Sunday, March 2, 2008

Finally! A Team Build Concept That Works.


Hi Friend

Let me ask you...

Have you ever joined a program and never received any kind of support form your sponsor?

Have you ever been successful in any online program?

Are you still searching for something that works?

Well, look no further...

There is a NEW program that has arrived and is being built on Total Team Concept!

Here are some of the finer points of the program:

No Monthly Fees – EVER!
Referral Bonus for both Pro and Free Members
Each Personally Sponsored Downline Member is worth potentially $1,936
50% Matching Downline Bonuses
Co-op Advertising
Weekly Bonuses
Pro Member Extras
Member Forum
Team Conference Calls
and much, much more!

It's YOUR TURN to succeed with a REAL team and a REAL program!

Plus, every time the program reaches each 5,000-member plateau, each member gets invited to move into a new 2x2 team build program. The cool part of
this is that the order of the matrix flips on every team build program, whereas on the second team build, the last person in on the first team build
is positioned as the first person…THIS IS COOL!

Russell Westwood

Click this link to earn credits

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