Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Crazy *NEW* Technology Makes up to 40% More Sales for You!



A new technology has been unleashed that has
completely rocked the online world!

Every now and then, someone releases a new product
that makes the rest obsolete. Those are rare, and
hard to find ...

But, Dave Guindon, one of the most brilliant software
designers for developing software tools that make
you m0ney, has just released a new web application
called "Virtual Smart Agent" that increases website

In fact, Dave has generated 80% conversions from
one of his sites using this KILLER application.

This technological masterpiece has already been
PROVEN to boost sales by up to 40%, and the
marketers who manage to get their hands on
it are going to be at a huge competitive

It's basically a virtual "employee" that never
sleeps and keeps working for you and building your
business 24/7 with no breaks!

You simply slap a small piece of code into your
webpage and an agent will work with your leaving
customers trying to increase sales.

This technology is so new that it sounds like
science fiction! But I assure you ... it's real,
and it WORKS!

I highly recommend VSA, and in my honest opinion,
everyone that owns a website should have a "Virtual"
agent working for them!



P.S. Even if you have a "good" converting sales page, you
probably have 95 out of 100 visitors leaving your
site without taking any action.

Virtual Smart Agent can easily prevent website
abandonment by up to 40% in the next two weeks!

So ... hurry and download your copy today before he
jacks up the price:

Click this link to earn credits

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