Thursday, April 3, 2008

john, The Secret to Elite E-mail Advertising.


A Credit Based Safelist that Delivers!

I just wanted to invite you to join a Hot New Credit Based
Safelist that is getting rave reviews! The news is spreading
and it is growing fast. It's called Elite Safelist.

Click Here to Join Elite Safelist Now!

You can literally be reaching tons of people anxiously
waiting to see your offers. You could do this in minutes
and start getting guaranteed traffic.

This website has a complete system in place to get your
website traffic and commissions at blazing speed. This is
one of the highest converting Credit Based Safelists on the
market that offers great commissions!

Just for promoting Elite Safelist, you could be earning a residual

They also have a special promotion right now where all
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base increases, The price will rise until it reaches 1000 members!

If you can get in early, you can still take advantage
plus get a ton of easy referrals by promoting it early.

I hope you get there in time:
Click Here to Join Elite Safelist Now!

To Your Success,
Solomon Huey
Click Here to Join Elite Safelist Now!

Click here to earn credits

This is not SPAM. You agreed to receive ad messages from the list members
when you joined Our Safelist. To be removed - You have to login and delete
your safelist account. This is the only way to be removed! The login page
can be found here

This message was sent by 'thebestgenius'

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