Thursday, April 17, 2008

4 Minute Money?


Hi john,

The big news today is the launch of Harris Fellman's new product, 4 Minute Money Makers.

I can't make a recommendation on the product because I haven't seen it yet. I can say that I own several of Haris's other products like Site Stealer, Peel Away Ads, Code Name Catalyst, and  Make Money First.

I met Harris at the World Internet Main Event in San Francisco last year and he is a stand up guy. He also over delivers the goods and I have been quite pleased with his previous products. I will be purchasing 4 Minute Money when it launches at 11:00am EST today.

Here is the link:

If you want to get a sneak peak then check out this free report:

He mentioned that he is going to have a limited number of "elite" memberships so I would check it out sooner than later.

JT Martin
Marketers Mantras

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