Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Our Team is SCREAMING with Momentum, as seen on FOX News!


Our Team is SCREAMING with Momentum...and our goal is to help YOU retire in 90 days! "Join My Team

Now and I'll Show You How To Earn Up To $40,000 Per Month by Simply "Giving Away" FREE Education That Helped a Homeless 21 Year-Old Earn $3,244,842.32
In Just 27 Months..."

AS SEEN ON FOX NEWS = http://www.worldwidesuccess.biz/

Here's what I'm going to do when you join me for FREE in Success University...

- When you sign up now, all the people I refer after you will be placed below you... one directly below another, below another, etc. (I refer a LOT of
people, so you'll get a lot put on your team. That means everyone I enroll after you will go below you and will count toward YOUR commissions!) - I'll
setup your website for you and host your autoresponder. - I'll show you our team's secret to advertise your business to at least 10,000 people/day!

I offer a guarantee! Because we have one of the fastest growing teams in Success University, I will GUARANTEE that you will get people enrolled in
YOUR organization during your 14 day free trial!

Go now before everyone else does to secure your position above them!

If you can follow 3 simple steps like I have, YOU can be a success too:

Step 1: Enroll for a 14-Day Free Trial at no cost and receive $1,949 in education with no obligation. Your benefit of joining with me is that I'm
going to place a ton of students on your team...


Step 2: Simply follow our simple step-by-step marketing system that helps you "give away" free education to thousands of people. I will show you how
to show YOUR business to over 10,000 people per DAY. (You will only receive this from my team.)

Step 3: Earn residual income on all the students who remain a student of Success University.

Go to the website now and you can enroll for a 14 Day Free Trial and start making money by the end of the day.

My advice is to drop everything and do this right now because the people who jump on this email first, will get positioned ABOVE those who wait. (And
will earn the most money because of the
customers I put below you.)


Many Blessings,

Victor Rodrigues
skype: for_a_better_future

Click this link to earn credits

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