Sunday, March 23, 2008

Financial Independence john berry


TWO Steps toward financial independance with DM.

1. Invite people to join for free
2.  Send them a welcome e-mail like the one below when they join (change my contact number to your contact number):

Hi!  john berry

I wanted to e-mail you to say thank you for registering as a FREE Member of DirectMatches! When you joined DirectMatches, you did so through my personal website and I wanted to personally welcome you and to let you know that I am here (a real person) if you have any questions or need any assistance with anything.  My contact number is (253) 537-0129 Pacific time zone. Have fun!

P.S. If you become interested in the income opportunity with DirectMatches please visit Once you get to the site, it will be black at first give it a minute to load. It is a great presentation that will lead you through the steps for taking advantage of the income opportunity.  Please feel free to call me as well.

Continue to duplicate these 2 steps and you will see your organization grow.  Keep doing it and teach people who you sponsor to do it.   Once you see duplication happening within your organization you can stop and just spend time supporting the people under you and helping them build their organization.  You have to continue to repeat the 2 steps until you see duplication happening within your organization.

Please feel free to call me if I can be of any assistance.

Larry Killion
(253) 537-0129
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