Monday, March 10, 2008

Improve your sales and traffic for FREE!


Join Cash4uSafelist

Special Join now and upgrade to Pro
for only $2.00 for the first Month!

Improve your sales and traffic for FREE!

  • Reach 500 of our most responsive members every 48 hours
  • Email Complete Database every 7 Days
  • Track two links using our unique tracking software
  • Place 5 links to your website on top of your main page
  • Self replicating website with your links on top

Explode Your Sales And Traffic By Reaching Your Targeted Audience.

You can make as much as $6.00 for each sale you bring in. That is a whopping 
$6.00 a month per sale for Distributors and $6.00 a month for Pro Members.
Note: This only applies to Pro Members paying the regular upgrade fees.
Special Promotions like Getting the First Month for $2.00 don't apply.

The best part of it is...

You will earn the $6.00
month after month as long as they stay as a Cash4USafelist Distributor or Pro Member.

  • Earn $6.00 per sale you make for a Distributor
  • Earn $6.00 per sale you make for a Pro Member
  • Reach all members in the category of your choice.
  • Reach Complete Database every 72 Hours.
  • Reach specific members who have shown an interest
    in your product, services, opportunity.
  • Easy one click mailer to post your ad
  • Track 10 links with our tracking software.
  • Place 5 links of your choice on top of your main site.
  • Place one rotating banner on top of the main page of
    the entire network.
  • Self replicating website
  • Can choose Digest Mode to receive from 15 to 20 emails in one email

Cash4USafelist Pro level currently priced at just $12.99 a month. Truly, it's a small price to pay for a tool that has a potential to increase your sales and 
profits instantly!

Join Cash4uSafelist

Click here to earn credits

This is not SPAM. You agreed to receive ad messages from the list members
when you joined Our Safelist. To be removed - You have to login and delete
your safelist account. This is the only way to be removed! The login page
can be found here

This message was sent by 'james-c'

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