just Launched - 'Accelerator Plan'

1st month NPN membership now FREE!!

Time Limited Offer so join TODAY!

No credit card required

No catches, no gimmicks

Any age, any ability$100k

Come and take a look today - you've nothing to loose
and everything to gain

Get yourself on the road to financial freedom


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This message was sent by 'lilkokomo'

john, Where do I send the $997?


Hey john,

I get this email a couple times a week.....  Why? ...
Because my Marketing System Works...
You will NEVER make a Cold Call...
You will NEVER buy leads!...
You will make $997 on every $997 sale that you make...
How would you like to start making an extra $1994.00-$5982.00 a week?...
You Can Now!!!!...

Questions? Call Me Direct...

 I don't hide behind a website or email. After you visit my site
  you can call me on my Private line below.

You WILL get your questions answered.


Let's Talk,

Steve McLinden

WOW! This Business has exploded, 25M paid to members in 2007, AMAZING!


I joined on the of Feb. and took a couple of weeks
 to get my advertising in place - and from the
16th of March my sa1es started and they haven't stopped -
it has been such a blessing! I am now averaging over a sa1e a day.
By the grace of God I have had 50 sa1es in 7 weeks!
It is wonderful to finally be in the right
place at the right time, and most importantly -
finally being part of the right team!

Thank you!
Jeannie Looman
Stay at home mom supporting 3 children still at home!

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This message was sent by 'cashnowforu'

Get up to 100,010 Links to your Website - zeriouz Network


Refer 10 people and attract 100,010 links to your website!
You will be absolutely amazed by the simplicity and effectiveness of the zeriouz network system. zeriouz will send you thousands of visitors, just for placing some free code on your website which contains five links and a referral ID.
Quick Rundown
You've just found a "Free Traffic" nugget of Gold!*
  • Zeriouz (Zeri-oo) is free to use.
  • Zeriouz does not require registration.
  • Zeriouz is "self serve" and "self moderating".
  • Zeriouz is as viral as Hotmail and the best thing since YouTube.
  • Zeriouz is "the NEW BEST way" to get links!
  • There is "NO better way" to get links to your website.
  • Zeriouz can provide hundreds of "text" links back to your website in "weeks" and even thousands thereafter.

*Gross Understatement

Click to Visit the Website

Leonard Wass, aka
MrLeN - Program Founder

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This message was sent by 'mrlen'

Get up to 100,010 Links to your Website - zeriouz Network


Refer 10 people and attract 100,010 links to your website!
You will be absolutely amazed by the simplicity and effectiveness of the zeriouz network system. zeriouz will send you thousands of visitors, just for placing some free code on your website which contains five links and a referral ID.
Quick Rundown
You've just found a "Free Traffic" nugget of Gold!*
  • Zeriouz (Zeri-oo) is free to use.
  • Zeriouz does not require registration.
  • Zeriouz is "self serve" and "self moderating".
  • Zeriouz is as viral as Hotmail and the best thing since YouTube.
  • Zeriouz is "the NEW BEST way" to get links!
  • There is "NO better way" to get links to your website.
  • Zeriouz can provide hundreds of "text" links back to your website in "weeks" and even thousands thereafter.

*Gross Understatement

Click to Visit the Website

Leonard Wass, aka
MrLeN - Program Founder

Click here to earn credits

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your safelist account. This is the only way to be removed! The login page
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This message was sent by 'mrlen'

Get up to 100,010 Links to your Website - zeriouz Network


Refer 10 people and attract 100,010 links to your website!
You will be absolutely amazed by the simplicity and effectiveness of the zeriouz network system. zeriouz will send you thousands of visitors, just for placing some free code on your website which contains five links and a referral ID.
Quick Rundown
You've just found a "Free Traffic" nugget of Gold!*
  • Zeriouz (Zeri-oo) is free to use.
  • Zeriouz does not require registration.
  • Zeriouz is "self serve" and "self moderating".
  • Zeriouz is as viral as Hotmail and the best thing since YouTube.
  • Zeriouz is "the NEW BEST way" to get links!
  • There is "NO better way" to get links to your website.
  • Zeriouz can provide hundreds of "text" links back to your website in "weeks" and even thousands thereafter.

*Gross Understatement

Click to Visit the Website

Leonard Wass, aka
MrLeN - Program Founder

Click here to earn credits

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This message was sent by 'mrlen'

Grand Opening at Real Visitors 4 You Free Pro


Hello john berry

Grand opening of a credit based safe-list [ Real Visitors 4 U Site]

Here you can get 50 % Commissions for referring upgraded members!

Join a family of safelist that are unique to keep its members active

We will be given free upgrades for referring members and credits

In are referral contest and there is also a reading contest!

Come and get your free pro before they are all gone!

We have banners and will be adding splash pages to help you promote!

Best Regards

Click here to earn credits

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This message was sent by 'illolson'

Free Pro at Oldies4You Join Today!


Free Pro At Oldies 4 will be gone shortly Don`t wait

Our Special Credit Links Guarantee that people will visit your site

New ProXContest Contest Win Credits and Upgraded Memberships in Referral Contest

Earn 50% On Referral Upgrades

Win Credits and solo ads for clicking on credit links

Hate to hunt for credit links not here all credits

Click here to earn credits

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your safelist account. This is the only way to be removed! The login page
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This message was sent by 'illolson'

Nothing But Links For You!



