Monday, March 17, 2008

john Join for FREE and Promote FREE to Eager Leads


Dear john:


<font color="navy" face=arial size="4"><b>What if MySpace let you advertise on your page?  It would be worth it wouldn't it? Of course it would!  But they don't.<br><br>

Well, this new site is like MySpace but 90% of the members are trying to find a way to make money from home.  In fact, you make money just for advertising and viewing pages!<br><br>

<font color="red">IT'S A GOLD MINE OF FREE LEADS!</font>

Good luck!  Just click for your points to veiw.

Robert Price
Ambrose Internet Services, LLC</font>

<font color="maroon" size="5">PS:  Visit here to advertise to the entire network for FREE!<a href=" target="_blank">Click Here!</a></font></b>  Opens in another window.

Click here to earn credits

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