Monday, April 7, 2008

Only 7 Day's Left...


$25 CA/S.H Free ! JUST for Joining: EXPIRES: 4/15/08

Hello All!

New payment processor competing with P*yPal is now launching.

They will pay you $25 ca/s.h just to sign up! That's it! Tell your friends

and this new company will pay you $10 for each one that joins...up to $500!

I've already been paid my $25 and $10 for a few friends. Don't lose out!

No hidden charges, fees or catches of any kind...straight up!

This is a legit company owned by a FDIC insured bank in South Dakota with
Board members like: former AOL CEO, Steve Case, former U.S. Treasury
Secretary Lawrence Summers, former MasterCard Int'l CEO, Russell Hogg.
You WILL get $25 minimum with this!

Get details here:

Have a great Day

Brenda Pellicci

Click this link to earn credits

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