Saturday, March 15, 2008

john Big Dog? No - Little Bird....


Here is a note I got from Brian (Trafficwave owner) a while back.



Hi, Larry Killion

One of the things I love about running an online business is that it
allows me to get away from time to time while still being connected to my

This past week, I took the wife and kids to San Antonio. I had my
laptop and the hotel provided wireless hi-speed internet so I was "good to
go" for taking care of business in the morning and enjoying the rest of
the day.

During one of our days there, my wife and I ran away to spend some time
together on the River Walk. While there, we were eating lunch and a
funny thing happened that I just had to share with you.

While we were eating, my wife dropped one of a tortilla chip on the
floor. We were outside next to the river and a rather large pigeon came up
to the chip.

It tried to eat the chip but it was too big.

It stepped back, turned its head to the side as if to say "What? How am
I going to deal with this big thing?".

It pecked the chip again.

Again nothing happened. The chip didn't break.
The pigeon stepped back and turned its  head again with that same
quizzical look as if to say, "How am I going to eat this thing?".

This went on a little while longer and during one of those times when
the pigeon was wondering what was going on, a tiny little bird (I think
it was a finch) swooped down and grabbed the chip in its beak... turned
and flew to a nearby chair.

The chip was bigger than the bird!

Then the little bird picked the chip up and slammed it down on the
chair. The chip broke into a few smaller pieces, including some little

The little bird just hopped around on the chair eating the little
crumbs. When it finished those crumbs, it picked up a big piece and slammed
it down on the chair.

The pigeon was still standing right where it had started... with no
chip... and wondering what had just happened!

Within the space of a few minutes, the little bird had continued
slamming big pieces into little pieces... eating the little pieces... then
slamming big pieces into little pieces... eating the little pieces until
the entire chip was gone.

My wife and I cracked up and I said to her "THAT is my next training

How many times do we sit and stare at a big "chip" wondering how we are
going to eat this thing? Or... wondering how we're going to ever
understand all this information?

I have watched some users be like that pigeon. They try to figure out
everything within the first few minutes. All they can see is a big
chip... a lot of information... and it overwhelms them. They try to just eat
the silly thing without every really understanding the pieces.

One new member emailed me a while back and said, "I don't have time for
all this training and all these emails. Just send me a single email
that tells me how to make money or I will quit.".

He was like the pigeon saying "I have to eat this whole chip now!"

Just so you know... he quit.

I  have also seen other users that are like that little bird. They sign
up and then they begin to break everything down into small bite sized

They read the first training article.
They follow the steps.
They review the information.
They verify that they have taken the right steps.

They read the second training article.
And so on...

Each time around, they are breaking the big chip into smaller chunks
and they are taking all of the information in one "chunk" at a time.

I want to encourage you to do the same.

Realize that there is a rather large "chip" called
But don't try to eat the whole thing in one bite!
Don't try to grasp the Autoresponder, the FFA Page, the Banner Ads, the
AdTracker and all the other promotional systems in one step.

Take the time to break it down to little bite sized chunks.
Read the Training Articles on your Autoresponder first.
Set up your Autoresponder by following the setup instructions.

Then move on to the next chunk... the next tool. Read about it... study
it... set it up... keep learning.

Over time, you will have finished the training and will be much smarter
than when you started. That new knowledge will translate to more sales.

Maybe you've heard the old African riddle:

Q: How do you eat an entire elephant?

Answer:  One bite at a time.

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