Monday, March 3, 2008

john berry, Prospects Can’t Afford $1000? Here’s an Alternative!


john berry,

As an Internet marketer there is no doubt that you come across several prospects that are ready to join your business, but just can't afford it. Most
business opportunities out there cost at least $1000 to $1500 to get started, not including marketing. So what happens with all these leads that want
to start a business but don't have the start up cash? Well they just go on your auto responder and eventually disappear.

Until NOW!

john, with this brand new business opportunity you are going to be able to get paid on almost every lead that you bring in. What's even better
is this is a legitimate business with an awesome product. If you are tired of turning away leads that you are paying for because they don't qualify
for your top tier business, then check this link out

To your success,

Chris Avery

Click this link to earn credits

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