Monday, March 24, 2008

IT found me over coffee...Where will you be?



The day I found IT was a typical one; spent at Starbuck's
sipping a caffe latte. I was checking my email... I like to
work there sometimes, too.

I received a note from a very trusted friend who had details on
an amazing new opportunity he had discovered.



I am one of the biggest skeptics you could hope to meet regarding so
many of the programs online. I rarely buy into them, so of course I
was skeptical.
However, this time it was someone I trusted very much.

Why do I trust him? He started out just like me... and didn't
always have success. Now he does, and he is sharing it with
me... and you.

He started out very desperately close to financial ruin.
No money and a ton of bills. Plus he has a family with two small kids.

He came across an amazing opportunity that actually DOES
ALL the things that the other ones say they will, but never quite
Fulfill. He went from bankruptcy to financial security in a few short

I put down my coffee and went to his website. I immediately did
the same things Bob did. I want YOU to have a chance, too.

Check out and see for yourself.

Once you're there pick up a free vacation voucher. No STRINGS

Prosperous Regards,

Timothy Parent

Ps: I don't hide behind a website or email. After you visit my site
you can request a callback. I'll also email you my full contact details
including my personal cell phone number. You CAN get your
questions answered.

Click this link to earn credits

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