Wednesday, March 26, 2008

john Why Haven't You Joined Our FREE 37,000+ Member Credit Based SafeList?



Actually The Money Is In The List!
(We Have Over 37,000 in Our List!)


Every Seasoned Marketer Knows This! Also on the Internet Traffic is King!

What is the hardest part of marketing? Getting them in the door!

You Must Offer a Good Product at a fair price and have a web site that doesn't look like someone made it from a 3rd rate HTML Editor.

And most importantly it must look original. Do not have the same material that everybody else is seeing. Make sure your site looks different!

Last, but not least, throw in a freebie such as an E-Book or Credits or what ever you can that relates to your product. People like free things and there sure is a lot of them on the Internet!

Now comes the hard part! Getting people to know that you have a good product and where your web site is. Getting your site on the first page of Google would certainly do the trick but that is limited to 10 web sites, the rest have paid for their ads. Just getting your web site indexed in Google is hard enough. Ending up at the top is very, very hard!

Well we have quick fix for you. Credit Based SafeListing. You make and ad, cut and paste it in our forms hits the send button and off it goes and is delivered in a short period of time, no longer then 15 minutes.

Click Below now or read on for some other useful information.

We are seeing a ton of new free and paid to surf sites that allow you to place your web site in their rotator. Well this is nothing new we are constantly seeing new ones with games and other things to make them more interesting and fun to surf. Well this is of course much better then the old site rotators but really not much more effective.

Think about it, if you are even getting 1:1 surf ratio that is a lot of surfing you need to do to get your site in front of just 100 people.

We recently did a test with the 5 top rated Traffic Surf sites and found that we really were not gaining very few members and our product is free! We have tried splash pages, autosponders, the site itself and used tracking and were very disappointed with the results.

SafeList Email is the most effective marketing tool in use today. All of our members have double opted in and the mail is sent from our server so you will never get a complaint from your ISP about spamming as these people have requested to receive you email.

Why you may ask. Quite simple we use the new credit based email system described below.

Unlike most other safelists, we do not have a “Standard Mailer” (where members can post ads without the reader earning credits). Every Free SafeList Mailer email has a link that not only earns the reader credits but also displays your web site which must be viewed for at least 20 seconds before credits are awarded.

This is what makes Free SafeList Mailer so advantageous for both the reader and the sender. People will have to see your web site in order to earn credits, and likewise for the reader when they send out their emails.

Most safelist emails are never even opened unless the reader gains a benefit from reading it. We do that one better by making other members visit your web site to earn credits. You will notice a definite increase in your web traffic by using Free SafeList Mailer!

The program is free to join and instead of having just one person see your add, over 37,000 will get your Email and many will click on the link so that they can earn free credits as well.

Check Us Out, we off a lot of other effective marketing methods as well such as banner and text ad rotators (All For Free!) and a affiliate program that pays residual money on a monthly basis!

Once again Click Below. You will be glad you did!

Email SafeLists: The Future of Internet Advertising Join Today!

We also said giving away products on sign up was a good idea. All new members (Free or Paid) will receive a copy of the E-Book "Ultimate SafeList Survival" which you can resell and keep 100% of the purchase price. Pretty Cool!


Click here to earn credits

This is not SPAM. You agreed to receive ad messages from the list members
when you joined Our Safelist. To be removed - You have to login and delete
your safelist account. This is the only way to be removed! The login page
can be found here

This message was sent by 'samhoek'

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