Monday, March 10, 2008

Who's Your Daddy . . .?


This is My Mentor's Story:
Every afternoon I play basketball with my 12 yr old son.You know a quick game of 21... Father and son. We both look forward to it all day. Sometimes I
win, Sometimes He wins. It doesn't matter, because the fact is We always both win as long as we don't hurt each other, We get kind of competitive
sometimes, but it's all in fun and We love it.

We came up with a rule that when one of us is winning, and we ask the other the score - We have to say the score, after we hear them say the score, We
ask Who's Your Daddy, and the one losing always has to say You are!
Who's Your Daddy?

My son loves it when he's winning and ask me Who's Your Daddy, and I have to say you are son! I love saying it as well, but sure do love to hear him
say "You are" as well, when I ask him Who's Your Daddy when I'm winning.

If You'd love to have more moments like this, and would love to work from the comfort of your home like I have for the past 8 years then You deserve
to see my Web-Site:
Who's Your Daddy...?

Click this link to earn credits

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