Sunday, March 2, 2008

Presell Made 99% Automatic For Affiliates


Hello Friend,
Here is something that really is a big jump
forward for us affiliates. You got to see it
for yourself. This takes the hassle out of the
online marketing. You will love it.

You get ten top items from CB to presell.
Each item is on its own site with video pre-
sentation. And you get 10 new each month.

Each of these 'Silver Bullets' is
designed to automatically:

* Build you lists
* Follow-up with your prospects
* Convert them into customers
* Pay you a commission when they buy

All of this happens without you having to do,
write or create a single thing.

You don't even need your own autoresponder.

The system handles everything for you...

Each Silver Bullet includes:

* Professional Video Squeeze Page - to capture your
visitors' name and email

* High-quality Squeeze Video - to grab your visitors'
attention and get them to opt into your list

* Content Mini-site - to pre-sell your affiliate product
and earn you commissions

* 5-part Email Series - to follow up with your prospects
and convert more sales for you on the back-end

* 250 Keyword-rich, AdSense article to draw traffic from
the search engines and earn you a little extra on the side!

And all you have to do is:

1. Sign up for your Affiliate Silver Bullet account

2. Enter your ClickBank Nickname (free to get) into
your ASB account

3. Upload the AdSense articles to get traffic to your
customized Silver Bullets. OR promote them to make
it work even faster!

That's it! Absolutely everything else happens automatically...

You don't even need your own domain to use this program:

* No autoresponder required - It's included!
* No web hosting, domain or website required - Included!
* No special skills necessary - It's nearly 100% automated!

Take a look at the Site and see the quality of these Silver
Bullets for yourself:

Once you see them, you'll understand why I'm making
this recommendation to you.

The best to you
Olav Mehl

Click this link to earn credits

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