Monday, April 14, 2008

Desperate For Signups? Rent A List!


Dear Friend,

I'll give you at least 10 reasons why hiring 'my friends' at can help skyrocket your sales, explode your profits, and save a fortune by delivering your offers to HOT prospects worldwide... (don't worry, you can start for free)

...Start your journey in finding new clients for your business today by opening your free Rent-A-List 'advertiser account' now.

10 Reasons why I highly recommend Rent-A-List above all the other advertising sites...?

1. Professional, fast and reliable service.
2. Free marketing consultation.
3. Instant worldwide reach.
4. Reach targeted prospects.
5. Iron-clad guarantee makes it risk-free.
6. Affordable and low ad-rates.
7. Real time tracking and reporting.
8. Easy-to-use marketing admin interface.
9. Free help with ad-copy presentation.
10. Excellent support. Live chat, telephone, email...

Why wait, you need more sales and more profits TODAY!

Check it out now:

All the best...

Patience Wang

P.S - Not interested in advertising right at this moment? Open a FREE advertiser account and they will e-mail you special low promotional rates from time to time. The next big Day is April 16.

Click here to earn credits

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