Monday, April 7, 2008

(credits) john berry, How about some some F*r*e*e M*o*n*e*y?


"Who Else Wants $25 - $525 of no - strings attached free money?"


Just like when Pay*pal was launched, Revolution Money Exchange is PAYING new account holders $25.00! However, unlike Pay*pal... your account will be issued by the First Bank & Trust, Brookings, SD, Member FDIC and part of the Fishback Financial Corporation !
When you open an account you are then allowed to refer new customers and each new customer they acquire from your invites, you will earn an additional $10.00 (up to a maximum of 50 referrals: $500.00). $500.00 + the $25.00 you receive from signing up is 525.00 of EASY MONEY!

Refer A Friend using Revolution Money Exchange

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