Thursday, April 10, 2008

john, Your Sneaky Way to We*alth!


Hi john,

Are you ready for the most amazing offer you've ever been
presented with?

Are you ready to start making money, hand over fist? More money
than you even know what to do with?

Are you ready to be shown a brand new strategy that is so
powerful and robust, that even if you tried to mess it
up......even if you did everything wrong, you'd still make money
- morning, noon and night?


Welcome to the new Stealth Money Maker!

2008 is the year of Easy Money. And you're going to be making
boat loads of the stuff just because you're lucky enough to be
reading this email.

Today you're going to get everything handed to you on a silver

Alan Humphreys has just released a new website that has
irreversably changed the way profits are generated online. And
right now, the site is still in a trial launch period where he
is offering his amazing concept (in full detail) completely free
of charge to the first people who take action and visit the site.

There is absolutely no risk or out of pocket expense to get the
full inside scoop on how to make tens and even hundreds of
thousands of dollars in the next 12 months using one simple

But you do have to hurry and be a person of action. I just went
back to his site, and it looks like the offer is being withdrawn
later today, so if you want to get in to this on the ground
floor, ahead of everyone else.....for free, you need to go visit
it now.

There has never, and I mean NEVER, been an opportunity for you
like this one.

All the best,

Stephen Dillon

Click this link to earn credits

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