Sunday, March 2, 2008

Paul S. Jones Tok See, Constant Contact


Paul S. Jones - Power To Get Wealth
A Christian Approach to eMarketing
Paul S. Jones 03/02/08
E-Marketing Affiliate
BRAND NEW!!! Signup during prelaunch. TokSee is the next generation iCommunication Marketing. This is a ground floor opportunity combining the power
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Build your Mailing list with CONSTANT CONTACT. You get a 60 day free trial membership and rates are as low $15.00 per month. Take CONSTANT CONTACT
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The first WINNER in the URL Virtual Cruise is a fellow paratrooper SKYTROOP 88. Skytroop submitted 3 Outdoor camping type URLs. We have
accomodations for a family of 3 on this week. Skytroops request is that we
pray for our Troops and to that I say AMEN.

SkyTroops URLs will be blasted to over 2,700 safelist this week. If you'd like in on this action simply sign up here:
Check our my Power To Get Wealth web-site. New features are being developed each day.

1. Power To Get Wealth - A Christian Approach to eMarketing ...This is the main page of the site that features an overview of the site and a
declaration of personal faith.

2. Rivers of Living Waters Blog...Daily weekday devotionals and meditations. Feel free to post a comment or share a word.

3. STRAIGHT SHOOTER...Honest and FRANK product and program analysis and evaluation by the STRAIGHT SHOOTER. You're welcome to submit a program for
evaluation in my guestbook or simply submit recomendations about products that you've been pleased with or had difficulties with as well.

4. Big Five PLUS Safelist...Weekly safelist rankings and more.

Mentors and Gurus - Reviews of top mentors and gurus and their opportunities
The Fruitful Vine - interactive reciprocal link sheet
What's That In You Hand blog - Tech blog
And a social communtiy/marketing type opportunity.
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Follow the link below to find out more details on how you can benefit from Reality-Networkers for FREE right away:

Paul S. Jones
Power To Get Wealth
A Christian Approach To eMarketing

Click this link to earn credits

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when you joined Our Safelist. To be removed - You have to login and delete
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