Monday, March 17, 2008

How To Instantly Multiply Your Promotions!


Hello Fellow Marketer

Today I'd like to bring your attention to a brand new web site that you should make sure you bookmark straight away.

Why? Because I know you probably bookmark sites that you intend to visit regularly.

Well I'm asking you to visit my site every four days for just five minutes of your time...

Why should you do that? Because I know an effective way to multiply your promotions and you really must try it out.

Here's the web site:

I created this site to enable the owners of my classified malls to maximise their exposure through advertising. It proved to work
so well, that I thought to myself, "This is definitely something that other marketers will find useful too!"

I've made it dead easy for you to setup your account and blast your 255 character ad out to ALL my ClassyFied-Ads malls with one simple click of a

And do you know how long it takes? That's right, just five minutes. When you think about it, five minutes isn't even long enough to call the task a
chore... and I purposely created it that way.

If you're always posting ads here and there, sending out ezine ads, emailing safelists, or posting to ad boards... any of the many free advertising
methods online, you'll find that you can reach more people in less time by joining my program.

Take a look at the web site:

Not only can you reach over 1431 ClassyFied-Ads Malls with one click, but the advertising is targeted. That means you can select the category to post
your ad to.

Currently we have 16 categories to choose from so your advertising will be read by the right target audience. Just this feature alone is a valuable
addition to any marketing campaign...

But there's more!

When you become a member today, you will also receive unlimited text ad rotations on our site! It's absolutely free as a paid member.

Everyone who joins automatically becomes an affiliate and whether you're a free or paid member, you will earn $2 for every pro member and $4.17 for
every reseller member that you signup. That's a 50-60% commission for referring marketers to a popular program. It really is easy.

Join now:

Every four days, you will be able to come back and post a new ad out to ALL the ClassyFied-Ads malls -- and the number just increases more and more
every day... which means your audience is continually growing!

Copy and paste your ad in and click send and it's all done for you. No sites to join individually, no piles of emails to sort through, no extra work
at all really... It's a cinch!

I invite you to join today as a paid member. For just $3.95/mth, I've made it so affordable, you can't afford not to join! Plus once you refer two
people, any more referrals you make will be pure profit -- straight in your pocket.

Visit my site and become a paid member today. You'll be glad you did and even more so when you promote your affiliate ID and earn 50 commissions.

Here's the link you need:

To your marketing success,

Richard Belanger

PS: Come and check out the live counter that shows the number of ClassyFied-Ads malls that are active right now and see if the number has increased

Click this link to earn credits

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