Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Rent-A-List 24 Hour Hump Day Sale Is ON Tomorrow!


Hi, john

I just got word from Abe Cherian from Rent-A-List.com
    and could not keep this to myself. I know you could
    use Targeted Traffic and increased sales from what ever
    you promote online.

    There is no better way to do that but Rent-A-List's
    Targeted Advertising services. It's the EASIEST and
    the most COST-EFFECTIVE way I know.

    The best part is, Rent-A-List guarantees a 50% Click
    Through rate from the Target Market you choose.

    Now, they are having a 60% OFF Hump Day Sale for just
    24 Hours tomorrow at 9:00 AM EST.

    "WEDNESDAY - APRIL 09, 2008 - 9:00 AM EST.

    You can pre-register now and get on their 'Early
    Notification List' - and if you don't have an
    Advertiser Account, create one now.

    Create Your Account:

    60% OFF Pre-Registration Sale Page:

    Any questions? Simply call them and tell them Patience Wang
    sent you.

    Mon - Fri 9:00AM to 5:00 PM EST.


Click here to earn credits

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