Tuesday, April 8, 2008



Internet and phone services, calling cards, cellular phone plans,
Satellite TV, web-hosting, computers...

(This is not a newsletter, this is the old truth
about the countless, terrific dangers of computing, just discovered
on the internet by one of the faithfull clickers...)

Computer is very dangerous for several reasons:

1. - fast at understanding,
2. - quick at speaking,
3. - easy at writing and reading,
4. - terrfic at sending messages,
5. - able to illustrate whatever in the world,
6. - can access your bank,
7. - can take a picture of you and capture your soul,
8. - especially, when it is not yours, not a private one,
9. - you have to know, if you want to earn, or to spend,
10. - probably, it is that dangerous, as basketball and jazz, and rally driving...
11. - only the VIRUS is very good -
it was created for each other - PC, and virus,
12. - can play with it, but then you have to pay,
13. - how to find it's keyboard and mouse, if you're in drugs?
14. - a car is (comparatively) better, but only if someone takes you,
15. - it has an address, but never tells you,
16. - how can I access it from my home,
if I do not know, were do I live?
17. - it is more clever, than I am,
18. - it is always vertical, but what to do, if I am horizontal?
19. - you cannot click the mouse only -
you need a computer attached to that mouse,
20. - it always remembers, were have you been yesterday,
21. - you have to remember, were did you click on it yesterday,
22. - it does not work alone, it requires a human...
23. - it says, that "yes" means "yes",
and "no" means "no": what does this mean??
24. - it is apolitical: it doe not tell me, whom to vote for? ;
25. - of course, it is very good to spread the rumours,
but there could be rumours, also, about me;
26. - it was written on e-ve-ry computer "my computer" -
but it was not...
27. - church has never mentioned such an item -
28. - it is not clear, how to recruit it? ;

(From "The Innumerable Dangers of Computing",
Chapter 1 of the Volume 1,
but is to be continued...)
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Cognigen Networks Inc.
Mr.Alvydas Bausys,
Cognigen Sales Rep. ID:80957.

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