Monday, April 7, 2008

Free Life Time Paid Membership if you join before we launch!


Get ready to make a whole lot of money!

Does this sound familiar to you? I bet it does. I think we have all heard it before but for once this is going to mean something. For once you will be able to make money and a lot of it.

Just give me a little of your time to prove it. You see the counter above? Let me tell you why so many people are joining and why we are seeing over One Million Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand visitors every month!

I will make this brief for those of you that want the bottom line but please really read what I have to say. I GUARANTEE you have never seen an opportunity like this. If you are a marketing professional you will understand why we will succeed when the others can't. 
 Limited Time Offer!

There are five simple reasons why we will succeed and why you will make money. It is very simple.

  1. The Products
  2. The Price
  3. The Market
  4. The Advertising
  5. The Commissions
  6. The Products

We will be selling entertainment products. DVD's, CD's, Video Games and Systems, Home Theater Systems and much much more. Everyone loves entertainment and it is one of the biggest sellers in the USA and Canada.

The Price

Our business is Entertainment and we are an Entertainment Club. Because we are a club we will have the lowest prices anywhere. How about a new release DVD that is selling for $29.95 everywhere else but they can get it from us for $19.95 or  $15.95 or even as low as $12.95?

Where are they going to buy that DVD? From them or from us? You KNOW the answer and DVD's is just a small part of what we will be selling.

Limited Time Offer!

The Market

The Entertainment Market is a multi billion dollar industry. How big is the business opportunity market? It doesn't compare to this market. Think about that other program you may have been in or just quit.

Was their product any good?
Was the price right?
Would you buy their products, pay their prices if it wasn't for the fact that you wanted to make money?
Did you get millions of Americans lining up to buy their products?


Click here to earn credits

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