Monday, March 17, 2008

=>> TVBoxNet is going to leave Cable TV in the DUST!!!!


*In just one year from now, millions of TV sets will no longer work without
a Digital-to-Analog converter as all of the broadcast networks will be
completing the 100% switch over from Analog to Digital Broadcast Format.
TVBoxNet has the solution that Millions of People will be looking for to
save their TV sets! In fact, the TVBoxNet system goes Far Beyond just
enabling analog TV sets to continue to work, but it will also bring TV
viewers from all over the world A Vastly Diversified And Greatly Expanded
Television Viewing Experience! The TVBoxNet system will enable viewers to
not only get most of the TV channels they already get through their cable or
satellite connection (thus enabling them to reduce their service to just the
minimal programs exclusive to their networks and therefore Saving them Money
every Month), but it will also enable viewers to enjoy thousands of channels
from all over the world, through the Internet - and the system will deliver
all of this - with NO MONTHLY FEES!

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