Saturday, March 29, 2008

Re: $997 Payment, john


Hey Steve,

I get this email a couple times a week.....  Why? ...
Because my Marketing System Works...
You will NEVER make a Cold Call...
You will NEVER buy leads!...
You will make $997 on every $997 sale that you make...
How would you like to start making an extra $1994.00-$5982.00 a week?...
You Can Now!!!!...

Questions? Call Me Direct...

 I don't hide behind a website or email. After you visit my site
  you can call me on my Private line below.

You WILL get your questions answered.


Let's Talk,

Steve McLinden

WOW! This Business has exploded, 25M paid to members in 2007, AMAZING!


I joined on the of Feb. and took a couple of weeks
 to get my advertising in place - and from the
16th of March my sa1es started and they haven't stopped -
it has been such a blessing! I am now averaging over a sa1e a day.
By the grace of God I have had 50 sa1es in 7 weeks!
It is wonderful to finally be in the right
place at the right time, and most importantly -
finally being part of the right team!

Thank you!
Jeannie Looman
Stay at home mom supporting 3 children still at home!

Click here to earn credits

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when you joined Our Safelist. To be removed - You have to login and delete
your safelist account. This is the only way to be removed! The login page
can be found here

This message was sent by 'cashnowforu'

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