Tuesday, April 8, 2008



Looking for away to power up the profits on your website?

Consider the Power of A Talking Website!

No, I'm not talking about one of those animated characters that play a recorded message.
I am talking about LIVE people in full audio/video welcoming people as they arrive at your website,
directing them to a video, drawing attention to a special offer, product or service.

It's called the LIVE Business Center.
The Live Business Center allows you, or if you prefer, professional monitors
to staff your Business Center LIVE on your website.
Use this tool to promote ONLY your products or services alone, OR,
use it to promote EllieJess.com's line of web-based products and earn a tidy commission.

You have got to see this to believe it!
It will take you just a few seconds to become a Free Associate Member.
Once you are approved you can login to see this powerful new technology in action.
It's free to try with no obligation.

Here's what to do now.

Go to: http://www.EllieJess.com

Sign up for your FREE Associate Member account.

That's it!

See YOU in the Live Business Center.

Malc Crawford - President EllieJess.com & Worldprofit Dealer

Email: kidsgoape@ntlworld.com
URL: http://www.EllieJess.com

You Really Want To Make Money

So are we rich yet from internet???????? Didn't think so..

Let me get straight to the point..

I am a member of a new social networking site that has the best comp plan for a social networking site. Would you like $15 per referral? How about
over $84,000 per month. Yes per month.

Take a free tour here: eMail me for information je.ellie@googlemail.com

Click this link to earn

This is not SPAM. You agreed to receive ad messages from the list members
when you joined Our Safelist. To be removed - You have to login and delete
your safelist account. This is the only way to be removed! The login page
can be found at:


This message was sent by 'kidsgoape'

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