Friday, March 28, 2008

Open this if you want to have a steady income in 12 moths


Hi, I'm Esther M Freyre

I am known as "The Short and Sweet Lady, because I come straight to the point and make it short and sweet…so I will again say it in my "no-nonsense
way" No "Get Rich Quick Scheme" will make you rich (really!) Or we would all live in Mansions and drive Ferraris.


Your Dreams CAN come true IF:
1. You find a business to promote that is stable
2. That has a sensible compensation plan
3. That has a proven track record of service and reliability
4. That has a MARKETABLE product, AND
5. You are willing to make a commitment to it
The RIOY Team
• Has chosen a business that has been in operation for over 8 years.
• Has a very sensible and lucrative compensation plan.
• Pays accurately and on time.
• Responds to issues, and has a great suite of products that are necessary for ANY internet marketer!
Here's what the The RIOY Team will PROMISE you!
• We will Answer any and all questions.
• We will provide you with whatever information we can to help you become successful.
We are real people helping real people like you reach their dreams!

What this is NOT:

• A get rich quick scheme
• A "leave you hanging after you join" program

So, why don't you just join us and find out for yourself. I personally promise that I will coach the first 50 people that join under me, if they so
desire, because I am willing to be successful way before my year is up and make double the amount if possible, so I am doing my own advertising as

To your success!

Esther M Freyre
Phone: 954-471-0121
(I am so confident in this that I am giving you my cell#)

Click this link to earn credits

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