Come in and take a look at some great name brand products or watch the youtube music video!

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This message was sent by 'leepenny2001'

Want More Traffic & Bigger Downlines - Hurry, Limited Time Free Pro Memberships!



Guaranteed Traffic To Your Links!
Signup Free Now & Benefit the Most!

Want More Traffic & Bigger Downlines
resulting in Increased Sales and Profits.. all for FREE!

Of course you do!

All Website Owners and Internet Marketers
NEED Traffic to Survive Online!

Without Traffic, Your Site and Business is Dead!
We Already know this though right?

RELAX.. Take A Deep Breath...

You have been referred to the right
website for generating Traffic...

Click here to earn credits

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This message was sent by 'leepenny2001'

Making money on the Internet and having a 100% success rate


Just imagine for a second...

  • Making money on the Internet and having a 100% success rate in programs that are designed to pay fast, pay often and pay quickly!
  • Joining a company with no monthly auto-ships or monthly fees!
  • Earning $100 over and over again with just a one-time LIFETIME membership fee!
  • Earning $930 over and over again from that very same one-time LIFETIME membership fee!
  • Being OFFERED the chance to be preloaded in future programs just like this one, with thousands of members below you INSTANTLY!
  • Bonus packages that are worth well over $1000 with your one-time LIFETIME membership fee with FULL resell rights!
Total Team Profit Stats
Total Members:
Total PRO Members:
Total Paid Out:

May we present...

Total Team Profit, the FIRST of many Team Building Programs presented by

A very fast and insightful way to earn fast money daily, weekly or even monthly!

Total Team Profit is a total team building concept. We have designed the program to be a quick moving 2x2 cycler with a BONUS 2x5 COMPANY forced matrix built in as well, to help you make money quick and make lots of it!

Register for FREE today!

Click here to earn credits

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This message was sent by 'leepenny2001'

**BRAND NEW ** Own a website that's a $20 MAGNET... for just $20!


The best one-time $20 investment that you'll ever make!
It pays me $20 over and over again every day.
Get the "exclusive" website and marketing tools today.
For all the details, visit website at:

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This message was sent by 'sheilasultani'

What's the number one website your boss does not want you to see this Spring?


The only website that has proven to put several hundred dollars in our member's pockets within days of joining. With no time required and no need to
know anyone; or call your family & friends it's easy to see why this company shot to the top of the entire internet in record time!!!

Now it's your turn to receive a windfall of cash in the next 24 to 72 hours!!!

Warning, if you're one of the next 10 folks to try our absoluty FREE offer we guarantee to lock in at least $4,000 worth of FREE BONUS LEADS just for
you!!! Click NOW before this offer is GONE FOREVER!!!

See You at the Top!!!

Click this link to earn credits

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This message was sent by 'ndunn'

My Launch Pad


My Launch Pad

Using paid to click sites to earn a big income is extremely difficult, but using them to earn enough to get your foot into the door of affiliate
marketing is a whole other story.

Take a look at a new and simple way to change your work into money within weeks.

Click this link to earn credits

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This message was sent by 'ann88'

* Reach 96 Million Yahoo, Hotmail and Google Users *


Dear Internet Friend.

Imagine sending your ad every day to a potential 96 million Yahoo, Hotmail and Google users all across the globe, with just one click! Imagine what
that could do to your sales if even a small percentage actually read your ad and was intrested in what you were offering.

This is an awesome tool to bring targeted Yahoo, Hotmail and Google customers to your website now.

We have developed a state-of-the-art mailing system whereby you can
access your account unlimited times per day, and simply place your ad copy for submission. This is truly powerful and was developed with the novice
marketer at heart. No need to validate your email, no need for spam filters or junk mail boxes. No need to worry about losing your ISP either!

Have a great day

Norm & Tina

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This message was sent by 'superfly'

Now, are you gonna get paid?


Google just sent you a visitor.
Google got paid, thank you very much.
Now, are you gonna get paid?
You can and should get 50% to 500% more money from every click than you're getting right now. Finally, you can stop leaving that money on the table
and put it in your pocket instead…
Discover how my best students turn their Google Ad clicks into tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and yes millions of dollars, with an
ingenious array of sales conversion tactics and market intelligence tools that you can use to thoroughly dominate your market

Click this link to earn

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when you joined Our Safelist. To be removed - You have to login and delete
your safelist account. This is the only way to be removed! The login page
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This message was sent by 'maks24'

ZenZuu v YUWIE ...ZenZuu Pays Matching Bonus


Hi Friend,

This is about ZenZuu a New Social Network

We now have a famous and well founded person starting a new social network,
If you type ?Tommy Vu? into Google you will see he has over 457,000 pages.

What is ZenZuu?

ZenZuu is a next generation social networking platform that lets you create a profile similar to other ancient social networks, except our leading
edge technology allows you to make money by signing up your friends and receive revenue sharing. Seize your oppportunity to cash in on the trillion
dollar internet economy of social networking and global commerce with ZenZuu.

Sponsor 2 people and get paid on 10 levels, sponsor 10 or more and be paid on 19 levels. 2000 active would pay you $500 plus per month. Sign-Up Now
It's FREE!

Or if you like, go here for more info:

Your Success


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