Monday, March 17, 2008

Not All Affiliate Programs Are Created Equal


Dear john,

One thing is for certain about getting
started online...

Affiliate marketing is arguably the easiest
entry point for people to start making money.


You don't have to have your own product.

You don't have to have your own salesletter.

You don't have to worry about shopping carts
or autoresponders.

There's no need for a merchant account.


You never have to worry about providing any
customer service once you make a sale.

Can you see why it gets so many people

However, here's the inside scoop on what you
ultimately need to know about affiliate

Not all affiliate programs are created equal.

It's important you read that last sentence
again because it could save you a lot of
time, money and headaches.

Not all affiliate programs are created equal.

That's because some product owners don't
really take care of their affiliates.

Either laziness or a lack of focus generally
keeps them from developing their affiliate
program to help affiliates maximize sales.

For example...

When you are evaluating which products you
want to promote as an affiliate, here are the
top five guidelines of things to look for:

1) Do they have affiliate tools?

World-class affiliate programs will have a
wide variety of tools to help their
affiliates sell their products.

It almost seems obvious, but not all
affiliates promote products the same way.

That's why you need a wide variety.

Things like email templates, pop ups, banners
of all sizes, ezine ads, free reports are all
examples of these types of tools.

2) Do they have a variety of different
affiliate promotions?

It's hard for an affiliate to use the same
promotion over and over again.

Think about it, would you want to send the
same email to your list every month?

Not likely!

That's why it's important to find an
affiliate program where they continually
updated, add and refresh their materials.

3) Do they provide any training?

Training is important because it gives the
affiliate the opportunity to get educated on
the best methods for selling that person's

Wouldn't you want your sales force to know
exactly how to sell your products?

Makes sense right?

That's why training is important because when
you are an affiliate, you don't want to have
to do all the testing yourself to find out
what works and what doesn't.

It can be expensive and time consuming.

Top affiliate programs do the testing for you
and then share the results to give you the
advantage when marketing their products.

4) Do they have tracking tools?

This is definitely one of the easy methods of
determining who has a world class affiliate
program and who doesn't.

Tracking is important as an affiliate because
you want to know what your most effective
promotions are going to be.

That's why having tracking tools available
can be extremely advantageous to the

Most programs don't have this because it
would expose their poor conversion rates!

5) Do they have ongoing support?

There is nothing more frustrating than having
a question and not being able to find anyone
to answer it.

If you have questions, you want answers.

Unfortunately most affiliate programs were
setup one time and never attended to again.

The program owners rarely (if at all) add new
content let alone communicate with their
affiliates on a regular basis.

You want to look for a program that has many
channels of back and forth communication with
their affiliates.

Things like regular newsletters, email
updates, an affiliate blog, or a customer
service center are all examples of
communication tools that help keep the
affiliates informed and on track.

Keeping these five guidelines in mind, it's
worth pointing out an example of a very well
run affiliate program.

This is the affiliate program for Generator
Software which is a company that sells
business tools to online entrepreneurs.

Here's what you need to know...

They meet the criteria outlined above and the
best part is, they are continually adding new
products and promotions on what seems like a
monthly basis.

Better yet, their products also convert
extremely well which means your promotional
efforts are never wasted.

This program is well established, has a great
track record and has been around for years.

I definitely suggest you take a look:

It can mean the difference between spending
all your time trying to figure out what to
sell, how to sell it and then having to come
up with all the promotions yourself...


Having everything created for you so you just
copy, paste and promote using tested, proven
promotional materials that convert extremely

Seems like a no brainer doesn't it?

It is.

You'll thank me once your checks start
rolling in!

Take care,


P.S  Last time I checked, Generator Software
had over 14 different products to choose
from.  That's a lot of variety for you to
find something that fits with your list or
promotional methods.  Clink below for more

Click here to earn credits

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