Friday, March 14, 2008

Get The Skinny On Losing Weight The Sweet Way


What is sweet, tasty, comes in 13 delicious flavors, and can help you lose weight? POWER POPS !

Yes, it's the new Power Pop, Hollywood's latest secret to staying thin. Hoodia is the key ingredient in this tasty little lollipop which could have
you losing weight in no time.

The Hoodia craze was started by "60 Minutes" airing a story about South African bush men who suck on the plant to curb hunger.

Leslie Stahl of 60 Minutes, was convinced, promising, "I was never hungry all day."

Hoodia mania exploded on to the weight loss scene, from newspapers to Oprah's magazine to the "Today Show", where they promised, "Eat it and you won't
want to eat anything else

Great Business Opportunity As Well Since You Have A Targeted Audience of 98,000,000 in America.

Click this link to earn

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