Wednesday, March 26, 2008

2 'Must-Haves' You Must Have.


Don't get into Internemt Marketing without 'em ....

1. Access to an unceasing supply of email names
and addresses submitted by IMers who are known
to be active and keen to expand their business.

2. A subject-line that makes people want to read your

I get my 'hot' leads from DTL (Daily Targeted Leads). They
supply an average of 59,130 of them each month for a fee
of just $14.99.

Have a look at them at ...

The subject line and ad text I write myself, and I'll help you
write yours, too, if you sign up under me.

And I'll also send you complete details on how to set up
your DTL program, so that you can change ads whenever
you want and pick up a nice referral commission.

In other words, I'll be there to help you run a successful

To Your Success,

Alan Green
325M Bukit Timah Road, Singapore 259714

P.S. Call or write me if you have any questions ...
65-67322871 - - -

Click this link to earn credits

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