Monday, March 3, 2008

Win your own website!


Have your heard about Frank Salinas losing his mind?!

Not literally, but what he is doing is crazy in my opinion!

He is giving away one of his top money-making websites!

He just launched his new site called Text Ad Profits and if you promote it, you have a chance to win his other site My Traffic Builder!

All you have to do is be the top promoter for Text Ad Profits.

Why is he going to give My Traffic Builder away?

He says its a way give back to his members...

So...How can you win his site?

Simple...In order to be eligible to win, you must upgrade to Pro on Text Ad Profits. The Pro member who refers the most members once Text Ad Profits reaches 1,200 members will win My Traffic Builder!

The site you'll win already has over 1,200 members so you'll have an income-generating website instantly to call your own!

So what if you don't refer the most members?

Well, if you are among the top promoters 2nd-10th place, you'll get your share of $600 in cold hard cash!

So, why is Frank giving away My Traffic Builder and not Text Ad Profits? Simple...he says he likes the domain name TextAdProfits better! :)

Join today and upgrade to see if you can win! I almost forgot..Pro members will get double the amount of commissions too! He's paying Pro members $1 per referral!

See you there!

James Manning

Click here to earn credits

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