Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Something that might interest you .



I hope this reply is reaching a real person and not
just another autoresponder. I assure you that I am a
real person and what I ne-ed to talk to you about is
very real.

This is not an easy email to write but one I had no choice
but to write. See, most folks are going to lie to you and
tell you that your ad is great and that you're going to make
a killing with it. Truth is, your ad is totally useless.

There isn't a soul on this planet who saw it. I kn-ow you
don't believe me but before you dismiss what I just said,
I suggest you take a look at all the junk email you are
getting and the zero in-come you've been making. Trust me
it is not going to change. I kn-ow. I used to get it too.
Didn't make a penny in the process.

But then I learned a way to ad-vertise on the Internet
that works. And I will prove it.

The internet has become a sad state of affairs. Almost
everyone you meet is a cheat, a con or a liar. It is
impossible to believe what you hear anymore. So I
understand if you are ready to chunk this email in
the trash. Honestly I can't blame you.

But if you believe even for a second, that what I am
telling you is true, then you will go to the site I
am about to give you and learn what I learned. Until
you do, and I say this honestly, you might as well give up
trying to make aliving online. It won't happen.
I'll bet anything on it. I ha-ve been there so I kn-ow.

This site changed everything. It can for you too.


For a Fr-ee Report on how too

If you are looking for some magic words to convince you
that I am telling you the truth, you're not going to
find any. You ha-ve to make that decision yourself.
But ultimately you will either believe me and go to the
above site or you won't and continue doing what you are
doing. That road will lead to ruin. You ha-ve to make
that decision. I can't make it for you.

Please think carefully.

Sometimes we only meet one person who is really
straight with us.

Fr-ee Report on how too


Wishing you the suc-cess you deserve,

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