Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The $6643 Affiliate Trick Video...you must see


Dear All,

Today I've got something really exciting for you. And I mean REALLY exciting…

Here is the link to a *f.ree* video that reveals exactly how to easily make $6,643 with NO list, NO money, and WITHOUT placing any ads. Curious yet?

I'm telling you, this must be one of the easiest methods ever to make money online. And the best thing is… this video is totally *f.ree*.

=> http://tinyurl.com/46c7ob

The Leech Rides Again

I'm sure you remember one of my favorite tactics from Affiliate Project X: the Leach.

Well this takes that concept to an entirely new level. You see, when I found Alex Goad, one of the most exciting things was his understanding of the
search engines. This guy could fly through the Google Matrix like nothing I had ever seen.

I saw some crazy tricks where he would make Google roll over like a well trained dog... And so it wasn't that much of a surprise when Alex announced
to me that he had found
a way to do the Leech for free.

=> http://tinyurl.com/46c7ob

Imagine What this Means

Using the Leech method (and Alex has made it into templates). It's not only possible, but indeed rather easy to get affiliate traffic to convert at
10%. 10 visitors: 1 sale.

Now imagine that you could get such a powerful tactical weapon as a killer affiliate presell... RANKED AT THE TOP OF GOOGLE. Imagine sucking in all
that super converting traffic for free...

This is how to do it:
=> http://tinyurl.com/46c7ob

And remember, this was done by an ordinary guy. 21 year old Bryan from Columbus Ohio was the test subject...


Listen, I'm going to be brief: These videos are killer and this is about to change the way the game is played. After tomorrow, there will be players,
and there will be spectators... I know what camp I belong to and I hope you'll be there too.

Go watch these two short videos. This is exploding with possibilities and smells like cash a mile away.

=> http://tinyurl.com/46c7ob

Remember to complete the form under the vids if you haven't already. That will get you the full written report later this week and it's the only
place you can get it....

Players With Money launches tomorrow at 12 noon EST. It's going to be very exclusive and chances are far more people will want to get in than will be

You don't want to be left on the sidelines here, so mark it on your calendar or set your timer...

And for now watch the vids...
=> http://tinyurl.com/46c7ob

To Your Success


P.S. These two videos contain the exact templates, websites, example and case study that have been applied to pull in an easy $6,643... practically
out of thin air.

If you'd like to make this kind of money too for such minimum amount of effort, then here's the link to watch the videos and discover how to do it

=> http://tinyurl.com/46c7ob

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