Friday, March 14, 2008

john Have you ever been scammed?


Hi john ,

I know what you are thinking...this must be a scam.

Stay at home Mom with 3 kids found the 1.5 hour a day $3000 a week
money machine.....

No Selling...No Phone Calls
Total m l m failures are seeing $3000 plus a
week. Start Using 21st. Century Systems and
start Earning 21st. Century Money.

Stop Chasing your Friends and Family…That’s for Losers.
No Chasing…No Convincing…No Phone Calls
System Closes all Sales for YOU.


I join.ed on the 27th of Feb. and took a couple of weeks
 to get my advertising in place - and from the
16th of March my sa1es started and they haven't stopped -
it has been such a blessing! I am now averaging over a sa1e a day.
By the grace of God I have had 50 sa1es in 7 weeks!
It is wonderful to finally be in the right
place at the right time, and most importantly -
finally being part of the right team!

Thank you!
Jeannie Looman
Stay at home mom supporting 3 children still at home!


Absolute Dummies are making $2,577-$5,487 Weekly.
What’s your Excuse?

No double talk, hype, or lies... just $997 straight to you!


Call Me Direct...


Let's Talk,

Steve McLinden

WOW! This Business has exploded, 25M paid to members in 2007 AMAZING!

Click here to earn credits

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when you joined Our Safelist. To be removed - You have to login and delete
your safelist account. This is the only way to be removed! The login page
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