Monday, April 14, 2008

Do not send me those ads, john.


Hi john,

Bottom line is I might never see your ads at all! Same thing happens - whenever I send you a message,
chances are you may never receive it.

Which explains why most of our ads rarely get response these days.

You see, a lot of legitimate mess@ges just end up being deleted as S.P.A.M.


I signed up with one company that is rapidly changing the way promotion is done to make sure your ads get


If you are looking for a source of continuous, fresh responsive leads for your 0pportunities,
then you need to sign up with Prospect Response:

• You can send your ads to hundreds or even thousands of prospects every day
• They PAY your prospects to read your ads
• They make sure your ads actually REACH the intended recipients
• You can track to see how many read your ad, how many visited your web site, and even
how many actually READ your web content!

Sign up from this link and watch your traffic counter roll:

To your success

Brian Jones

Did I mention that they also pay you very attractive c0mmissions?
Their affi1iate program is over 5 years old, and delivers commissions consistently every time.
You stand to benefit in all ways.

Click this link to earn credits

This is not SPAM. You agreed to receive ad messages from the list members
when you joined Our Safelist. To be removed - You have to login and delete
your safelist account. This is the only way to be removed! The login page
can be found at:

This message was sent by 'wisecity'

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