Thursday, March 27, 2008

I will coach 10 people how to make 100K per month for FREE



This is your invitation to apply for one of these 10 positions.

I am looking for 10 people only, who are committed to making $100,000 per month, every month.

Now, I assume that I will receive a lot of responses to this email.

And since I am only taking on 10 people, I will send you a qualification page.

Once people have sent in their qualification page, I will choose the 10 people I want to work with.

What am I charging for this?


That's right, nothing.


Because your success will be my success.

If you make $1,000, I will make $1,000.
If you make $10,000, I will make $10,000
If you make $100,000, I will make $100,000

What does it take?

Integrity, being in communication, work (about 1 hour per day, until you reach the goal of $100,000 per month) and most important: following

What is your cost?
$20.00 per month plus any money you may pay for advertising.
(It is not a requirement that you pay for advertising.)

If you can't afford $20.00 plus a small advertising budget, you should not apply.

If you are interested and committed to making $100,000 per month, send me the email below no later than midnight tomorrow.

(Serious people only please)

Good luck,

Nicolas Tessereau
The Millionaire Maker's Guide

Send the email below to:

In the subject line write: I want to qualify for the 100k project.

In the body write:

Hi Nicolas,

Please send me the qualification page for the $100K project.

My name is:

My email address is:

My phone number is:

(If you have Skype), my Skype name is:

3 easy steps to start a successful online business

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