Monday, March 24, 2008

I have a Question about YOUR AD


"Do you think you worded your ad right?"


"Does this make you MAD? Well, it should! You are being cheated. Cheated on your time. Your time is your life, and if you're wasting time, then you're
wasting your life."

"Okay, I did not mean to be so harsh. I just want to get my point across to you. I do care about your situation because you are JUST LIKE how I used
to be."

"I can guarantee you that posting FREE ads is not working for you, and you are not getting sales or signups from it! No one will ever see your ad
that you posted to my FFA page except a robot and maybe yourself. This is not the way you market successfully online."

"How do I know you are not doing your marketing properly?"

"Because I was doing the EXACT same things that you are doing, such as using Ad Blasters that post to 'thousands of advertising networks,' or manually
posting free ads."


"I've bought 'opt-in business & MLM leads' from different sources, always with the same results - NOTHING! I've tried buying 'Guaranteed traffic,'
which will eat a big hole through your wallet quicker than anything. I've done traffic exchanges and none of them work. You will waste your life away
'clicking for credits.' Have you ever tried that screen saver program? HA! What a joke that is! Sure, your counter will show thousands of hits, but no
one is buying because they are not seeing your website!"

"I know you've got hundreds of messages to delete, but you've got to pay attention to me if you want to market online!"

"I just want to share some Important Information with you that will help you learn how to accomplish what you are trying to do online - which is to
Make Money, right? This information is responsible for my Internet Marketing Intelligence today. I have included my personal phone number and email
address at the bottom of this message if you would like to talk with me. You can check out this information at:"

"I think that you have been misinformed as to how Internet Marketing REALLY works. It's very frustrating when you put everything you've got into
something, day in and day out, and see no return for your efforts. I did that for months and I believe that you are doing the same things that I was."

"It's hard to see through the TRASH that has polluted the Internet. You will easily fall prey to the vultures that know your weaknesses. They
understand how you think. People who try to make quick money are the perfect victims to those who know what's going on."

"The information that I learned is not some 'Incredible Breakthrough.'"

"The Pros have been using these methods for years to generate consistent traffic that buys. You can either find out these simple techniques NOW or you
can keep on doing what you are doing with the same results."

"I will not lie to you and tell you this is totally easy. Internet Marketing is not Magic...It's work! But, it can be done when you have the Power of
the Right Knowledge. I now spend just an hour for my marketing chores! Sure, I still spend more time than that when I am writing new ads, but this
information that I'm going to share with you has taught me to cut down my time on the computer so that I can spend more time with my fiancée and baby
boy and they are both very happy with that!"

"You see, the only differences between you and me is this..."

"I use the Right Tools & I have the Correct Information."

"The simple FACTS are these: You will continue to fail if you do not have the correct information. The only thing standing between you and your
success is knowing & applying the right techniques and using the right tools."

"Do you WANT to continue to use the wrong tools & techniques that are not working for you? Or do you want to educate yourself with the accurate
facts? You CAN find out this information right now! Go to the site right away and check it out. Start applying these methods immediately!"

Scott Weddle

Click this link to earn credits

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