Saturday, March 29, 2008

Learn the Art of Prospecting Never Close Them and Keep Them too


I, like many other MLM leaders that I know, have experienced the
same Failure as the rest of you and not only survived it, but
learned how to prosper.

More than most of us at Mentoring for Free share the same story
as many of you, or a very similar one.

The ONLY difference is that we took full advantage of the free
training Mentoring for Free offered us and you have yet to do it.

This is what we did to turn our failures around to experience the
success we know today.

The first step that we took towards changing our future
was to download and Read this free ebook book titled
"Success in 10 Steps"


Then we called the person who gave it to us so that
they could hook us up with the 4 audios that provided
a more indepth look at the network marketing industry.

My information is in the back of the ebook here


The third step we took was to make the time
to get on the 10 Weekly Skills calls as often as humanly

We not only listened but started to utilize the skills we
learned. And WOW.

What a difference I have personally experienced in
my own business by following these few simple steps!

So why don't you join us on the road to success. It isn't as
hard or as long as we first thought. It's fun now, not work.
Download the ebook and get started today.


We never discuss products or companies.

It's 100% generic training that can help you and whatever
company your with.

Read the ebook and then call me. My info is in the ebook


I look forward to hearing from you

Henrietta Hakes

"Be a Mentor with a Servants Heart"

Click this link to earn credits

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