Sunday, March 23, 2008

john, build multiple websites without lifting a finger


Hey Anna,

You are not going to believe this…but you need to!

I just checked out Matt Callens incredible software called
HyperVRE, and this could be the first time that I have used
a free software more than I do my other paid apps.

Matt told me I could let a few people know about the site before
he starts charging for the product, and I had to tell you about this. :-)


While I could go on and on about the features and how they have
benefited my business, I think you really need to see for yourself
what this software really can do.

For now - he is giving this software away for free, so there is no risk.
But you need to hurry before there is a hefty one-time payment.

=> HyperVre

Your friend,
Anna Hugi

Click here to earn credits

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