Monday, April 14, 2008

Update:HUGE PreLaunch!!!FREE Join NOW


Update:HUGE PreLaunch!!!FREE Join NOW

(see update below)
Hello Friend!There is a definite trend happening right before our eyes, and it's HUGE!

"How can we afford to just give away $1,000,000?"

Good question! And we have an even better answer!

Our goal is to spend the next 24 to 36 months building a membership of users for our
new technologies that spans into the MILLIONS of users. Considering the scope of our
 technologies, we are more than confident that this will be a fairly simple process as we
 expose our new WEB 2.0 INTERNET UPGRADE Technologies to the world.

The internet and cyber-technology industry has a proven track record of buy-outs and
 mergers with the top companies in our industry such as Yahoo, Google and Microsoft
(and many others) scooping up technology start-up companies that are able to quickly
 create large user bases.

For example, Rupert Murdock bought mySpace for $580 million dollars (now a multi-BILLION
dollar property). mySpace bought photobucket for $250 million in cash and an "earn-out" of
an additional $50 million dollars.Google bought youTube for $1.65 billion - yes, BILLION dollars!

There is a definite trend happening right before our eyes, and it's HUGE!

If you look at the common theme here, the trend (Web 2.0) is more commonly referred to as
SOCIAL NETWORKING. ALL of these companies are based on SOCIAL NETWORKING
concepts. So yes, our technologies have a focus on this trend, though NO we are not just
opening another mySpace, rather our technology UPGRADES THE ENTIRE INTERNET to
Web 2.0 Standards!
(think about what you just read for a second and you will have an idea of how
big this opportunity really is)

Update:  WebWow will send 3 of your promo links w/ad copy to each prospect!
Talk about networking! This is it! This is HUGE!

I want to "share" this with you:

Feel free to contact me. No need for "us" to go it alone.

David Smith                    (skype:davidsmith3n1)

Click here to earn credits

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your safelist account. This is the only way to be removed! The login page
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